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1、第8界大学生演讲比赛:我很RippleARAM NAME=URL VALUE=:ontest。21stentur。ndata81。mvARAM NAME=rate VALUE=1ARAM NAME=balane VALUE=0ARAM NAME=urrentPosition VALUE=0ARAM NAME=defaultFrame VALUE=ARAM NAME=plaCount VALUE=1ARAM NAME=autoStart VALUE=-1ARAM NAME=urrentMarker VALUE=0ARAM NAME=invokeURLs VALUE=-1ARAM NAME=bas


3、lename VALUE=ARAM NAME=aptioningID VALUE=ARAM NAME=enableErrorDialogs VALUE=0ARAM NAME=_x VALUE=7408ARAM NAME=_ VALUE=9525第八届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军顾秋蓓A Sene to RememberGu QiubeiShanghai International Studies UniversitAdvisor: Gong LongshengGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen。 Toda I ould like to begin i

4、th a stor。There as one a phsial 1) therapist ho traveled all the a from Ameria to Afria to do a 2) ensus about mountain 3) gorillas。 These gorillas are a main attration to tourists from all over the orld; this put them severel under threat of 4) poahing and being put into the zoo。 She ent there out

5、of uriosit, but hat she sa strengthened her determination to devote her hole life to fighting for those beautiful reatures。 She itnessed a sene, a sene taking us to a plae e never imaged eve ever been, here in the ver depth of the Afrian rainforest, surrounded b trees, floers and butterflies, the mo

6、ther gorillas 5) uddled their babies。Yes, thats a memorable sene in one of m favorite movies, alled Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true stor of Mrs。 Dian Fosse, ho spent most of bet lifetime in Randa to protet the eoenvironment there until the ver end of her life。To me, the movie not onl presents

7、an unforgettable sene but also ats as a 6) timeless reminder that e should not develop the tourist industr at the ost of our eoenvironment。Toda, e live in a orld of prosperit but still threatened b so man ne problems。 On the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st entu

8、r, provides people ith the great opportunit to see everthing there is to see and to go an plae there is to go。 It has bee a life for some people, and has turned out to be the driving fore in GDP groth。 It has the magi to turn a bakard ton into a onderland of prosperit。 But on the other hand, man pro

9、blems an our-natural senes arent natural anmore。 Deforestation to heat lodges is devastating Nepal。 Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antartia。 Tribal people are forsaking their native musi and dress to listen to U2 on Walkman and ear Nike and Reeboks。All these 7) appallingfats have brough

10、t us to the realization that e an no longer stand b and do nothing, beause the ver thought of it has been 8) erodingour resoures。 Enouragingl, the explosive groth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, hih is h the United Nations has made 20* the ear of eotourism, for the first tim

11、e to bring to the orlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also its apait to destro our eoenvironment。No ever ear, man loal eoenvironmental protetion organizations an: reeiving donations-big notes, small notes or even oins-from houseives, 9) plumbersinvalids, Some of them an not afford to send t

12、he mone but the do。 These are the ones ho drive the abs, ho nurse in hospitals, ho are suffering from eologial damage in their neighborhood。 Wh? Beause the are。 Beause the still ant their Mother Nature bak。 Beause the kno it still belongs to them。This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentleme

13、n, is hen it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it, its all ing from a sene to remember, a sene to reall and to herish。The other night, as l sa the moon linger over the land and before it as sent into the invisible, m mind as filled ith songs。 I found mself humming softl, not to the musi,

14、 but to some- thing else, someplae else。 a plae remembered, a plae untouhed, a field of grass here no one seem to have been exept the deer。And all those unforgettable senes strengthened the feeling that its lime for us to do something, for our on and our ing generation。One again, I have e to think o

15、f Mrs。 Dian Fosse be- ause its ith her spirit, passion, ourage and strong sense of our eoenvironment that e are taking our next step into the orld。And no matter ho e are, hat e do and here e go, in our mind, theres alas a sene to remember, a sene orth our effort to protet it and fight for it。Thank ou ver muh。



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