dictation addiction

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《dictation addiction》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《dictation addiction(126页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Dictation Addiction -A Practical Solution to Introductory Level Academic Settings in Listening Comprehension(trial edition) Tony ZhangNeworiental School in Kunming 本书使用 Scientific American 的 60 秒科技栏目所发布的免费信息以及音频,特别感谢。60-SecondsTechnology 1About Please listen to the podcast for 3 times first.The podc

2、ast involves:_ (please give one or two key words to describe the main idea or topic of this podcast)Into the Details 请逐句听写本文,并且注意:a 遇到单词不会的情况按照发音尝试拼写。b 遇到模棱两可的单词,通过上下文以及语法结构推测。 c 听不懂的地方可以反复 3-5 遍,如还是无法听出,请继续往下写,而不要查阅原文。d 坚持完成原文,不管有多少空缺在你的听写稿上。Likely Guys 推荐单词offset vt. 弥补, 抵销 carbon n. 碳 footprint n

3、. 足迹, 脚印feedback n.反馈, 反应 debate v/n. 争论, 辩论 measure vt.测量, 测度Royal adj.王室的, 皇家的 navigation n. 航海, 航空, 导航 read n. 读取 hand-held adj. 手持的 identify vt.识别, 鉴别Possibly Wrong Guys 易混单词组program device consumer satellite Competition accurate key chain automatically immediately generate convince pattern Orig

4、inal Script Gadget Calculates Carbon Footprint Its popular today for people and companies to try to offset their carbon footprint. But theres a lot of debate about just how to measure that footprint. Now a new program called Carbon Hero may have one solution. The device was invented by a graduate st

5、udent at the Royal College of Art in London and recently won the 2007 European Satellite Navigation Competition. The idea is to get an accurate read on how much carbon you use as you travel. Its a hand-held unit, about the size of a key chain. It automatically identifies the form of transportation t

6、he carrier is taking by measuring the speed, location, and pattern of the movement. Then the information is automatically downloaded to a cellphone, which immediately displays the carbon generated and the impact of the users actions.Of course, the device doesnt measure other aspects of a carbon foot

7、print, such as the size of your house. And its not yet available to consumers. But the inventor hopes to develop the device, and that the immediate feedback will convince people to change their transportation. Maybe to walking. Which leaves a tiny footprint.Cynthia GraberDay to Days footprint - 温室气体

8、的排放,主要是碳的氧化物。A carbon footprint is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product” (UK Carbon Trust 2008). read - 除了熟悉的“阅读”的意思还有“读数,读值”的意思。另外你还可以说 a book or magazine is a good read, 表达 it is very enjoyable to read.的意思。

9、比如:The Economist is a good read.key chain- 钥匙链!哈哈,是不是听成厨房 kitchen 了?请注意他们最后音节 chain /tFein/ chen /tFin/ ,另外通过前面的 hand-held unit 也可以推出不可能是厨房。Royal College of Art in London- 伦敦皇家艺术学院Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书)Kyoto Protocol, international treaty adopted in 1997 that sets concrete targets for developed count

10、ries to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, also known as climate change. The Kyoto Protocol is a supplementary treaty to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and went into force in February 2005. More than 130 countries are party to i

11、t, with this figure set to rise; so far, however, the United States has refused to ratify the treaty. 六种温室气体carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 methanemeWein甲烷, 沼气, nitrous oxiden 一氧化二氮, 笑气 laughing gas hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs or F-gases) 含氟温室气体,制冷使用。perfluorocarbons 全氟化碳,医学使用。sulfur hexafluoride 六氟化硫, Hexa 表示六,是已

12、知化学安定性最好的物质之一,其惰性与氮气相似。应用广泛。Trackinga 基本法 重放听力材料,每次停顿时暂停,口头重复听到内容b 进阶法 大声通篇朗读该材料 3 遍以上,然后重放听力材料,每次句子说 完才能暂停,并且重复整个句子。c 究极法 加速朗读材料 3 遍以上,然后重放听力材料,不暂停,尝试不看 原文跟读全篇材料。注意:为了记录进度和保证你的学习效果,请在每完成一个挑战后用笔在下面三个等级上重重的画上一笔!podcast 2Please listen to the podcast for 3 times first.The podcast involves:_ (please giv

13、e one or two key words to describe the main idea or topic of this podcast)请逐句听写本文,并且注意:a 遇到单词不会的情况按照发音尝试拼写。b 遇到模棱两可的单词,通过上下文以及语法结构推测。 c 听不懂的地方可以反复 3-5 遍,如还是无法听出,请继续往下写,而不要查阅原文。d 坚持完成原文,不管有多少空缺在你的听写稿上。简介:Telescope Will Come To The Dark Side Putting a giant radio telescope on the dark side of the moon

14、 will enabled an unparalled view of the universe. Adam Hinterthuer reports.unparalleled adj./QnpArEleld/ 无比的, 无双的NASA -National Aeronautics and Space Administration 国家航空和宇宙航行局MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院far side 远侧 galaxy n.星系, 银河 ionosphere /ai/ n.电离层 cosmic adj.宇宙的 cosmos 宇宙l

15、ousy - louse 虱子- 令人讨厌-adj. 差劲的antenna n.天线,触角 perch n.有利的地位get in tune with-在此处是搞清楚的意思,相当于 figure out.emission imin n. 发射,射出 emissions n.发出物 比如 gas 或是 radiationSulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain.frequency n. 频率 automate v.自动化 automated adj. 自动化的 astronomer faint interference rotate vehicle Earlier this month, NASA announced that an MIT physics professor will lead a team of sc


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