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1、英语演讲:绿色奥运,绿色北京,你我同行Improving Beijings environment for the OlmpisLadies and gentlemen: Good morning! Toda, the title of m speeh is Improving Beijings environment for the Olmpis。 Have ou ever seen animals r? Do ou kno hat makes them r? Its the polluted orld, a dirt orld, aused b our irresponsible beha

2、viors, that makes those lovel animals r。 Man of us are smart enough to kno ho terrible it is to have a orld ithout animals and plants。 But some people still persist in * the same errors and harming the environment。Whats orse is that people are eating ild animals。 Those people dont kno, and more impo

3、rtantl, the dont ant to kno。 This kind of behavior has aused some speifi problems。 For example, medial experts have suggested that eating ild animals helped spread the terrible disease SARS。 No, our orld is no longer lean and beautiful。 Wh? Beause air, ater, and noise pollution has bee more and more

4、 serious。 Noise pollution makes us talk more loudl and bee angr more easil。 Water pollution makes our rivers and lakes ver dirt。 Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution。 Both air pollution and aterpollution are not onl dangerous to our health, but also dangerous to animals and plants。 We

5、re destroing our onl orld。 A large number of trees have been ut don, so a lot of lands have been turned into deserts。 Pollution an be seen everhere! Unquestionabl it is essential that e lean up our environment。 Sadl, eve not alas appreiated the importane of proteting the environment。 On the streets,

6、 ou an see ars produing smog。 In the bathrooms, ou an see students leaving the ater tap on after using them。 Not onl the oung people, but also the elderl ones throthings everhere ithout thinking its rong, even in a beautiful park。 These things are taking plae ever da, even in modern ities like Beiji

7、ng。 We ant do that an more。 We must learn ho to protet the environment。 If everone is *re of proteting it instead of destroing it, the orld an bee leaner, more beautiful, and more peaeful。 The theme of Beijing 20* Olmpi Games is Ne Peking, Ne Olmpi。 Its the target oned b ever Chinese。 We should tr o

8、ur best to improve Beijings environment for Olmpis。, lets begin to at! First, start ith the things around ou。 Dont thro rubbish onto the road。 Dont talk loudl hen ou are outdoors。 Turn off the ater tap after using it。 Go to shool b bike or b bus instead of b private ar。 Save our poket mone and ontri

9、bute to environmental protetion organizations。 Take me as an example, I take ation in order to make our onl orld full of happiness。 I pik up rubbish and thro it into a trashan。 I ollet aste paper or bottles for reling。 I plant more trees and floers, and so on。 If ou do all these things just like me,

10、 it means ou have done something useful to improve the environment。 Were grateful, beause the emblem of the Beijing 20* Olmpi Games is a preious treasure dediated to the Olmpi Movement b the people of China。 Under the guidane of the Olmpi spirit, let us do a better job in all fields of our preparati

11、on and venue onstrution ork in an effiient a。 We ill bine the Olmpi Movement ith the latest tehnolog and advaned ulture to make the Beijing Games the best Olmpi Games ever! Wele to Beijing! Thank ou。绿色北京 绿色奥运 你我同行你可曾见到过动物哭泣?你可曾知道它们为什么哭泣?正是因为我们不负责任的行为,让世界变得肮脏,让这些可爱的动物们哭泣不止。我们清楚的知道,如果没有了动物和植物,我们的世界将会变

12、得多么死寂,多么灰暗但是有些人仍然固执的犯着同样的错误破坏环境,执迷不悟!更糟糕的是,人们热衷于品尝野生动物。食用野生动物的人不知道,更不会想知道,正是这种行为导致了很多特殊问题的出现。例如:医学家已经证实,举世瞩目的SARS疾病,正是由于食用野生动物传播的。如今,我们的世界已经不再整洁,不再美丽。为什么呢? 因为空气,水和噪声等污染已经变得越来越严重了。噪声污染让我们的脾气变得极易暴躁;水污染让河流和湖泊不再清澈,大气污染让天空变得不再蔚蓝。环境污染,无处不在!无疑,清洁我们的环境势在必行。然而可悲的是,许多人不能时刻领悟到保护环境的重要性。在街道上,你可以目睹汽车尾气四处弥漫;在洗手间,你



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