高三英语总复习SBⅡ Units 4—6

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《高三英语总复习SBⅡ Units 4—6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语总复习SBⅡ Units 4—6(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、总复习 SB Units 46知识要点:1intention n. C & U 意图;打算;计划;目的Ive got no intention of staying indoors on a nice sunny day like this.天气这么好,阳光灿烂,我可不想呆在屋里。He went mad and had to be put into a mental hospital.他疯了,得关进精神病院。Stop that noise, its driving me mad!别喧闹了,那噪音简直要把我逼疯了。They ran like mad to catching the moving

2、bus.他们拼命地跑去追赶那辆正在开动的公共汽车。The director got mad at me because I forgot my lines.导演很生我的气,因为我忘了台词。3pattern n.C 图案;花样;(事物发生、发展或安排的)方式/模式;式样,模型Our new china has a flower pattern on it.我们的新瓷器有花朵图案。The second half of the match followed a similar pattern to the first.比赛的下半场同上半场的情形相似。a paper pattern 纸样4call u

3、p 召唤;使人想起;调动(力量,人员等);提出(议案等);(给)打电话The sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.这欢声笑语使他回忆起童年时代的情形。All the men between the ages of 18 and 25 were called up.年龄介乎 18 至 25 岁之间的男孩被征召入伍。cf: call in 延请,请进(专家、医生来帮忙)call for 要求,需要;去接某人call on sb. 拜访某人call at sp. 拜访某地call on sb. to do sth.

4、号召某人做某事be absent from the meeting 缺席会议be present at the meeting 参加会议6recommend vt. 推荐;介绍建议,劝告(suggest, advise )(3)recommendation 是 recommend 的名词,它的同位语从句中也用虚拟语气。He recommended that the prisoners(should) be released.他建议释放俘虏。He should listen to the doctors recommendation that he (should) stay in bed.他应

5、该听医生的建议,呆在床上。I recommend going there by subway.我建议( 你) 坐地铁去。Would you recommend a good dictionary to me?=Would you recommend me a good dictionary?你能推荐一本好字典给我吗?The teacher recommended us to read the novel.老师劝我们读那部小说。contribute ideas (money, an article )出主意(捐款,投稿)She has contributed several poems to l

6、iterary magazines.她给文学刊物投了几首诗稿。He didnt contribute anything to the conversation.大家谈话时他没有发表任何意见。We contributed 5 each towards a retirement present for her.我们每人 5 英镑,凑钱给她买了一份退休礼物。He offered to contribute to the Red Cross.他主动提出向红十字会捐款。A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.适度的运动有益健康。The

7、 construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the suburbs.建设高速公路将有助于郊区的发展。He reviewed his decision in the light of recent developments.他根据最新的事态发展重新考虑自己的决定。The new facts threw some light on the matter.那些新事实使得这个问题更明朗化些。His past was brought to light.他的过去被揭发了。The two buildings are 15 metre

8、s apart.这两幢大楼相距 15 米。The employers and the unions are still miles apart, and far from agreement.雇主与工会之间仍有很大距离,远不能取得一致意见。He took the whole bicycle apart.他将整辆自行车全部拆开了。Its very difficult to tell the twins apart.很难辨别那对孪生儿。Theres nobody here apart from me.这里除了我之外,没有别人。Apart from their house in the countr

9、y theyve got a flat in London.他们除了在郊外有房子,在伦敦还有一套公寓。10作状语的过去分词过去分词短语常可用作状语,修饰谓语。其主要作用是:(1)说明动作发生的背景或情况。Guided by an old hunter, they went through the forest in only four days.(2)表示原因状语,相当于一个表示原因的状语从句。Greatly encouraged (=As he was greatly encouraged)by the teachers words, the boy started doing his ex

10、periment again.(3)说明动作发生的时间,相当于一个表示时间的状语从句。Seen (When it is seen) from the top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.(4)表示一个假设的情况,相当于一个条件状语从句。Compared with you (=If we are compared with you), we still have a long way to go.11过去分词作宾语补语的用法过去分词作宾语补语的基本用法:过去分词作宾语补语时,宾语与过去分词为被动关系,表示被动意义和完成意义。(1)

11、使役动词 keep, have, leave, get, make 的宾语后面经常带过去分词作宾语补语,但是含义不完全相同。比如:keep, leave, get, make 后面的宾语跟过去分词作补语,表示使宾语处于某种状态;have 后面跟过去分词作宾语补语,表示让别人来做某事或句子主语遭遇了某种情况。He raised his voice in order to make himself heard by the audience.他提高了声音,为了能让观众听到。I must have my hair cut tomorrow.明天我得请人给我理发了。Mary got the car w

12、ashed.玛丽请人给她洗了车。We mustnt leave the work unfinished.我们不能让工作半途而废。(2)表示感觉和心理状态的词,比如:see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe, find, look at, listen to 这些动词所带的宾语后面都可以接过去分词作宾语补语。(及物动词作宾语补语通常表示被动和完成,不及物动词一般只表示完成。这一点与使役动词相同)I saw a girl knocked down by a truck.我看见一个女孩被一辆卡车撞倒。I once heard the song sung in G

13、erman.我曾经听过有人用德语唱过这首歌。When I came in, I found the glass broken.当我进来的时候,我发现玻璃杯被打碎了。She felt her shoulder touched.她觉得肩膀被人碰了一下。The old woman was watched hit by a yellow car.那位老妇人被一辆黄色轿车撞了。(3)在动词 want, wish, like, expect 后面以及介词 with 后面作宾语补足语。I dont want my daughter taken out after dark.我不希望我女儿天晚了还让人带走。W

14、e wished the problem settled at once!我们希望问题马上解决。He was thinking for a while with his eyes shut.他闭着眼睛思考了片刻。The band consists of a singer, two guitarists and a drummer.The band is made up of a singer, two guitarists and a drummer.这乐队由一位歌手、两位吉他手及一位鼓手组成。注意:consist of 不能用被动语态。Her job consists in welcomin

15、g the guests as they arrived.她的工作主要是接待来宾。13表“利用”意义的短语He made full use of his spare time to learn French.他充分利用闲暇时间学法文。You should try to make the most of your opportunities.你应该充分把握机会。We took advantage of the fine weather to go on a hike.我们利用晴朗的天气去远足。I hope that full advantage is taken of this library.

16、我希望这座图书馆能被充分利用。14general adj.普通的;一般的;大概的I dont give interviews as a general rule (=usually), but in this case Ill make an exception.The weather in summer influences the rice crops.夏天的天气影响稻谷的收成。Environment is a great influence on character.环境对性格有很大影响。He has no influence over his children.他对子女没有影响力。16judge n.C 法官,裁判;v. 判断;审判He acted as a judge at the race.(裁判)You cant judge a man by his appearance.(判断)Who will judge this cas


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