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1、第 1 页毕业英语演讲稿:你并不特别,每个人都很特别演讲稿 英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿:你并不特别,每个人都很特别毕业英语演讲稿:你并不特别,每个人都很特别2017-05-27 dr. ong, dr. keough, mrs. novogroski, ms. urran, members of the board of eduation, famil and friends of the graduates, ladies and gentlemen of the ellesle high shool lass of XX, for the privilege of speaking to

2、ou this afternoon, i am honored and grateful. thank ou。 王博士、keough博士、novogroski女士和urran小姐;教育委员会委员和毕业生的亲朋好友;韦斯利高中XX年毕业班的女士先生们;有机会能在这个下午对你们演讲令我感到十分荣幸与感激,谢谢。好,进入主题吧! so here e are menement life s great forard-looking eremon. 毕业典礼-生命中重要的前瞻性仪式。别问说, 那婚礼呢? 婚礼是单方面的,而且效率不高。婚礼是以新娘为中心的盛会,除了同意一长串无理的要求外,新郎只能呆站在一

3、旁。没有庄严的、 大家看着我 的过程;没有像新娘被长辈送出的仪式;没有改变身份的宣告。你们能想象一个专门看男人试穿燕尾服的电视节目吗?他们的父亲坐在那里,泪汪汪的眼中透着喜悦和不可置信的神情;他们的兄弟躲在角落,羡慕地喃喃自语。对男人来说,在挑战极限的拖延后,婚礼就像自发性地,几乎是无意识地,在球赛中场休息时间去冰箱拿饮料。然而,婚姻的失败率如下:统计数据显示,现场观众有一半会离婚;这样的胜率会第 2 页让你荣登美国联盟东区的炉主。巴尔的摩金莺队的胜率都比婚姻成功率来得高。 but this eremon menement a menement orks ever time. from thi

4、s da forard trul in sikness and in health, through finanial fiasos, through midlife rises and passabl attrative sales reps at trade shos in ininnati, through diminishing tolerane for annoingness, through ever differene, irreonilable and otherise, ou ill sta forever graduated from high shool, ou and

5、our diploma as one, til death do ou part。 但这个仪式-毕业典礼,总是能圆满结束。从今天开始-确实如此;无论你生病或健康;经历过财务困境、中年危机;在辛辛那提贸易展遇见还算迷人的销售代表-家长and no ou ve onquered high shool and, indisputabl, here e all have gathered for ou, the pride and jo of this fine munit, the first to emerge from that magnifient ne building 现在你们已经征服了高

6、中阶段,无疑地,我们全都是为了你们而聚在这里。你们是这个优秀小区的骄傲和喜悦,第一批从那栋宏伟新大楼里走出的人。 but do not get the idea ou re anthing speial. beause ou re not。 但不要认为你有什么特别,因为你并不特别。 the empirial evidene is everhere, numbers even an english teaher an t ignore. neton, natik, nee i am alloed to sa needham, es? that has to be to thousand high

7、 shool graduates right there, give or take, and that s just the neighborhood ns. aross the ountr no feer than 第 3 页3.2 million seniors are graduating about no from more than 37,000 high shools. that s 37,000 valeditorians 37,000 lass presidents 92,000 harmonizing altos 340,000 saggering joks 2,185,9

8、67 pairs of uggs. but h limit ourselves to high shool? after all, ou re leaving it. so think about this: even if ou re one in a million, on a planet of 6.8 billion that means there are nearl 7,000 people just like ou. imagine standing somehere over there on ashington street on marathon monda and ath

9、ing sixt-eight hundred ous go running b. and onsider for a moment the bigger piture: our planet, i ll remind ou, is not the enter of its solar sstem, our solar sstem is not the enter of its galax, our galax is not the enter of the universe. in fat, astrophsiists assure us the universe has no enter;

10、therefore, ou annot be it. 实证无所不在,这个数字大到连一位英语老师都无法忽视。neton、natik、nee i also hope ou ve learned enough to reognize ho little ou kno ho little ou kno no at the moment for toda is just the beginning. it s here ou go from here that matters。 如果你在高中岁月里有学到任何东西,我希望是教育的本质-乐在学习,而不是物质上的优势。我也希望你们学习到,如sopholes所说

11、的,智能是快乐的首要元素;第二个是冰淇淋-仅供参考。我也希望你所学的足以使你体认到自己的不足,了解自己目前所知的是多么地少。因为今天只是一个开始,重要的是今后的学第 4 页习。 as ou mene, then, and before ou satter to the inds, i urge ou to do hatever ou do for no reason other than ou love it and believe in its importane. don t bother ith ork ou don t believe in an more than ou ould a

12、 spouse ou re not raz about, lest ou too find ourself on the rong side of a baltimore orioles parison. resist the eas forts of plaen, the speious glitter of materialism, the naroti paralsis of self-satisfation. be orth of our advantages. and read read all the time read as a matter of priniple, as a

13、matter of self-respet. read as a nourishing staple of life. develop and protet a moral sensibilit and demonstrate the harater to appl it. dream big. ork hard. think for ourself. love everthing ou love, everone ou love, ith all our might. and do so, please, ith a sense of urgen, for ever tik of the l

14、ok subtrats from feer and feer; and as surel as there are menements there are essations, and ou ll be in no ondition to enjo the eremon attendant to that eventualit no matter ho delightful the afternoon。 当你们毕业后,准备大展鸿图之前,我建议你们,不管做任何事,都应基于热爱和相信它的重要性。别费心理会你根本不相信的事,就像你不会跟一位你并未疯狂爱上的伴侣结婚;也避免让自己在巴尔的摩金莺队的比赛

15、中站错边。别志得意满;别被物质主义华而不实的光芒蒙蔽;别被自我满足麻痹;别愧对自己的优势。并阅读 养成阅读习惯;阅读跟原则和自重有关,把阅读当成生活中的精神食粮第 5 页。培养及保持道德感,并展现道德品格;拥有远大梦想,并努力实现;进行独立思考;全心全意地爱你所爱的一切人事物。请一定要把握时间,及时行动,因为时间正一分一秒地流逝。凡事有开始必有结束;无论你们这个下午过得多么愉快,这场典礼终究会结束。 the fulfilling life, the distintive life, the relevant life, is an ahievement, not something that

16、ill fall into our lap beause ou re a nie person or momm ordered it from the aterer. ou ll note the founding fathers took pains to seure our inalienable right to life, libert and the pursuit of happiness quite an ative verb, pursuit hih leaves, i should think, little time for ling around athing parrots rollerskate on outube。 充实的人生、与众不同的人生、有意义的人生是一项成就;这不是某种只因为你是好人就会从天而降,或妈妈能为你提供的东西。你会注意到,开国元勋们费尽心力地确保你不可剥夺的权力,包括生命、自由和对幸福的追求。 追求 -一个相当积极的动词;我想,懒懒地躺着观看outube上的鹦鹉怎么溜冰应该算不上。 the fi


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