Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩2

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《Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩2(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5 分钟)巩固 1a, 2a。1. (放 1a, 2a 的录音, 让学生跟读, 注意语音和语调。)T: Please listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(播放录音。)2. (人机对话。)T: Now, listen to me carefully. Suppose you are Jane. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with Michael.3. (让

2、学生分角色朗读对话。)T: Very good. Work in groups and read the dialog in roles. I will ask several groups to act it out. Begin!4. (老师总结现在进行时的用法及构成。)(板书)主+be(am/is/are)+v.-ing+其他(老师归纳 v.-ing 的构成)(板书)v.-ing 的构成有三种:1.直接在词尾加 ing。如 playing, doing。2.以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词, 去掉字母 e 再加 ing。如 making, dancing。3.以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个

3、辅音字母, 双写这个辅音字母 , 再加 ing。如running, swimming。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)练习 1a, 2a,完成 1b 和 4。1. (设置场境,引导学生以小组为单位表演对话,评出最佳表演者。)T: Now, lets put 1a and 2a together, then act it out. Ready? OK, another 3 minutes to prepare.T: OK! Lets begin. Who want to have a try?G1: T:Very good! Anyone else?G2: (评出

4、最佳小组及最佳表演者,并给予相应的表扬和鼓励。)2. (两人一组,根据 1a,利用 What are you doing? Im 和 Are you ? Yes, /No, 编类似对话。完成 1b。)3. (让学生根据 4 的图画进行两人对话。 )T: Please look at the picture in 4. Ask and answer questions in pairs.S1:Where is she?S2:She is in the gym.S1:Is she singing?S2:No, she isnt.S1:Whats she doing?S2:Shes dancing.

5、(用同样的方法操练另外三幅图。让学生掌握生词 run。)4. (让学生以小组为单位,利用 1b 和 4,合编成一个对话并表演。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟)通过表演和猜测, 培养学生实际运用能力。1. (请一名学生到台上做动作, 其他学生用现在进行时态进行问答。)T:, please come here.(出示一个 dance 的动作卡片给他/她看。)Please perform the action.(学生表演跳舞动作。)T: What is he/she doing?Ss:Hes/Shes dancing.2. (家庭作业。)(要求同学们回家后在同一

6、时间内观察家中其他成员,看看他们各自在做什么,并做记录。)T: Id like you to watch your family after you go back home. Please write down what he/she is doing. Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B 需用 1 课时。The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是 1a, 2a 和 2b。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:

7、borrow, a few, of course, use, look for, shelf, keep, return, on time, pleasure, post, bye-bye, another, Lost and Found, purse, money, else, picture, put on2. Go on learning the present continuous tense.Many students are using them, and they are doing better in English now.Im looking for my purse.3.

8、 Learn how to borrow things.Excuse me, may I borrow a few Renai Project English workbooks?How long can I keep them?You must return them on time.4. Learn how to write Lost and Found. Teaching aids 教具录音机/课件/挂图/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间 :5 分钟)复习学校场所, 呈现 1a。1. (方案一:猜谜。说

9、一些描述性的语言, 让学生猜是学校的哪个场所。)T: Boys and girls, guess the place. First, a place where we can go swimming. What is it?S1: Is it the swimming pool?T: Yes, you are right. Next, a place where we can do some sports. What is it? Who knows?S2: Playground.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12 分钟)呈现活动 1a, 练习 1b。1. (继续

10、对话,利用课件或图片呈现 1a。)T: A place where there are many different kinds of books. What is it?S5: Library.T: Good. What can we do in the library?(教师出示图书馆图片。)S6: Read books.T: Anything else?S7: Borrow books.(帮助学生回答问题,引导出生词 borrow。)T: Great. What should we say when we borrow books?S8: (依次引导出生词、短语和句型 keep, a f

11、ew, How long , 并板书讲解。)(板书)borrow keep return use shelfa few of course look for on timeHow long can I keep them? Two weeks.2. (让学生看并听 1a 的第 1 部分, 注意对话中的生词和句型。 )T:Look and listen to dialog 1 in 1a. Pay attention to the new words and expressions on the blackboard.3. (假设一种情境:学生没有借到想要的书, 那该怎么办?)(方案一:利用课件

12、呈现 1a 第 2 部分内容。要求学生掌握 post。)T: Boys and girls, if you cant borrow the book you want, what should you do?Ss: I dont know.T: OK. Lets go on watching and pay attention to what they say.(播放课件。)(方案二:老师给学生做示范, 帮助学生回答, 呈现 1a 第 2 部分内容。要求学生掌握 post。)T: Boys and girls, if you cant borrow the book you want, wha

13、t should the librarian say?Ss: He/She should say “Sorry, we dont have any.”(帮助学生回答。)T: What should you say?Ss: Thank you all the same.(帮助学生回答。)(板书)postSorry, we dont have any.Thank you all the same.Bye-bye!Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟)巩固 1a, 根据 1b 中的句型编对话。1. (让学生合上课本,听录音并跟读 1a,注意语音和语调。 )T: N

14、ow please close your books. Listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (把学生分成两部分,一部分表演 1a 的对话 1,另一部分同学表演 1a 的对话 2,两人一组进行练习。)T: Now I will divide you into two groups. One group acts out Dialog 1 in 1a, and the other group acts out Dialog 2 in 1a. Work in pa

15、irs. Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T: Now, lets begin!3. (分别找几组学生进行表演,看看哪组同学演得最好。)T: OK. I want to know which group can act it out best. Are you ready?Ss: Yes, we are.T: Which group wants to act first?G1: We want.T: Very good! But you can speak slowly next time, OK? Next group!G2: 3. (让学生从 1a 中找出 1b 相应的答

16、语,依据 1b 中的句型,自编对话, 教师可给予必要的指导。)T: Now, please find out the responses to the sentences in 1b from 1a, and work in pairs to practice borrowing things from others. You can use the expressions in 1b. Begin!4. (找几组学生表演他们编的对话。)T: OK. Stop here! Who wants to share your dialog with us?G3: We want.T: Excellent! You can speak more loudly. Next group!G4: T: Well done. Now lets move on.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)利用情景设置呈现 2a,



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