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1、Unit3 Section A (1a-2d)课前自主预习I1. restroom 2. bookstore 3. stamp 4. bathroom 5. postcardII. 1. where I can 2. how to get to 3. Go along; until; pass4. when; closes,课堂合作探究要点突破1. 对点训练 how to open when to start2. 对点训练 beside me beside myself3. 对点训练beg your pardon4. 对点训练rush out,达标检测I. 1. normally 2. inf

2、ormation 3. to go 4. opens 5. to meetII. 1-5 BDABCIII. 1. I can 2. when he gets 3. if/whether there is 4. to get 5. Could; please,课后巩固提升I. 1. stamp 2. Pardon 3. rush 4. beside 5. postcardII. 1. to stay 2. Turn; walk 3. second 4. bookstore 5. magazines; informationIII. 1-5 CDCBC,IV. 1. Turn left; pas

3、t 2. between; and 3. where to get/buy 4. he will stay 5. if/whether; has come V. 1. who he is 2. where to buy 3. When does; close 4. if/whether; liked 5. Are there anyVI. 1-5 EFBGD,Section A (3a-4c)课前自主预习I1.pass by 2. pardon me 3. 快点;加油 4. 在的路上 5. 走上前去Ii. 1. where we should go 2. when; starts playin

4、g 3. where I can; down 4. how to get,课堂合作探究要点突破1. 对点训练 having suggests that suggestion语法聚焦 why she likes D A达标检测I. 1. scared 2. Speaking 3. was taking 4. playing 5. to start II. 1-5 BCDAB,课后巩固提升I. 1.east 2. mail 3. suggests 4. central 5. grapesII. 1. where 2. when 3. why 4. what 5. howIII. 1-5 ABDDB

5、IV. 1. Where my T-shirt is 2. if/whether I have 3. how to get 4. didnt fall; until 5. seemed that,V. 1. passed by 2. why he is 3. how I can get to 4. if/whether I have eaten/had 5.Pardon meVI.1. go shopping 2. what to buy 3. with nothing 4. by yourself 5. prefer,Section B (1a1c)课前自主预习I1.fun 2.inexpe

6、nsive/chep 3.uncrowded 4.beautiful 5.dangerousII. 1.where theres 2.really interesting 3.to go 4.suggests that,课堂合作探究要点突破1. 对点训练 uncrowded达标检测I. 1.suggests 2. museum 3.clerk 4.mall 5.corner .II. 15 ACCDD,课后巩固提升I. 1. suggests 2.museum 3.clerk 4.younger 5.to eatII. 1.inexpensive 2.crowded 3.safe 4.to t

7、ake 5.organizedIII. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.CIV.15 CFEAD,Section B (2a2d)课前自主预习I1.in different situations 2.depend on 3.change some money 4.寻求帮助 5例如II. 1.how to ask 2.change the way 3.leading in课堂合作探究 要点突破对点训练impolite politely 对点训练Whats; request对点训练correct correctly对点训练B,达标检测I1.politely 2.stranger 3.t

8、o read 4.speaker 5.playingII 1-5 BABCDIII. 1.to depend on 2.ask for help 3.know each other 4.to trouble 5.is/comes from,课后巩固提升I1.request 2.correct 3.address 4.underground 5.politeII. 1.to park 2.direct 3.order 4.wondered 5.leading 6.trouble 7.lentIII. 15 BCDBCIV. 1.It is 2. who(m) he is 3.spent ; cl

9、eaning 4.if/whether ;can 5.where to parkV. 15 CDEBA,Section B (3aSelf Check)课前自主预习I1.ask for information 2.look forward to 3.wake up 4.shopping center 5.自我介绍 6.了解II. 1.where the library is 2.why you dont wake up earlier 3.to buy clothes,课堂合作探究要点突破1. 对点训练during/in the course of Of course,写作指导One poss

10、ible version:Dear Mr. Zhang,MY name is Li Yong. I come from Class three. I hear that there will be a school trip next Friday afternoon. But we dont know about it.,Could you please tell me where we will go?Could you please tell me where we will meet and how we get there? I also wonder if we must take

11、 some food and drinks with us.I would like to thank you for telling us about the school trip. Im looking forward to your reply.Thank you. Li Yong,达标检测I 1.yourself 2.politely 3.showing 4.courses 5.havingII. 15 CBABD课后巩固提升I1.to relax 2.led 3.courses 4.is 5.to buy II. 15 BCABC,III. 1.he has been to Beijing twice 2.if/whether there is a library in the neighborhood 3.what time he got up 4.when to start 5.where I can get a dictionaryIV. 1.if 2.How about 3.boring 4.fun 5.Why dont we 6.as well asV.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A,


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