英语演讲稿:The Great Society

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《英语演讲稿:The Great Society》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语演讲稿:The Great Society(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语演讲稿:The Great SocietyPresident Hather, Governor Romne, Senators MNamara and Hart, Congressmen Meader and Staebler, and other members of the fine Mihigan delegation, members of the graduating lass, m fello Amerians:It is a great pleasure to be here toda。 This universit has been oeduational sine70,

2、but I do not believe it as on the basis of our aplishments that a Detroit high shool girl said , In hoosing a ollege, ou first have to deide hether ou ant a oeduational shool or an eduational shool。 Well, e an find both here at Mihigan, although perhaps at different hours。 I ame out here toda ver an

3、xious to meet the Mihigan student hose father told a friend of mine that his sons eduation had been a real value。 It stopped his mother from bragging about him。I have e toda from the turmoil of our apital to the tranquilit of our ampus to speak about the future of our ountr。 The purpose of proteting

4、 the life of our Nation and preserving the libert of our itizens is to pursue the happiness of our people。 Our suess in that pursuit is the test of our suess as a Nation。For a entur e labored to settle and to subdue a ontinent。 For half a entur e alled upon unbounded invention and untiring industr t

5、o reate an order of plent for all of our people。 The hallenge of the next half entur is hether e have the isdom to use that ealth to enrih and elevate our national life, and to advane the qualit of our Amerian ivilization。Your imagination and our initiative and our indignation ill determine hether e

6、 build a soiet here progress is the servant of our needs, or a soiet here old values and ne visions are buried under unbridled groth。 For in our time e have the opportunit to move not onl toard the rih soiet and the poerful soiet, but upard to the Great Soiet。The Great Soiet rests on abundane and li

7、bert for all。 It demands an end to povert and raial injustie, to hih e are totall mitted in our time。 But that is just the beginning。The Great Soiet is a plae here ever hild an find knoledge to enrih his mind and to enlarge his talents。 It is a plae here leisure is a ele hane to build and reflet, no

8、t a feared ause of boredom and restlessness。 It is a plae here the it of man serves not onl the needs of the bod and the demands of mere but the desire for beaut and the hunger for munit。 It is a plae here man an rene ontat ith nature。 It is a plae hih honors reation for its on sake and for hat is a

9、dds to the understanding of the rae。 It is a plae here men are more onerned ith the qualit of their goals than the quantit of their goods。But most of all, the Great Soiet is not a safe harbor, a resting plae, a final objetive, a finished ork。 It is a hallenge onstantl reneed, bekoning us toard a des

10、tin here the meaning of our lives mathes the marvelous produts of our labor。So I ant to talk to ou toda about three plaes here e begin to build the Great Soiet - in our ities, in our ountrside, and in our lassrooms。Man of ou ill live to see the da, perhaps 50 ears from no, hen there ill be 400 milli

11、on Amerians - four-fifths of them in urban areas。 In the remainder of this entur urban population ill double, it land ill double, and e ill have to build homes and highas and failities equal to all those built sine this ountr as first settled。 So in the next 40 ears e must re-build the entire urban

12、United States。Aristotle said: Men e together in ities in order to live, but the remain together in order to live the good life。 It is harder and harder to live the good life in Amerian ities toda。 The atalog of ills is long: there is the dea of the enters and the despoiling of the suburbs。 There is

13、not enough housing for our people or transportation for our traffi。 Open land is vanishing and old landmarks are violated。 Worst of all expansion is eroding these preious and time honored values of munit ith neighbors and munion ith nature。 The loss of these values breeds loneliness and boredom and

14、indifferene。And our soiet ill never be great until our ities are great。 Toda the frontier of imagination and innovation is inside those ities and not beond their borders。 Ne experiments are alread going on。 It ill be the task of our generation to make the Amerian it a plae here future generations il

15、l e, not onl to live, but to live the good life。 And I understand that if I staed here tonight I ould see that Mihigan students are reall doing their best to live the good life。This is the plae here the Peae Corps as started。It is inspiring to see ho all of ou, hile ou are in this ountr, are tring s

16、o hard to live at the level of the people。A seond plae here e begin to build the Great Soiet is in our ountrside。 We have alas prided ourselves on being not onl Ameria the strong and Ameria the free, but Ameria the beautiful。 Toda that beaut is in danger。 The ater e drink, the food e eat, the ver air that e breathe, are threatened ith pollution。 Our parks are overroded, our seashores overburdened。 Green fields and dense forests are disappearing。A fe ears ago e ere grea



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