英语演讲:Television News Coverage

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1、英语演讲:Television News CoverageSpiro Theodore Agne: Television Nes CoverageI think its obvious from the ameras here that I didnt e to disuss the ban on lamates or DDT。 I have a subjet hih I think if of great importane to the Amerian people。 Tonight I ant to disuss the importane of the television nes m

2、edium to the Amerian people。 No nation depends more on the intelligent judgment of its itizens。 No medium has a more profound influene over publi opinion。 Nohere in our sstem are there feer heks on vast poer。 So, nohere should there be more onsientious responsibilit exerised than b the nes media。 Th

3、e question is, Are e demanding enough of our television nes presentations? And are the men of this medium demanding enough of themselves?Monda night a eek ago, President Nixon delivered the most important address of his Administration, one of the most important of our deade。 His subjet as Vietnam。 M

4、 hope, as his at that time, as to rall the Amerian people to see the onflit through to a lasting and just peae in the Paifi。 For 32 minutes, he reasoned ith a nation that has suffered almost a third of a million asualties in the longest ar in its histor。When the President pleted his address - an add

5、ress, inidentall, that he spent eeks in the preparation of - his ords and poliies ere subjeted to instant analsis and querulous ritiism。 The audiene of 70 million Amerians gathered to hear the President of the United States as inherited b a small band of netork mentators and self-appointed analsts,

6、the majorit of hom expressed in one a or another their hostilit to hat he had to sa。It as obvious that their minds ere made up in advane。 Those ho reall the fumbling and groping that folloed President Johnsons dramati dislosure of his intention not to seek another term have seen these men in a genui

7、ne state of nonpreparedness。 This as not it。One mentator tie ontradited the Presidents statement about the exhange of orrespondene ith Ho Chi Minh。 Another hallenged the Presidents abilities as a politiian。 A third asserted that the President as folloing a Pentagon line。 Others, b the expressions on

8、 their faes, the tone of their questions, and the sarasm of their responses, made lear their sharp disapproval。To guarantee in advane that the Presidents plea for national unit ould be hallenged, one netork trotted out Averell Harriman for the oasion。 Throughout the Presidents address, he aited in t

9、he ings。 When the President onluded, Mr。 Harriman reited perfetl。 He attaked the Thieu Government as unrepresentative; he ritiized the Presidents speeh for various defiienies; he tie issued a all to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to debate Vietnam one again; he stated his belief that the Vie

10、tong or North Vietnamese did not reall ant militar take-over of South Vietnam; and he told a little anedote about a “ver, ver responsible” fello he had met in the North Vietnamese delegation。All in all, Mr。 Harrison offered a broad range of gratuitous advie hallenging and ontraditing the poliies out

11、lined b the President of the United States。 Where the President had issued a all for unit, Mr。 Harriman as enouraging the ountr not to listen to him。A ord about Mr。 Harriman。 For 10 months he as Amerias hief negotiator at the Paris peae talks - a period in hih the United States sapped some of the gr

12、eatest militar onessions in the histor of arfare for an enem agreement on the shape of the bargaining table。 Like Coleridges Anient Mariner, Mr。 Harriman seems to be under some heav pulsion to justif his failures to anone ho ill listen。 And the netorks have shon themselves illing to give him all the

13、 air time he desires。No ever Amerian has a right to disagree ith the President of the United States and to express publil that disagreement。 But the President of the United States has a right to muniate diretl ith the people ho eleted him, and the people of this ountr have the right to make up their

14、 on minds and form their on opinions about a Presidential address ithout having a Presidents ords and thoughts haraterized through the prejudies of hostile ritis before the an even be digested。When Winston Churhill rallied publi opinion to sta the ourse against Hitlers German, he didnt have to onten

15、d ith a gaggle of mentators raising doubts about hether he as reading publi opinion right, or hether Britain had the stamina to see the ar through。 When President Kenned rallied the nation in the Cuban missile risis, his address to the people as not heed over b a roundtable of ritis ho disparaged th

16、e ourse of ation hed asked Ameria to follo。The purpose of m remarks tonight is to fous our attention on this little group of men ho not onl enjo a right of instant rebuttal to ever Presidential address, but, more importantl, ield a free hand in seleting, presenting, and interpreting the great issues in our nation。 First, lets define that poer。At least 40 million Amerians ever night, its estimated, ath the netork nes。 Seven million of them vie A。B。C。, the rem



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