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1、成功之我见英语演讲稿演讲稿 英语演讲稿 成功之我见英语演讲稿成功之我见英语演讲稿one upon a time, there as a king ho had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. to all the suitors ho ame to the kings palae to ask for the hand of the priness, the old king assigned three tasks to be aplished, eah next to impossible. one da, into the king

2、s palae ame a handsome oung prine成功之我见英语演讲稿one upon a time, there as a king ho had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. to all the suitors ho ame to the kings palae to ask for the hand of the priness, the old king assigned three tasks to be.英文演讲稿 The Person I Miss Mostthe personimissmost heni

3、sathetitlethepersoni_most,atuallididntknohotodobeauseiantriteXXppealingartileiththiskindoftitle.butno,ihavetosasomething,soianttotalkaboutthisgualledvitor。.演讲稿 英语演讲稿 成功之我见英语演讲稿成功之我见英语演讲稿the onept of suess is not onstant but relative beause the nature of diffiult is also relative. something ou do eff

4、ortlessl might pose a great diffiult for a handiapped person. in aquiring the abilit to do the same as ou an, he or she ahieve suess. thats h e greatl admire stephen haking, beause, though onfined to a heel hair, he has ontributed greatl to the field of siene. i mself, a rather sh person b nature ho

5、 easil suffer from stage fright, had to pluk up great ourage to take part in a speeh ontest like this. i ould have staed XX and had an eas time of it b not entering the universit level ontest.but i hose to aept the hallenge and to fae the diffiulties. no here i am. if i e out first, it ill be a grea

6、t suess for me. if i e out last-i hope this ill not be the ase-but if i e out last, i ill not all m attempt a failure, but ill also elebrate it as a true suess, beause part of m goal is m on harater training-to do more assertive, to be brave in fae of diffiulties. for me, it is a meaningful step for

7、ard, small as it is, in the long journe toard the final suess in m life, beause i have trul gained b partiipating. let us return to our handsome oung prine and the 4-step definition of suess. ou m have notied that the usual orldl riteria of ealth, position and fame ere not mentioned as part of the stor, but rather, it emphasized the proess of overing diffiulties. the anient isdom had alread defined the meaning of suess, and this is m definition, too. thank ou.: /anjianggao/inguanjianggao/124251650297067 6.htm



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