
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:28648074 上传时间:2018-01-18 格式:DOC 页数:8 大小:51.50KB
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1、新六年级下册复习资料每人一份,请妥善保管 Name_Unit One How tall are you ? young-younger 更年轻的 old-older 更年长的 tall-taller 更高的 short-shorter 更矮的,更短的 long-longer 更长的 thin-thinner 更瘦的 heavy-heavier 更重的 big-bigger 更大的 small-smaller 更小的 strong-stronger 更强壮的 low-lower 更低的 smart-smarter 更聪明的dinosaur 恐龙 hall 大厅 metre(美式)米(长度单位)m

2、eter(英氏)米than 比 both 两个都 kilogram 千克,公斤 countryside 乡村shadow 阴影,影子 become 开始变得,变成 tallest 最高的1. Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall . 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。2. Its taller than both of us together . 它比我俩加起来还高。3. How tall are you ? 你有多高? Im 1.65 metres . 我身高 1.65 米。4. How tall is Zhang Peng ? He is 1.65 metr

3、es. 张鹏有多高? 他有 1.65 米。5. What size are your shoes, Mike ?迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?6. My shoes are size 37 . 我的鞋子 37 码。 / I wear size 37. 我穿 37 码。7. What size are Mikes shoes? Mike 穿多少码的鞋子? He wears size 37. 他穿 37 码。/ His shoes are size 37. 他的鞋子是 37 码的。8.Your feet are bigger than mine . 你的脚比我的大。9. How heavy are you

4、 ? 你有多重? Im 48 kilograms . 我体重 48 公斤。10. How heavy is Wu Yifan ? He is 48 kilograms.吴一凡有多重?他有 48 千克。11. Spring is coming! The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter. 春天来了! 天空更清澈了,阳光更明媚了。12.Wu Yifan and his family are going in a trip to the countryside. 吴一凡和他的家人要去乡下游玩。13. Wu Yifan has a story to tell

5、 Robin. 吴一凡有一个故事要告诉罗宾。Little Duck is watching the sun go down. 小鸭子正在看太阳落下。It is getting lower and lower, 它(太阳)变得越来越低, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.但是他的(小鸭子的)影子变得越来越长。“Why is that?”“为什么会那样呢?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. 小鸭子问他的朋友老树。“You are older and smarter than me. Tell mewh

6、y is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? ”“你比我更年长更聪明。告诉我-为什么我的影子在太阳变低的时候更长了?”Old Tree says, 老树说,“Thats easy, 那很简单,Little Duck. The sun goes down every day,太阳每天都落下, and we grow older every day . 我们每天都在成长。Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller . 你的影子长长是因为你长高了。You are becoming a

7、big beautiful bird !你正在变成一只漂亮的大鸟!”14. Do you agree with Old Tree ? 你赞同老树吗?15. They need a goalkeeper. 他们需要一个守门员。 Id like to have a try. 我想要去试一试。I cant wait. 我迫不及待了。16. Mr. Zebra is 10 centimetres taller than Mr. Deer. 斑马先生比鹿先生要高十厘米。17. But he cant catch the ball .但是他接不到球。Im the tallest one. 我是最高的一个。

8、18. Sorry. Your neck is too long. The others cant reach you. 对不起。你的脖子太长了。其他人够不到你。19. Football needs teamwork. 足球需要团队合作。20. Whats happening here ? 这里发生什么了?21.Oh! Heres the one we want . 哦! 这儿这个就是我们想要的。22. We need a big guy! 我们需要一个大家伙。23. Hes almost bigger than the goal! 他几乎要比球门大!24. Hes an excellent

9、goalkeeper. 他是一个优秀的守门员。Unit Two Last weekend 原形-过去式clean-cleaned 打扫 stay-stayed 停留,待 wash-washed 洗 watch-watched 看 have-had 患病,得病 had a cold 感冒 sleep-slept 睡觉 read-read 读 see-saw 看见 last 最近的,上一个 yesterday 昨天 before 在.之前last weekend 上个周末 last night 昨天晚上 last Monday 上周一the day before yesterday 前天 clea

10、ned my room 打扫了我的房间 washed my clothes 洗了我的衣服 stayed at home 待在家 watched TV 看了电视 read a book 读了一本书 saw a film 看了一部电影 had a cold 感冒了 went boating 去划了船 drink-drank 喝 fix-fixed 修理 show 演出magazine 杂志 good(好的)better(更好的) fast-faster 更快的hotel 旅馆 broken 破损的 lamp 台灯 loud 喧闹的,大声的enjoy 享受.乐趣;喜爱 stay 暂住;逗留 mana

11、ger 经理 noisy 吵闹的busy 繁忙的 did something else 做了其他事情 made the beds 铺了床cooked the food 做了饭 bad 坏的,不好的 customer 顾客1. How was your weekend ? 你周末过得怎么样?It was good, thank you .很好,谢谢!2. What did you do ? 你(周末)干什么了?I stayed at home with your grandma. 我和你奶奶呆在家里。 We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV .我

12、们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。3. Did you do anything else ? 你还做了其他什么事情吗?4. Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes . 是的,我打扫了房间,还洗了衣服。5. I want to buy the new film magazine . 我想要去买那本新的电影杂志。6. I read it last weekend . 我上周末读过了。 Was it interesting? 它很有趣吗? 7. Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. 是的,它谈论的是很多新的电影。8

13、. What did you do last weekend ? Did you see a film ? 你上周末干什么了?你看电影了吗?9. No,I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept .没有,我感冒了。我整个周末都待在家里睡觉。10. Oh, Im sorry . Im happy you feel better now. 哦,抱歉。我很高兴你现在感觉好点多了。11. Thanks. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking . 谢谢。 我们一起乘坐公交车吧。它比步行快。12. Ou

14、r weekend at your hotel was bad . 我们在你们旅馆度过的周末很糟糕。 13. Our room was big but everything was very old .我们的房间很大但是每样东西都很旧。14. Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.我们的朋友 Robin 打扫了我们的房间还修了一把破的椅子。15. My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small .我妈妈想看一本书但是台灯台太小了。16. My d

15、ad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen ,but they were cold and tasted bad .我爸爸从旅馆厨房得到一些汉堡包,但是它们太冷了尝起来不好。17. I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work . 我想看电视但是电视机坏了。18. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. 301 房间的人听了太响的音乐。19. I didnt sleep all night . 我整个晚上都没睡觉。20. Im sorry, but we didnt enjoy our stay very much. 我很抱歉,但是我们待得不是很开心。21. Dear Manager,Last w


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