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1、名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿演讲稿 毕业典礼发言稿 名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿fault, famil, friends, and fello graduates, good evening.i am honored to address ou tonight. on behalf of the graduating masters and dotoral students of ashington universits shool of engineering and applied siene, i ould like to thank all the parents,

2、spouses, families, and friends ho enouraged and supported us as e orked toards our graduate degrees. i ould espeiall like to thank m on famil, eight members of hih are in the audiene toda. i ould also like to thank all of the department seretaries and other engineering shool staff members ho alas se

3、emed to be there hen onfused graduate students needed help. and finall i ould like to thank the ashington universit fault members ho served as our instrutors, mentors, and friends.as i think bak on the seven-and-a-half ears i spent at ashington universit, m mind is filled ith memories, happ, sad, fr

4、ustrating, and even humorous.tonight i ould like to share ith ou some of the memories that i take ith me as i leave ashington universit.i take ith me the memor of m offie on the fourth floor of lopata hall - the room at the end of the halla that as too hot in summer, too old in inter, and alas too f

5、ar XX from the omens restroom. the indo as m offies best feature. ere it not for the phsis building aross the a, it ould have afforded me a lear vie of the arh. but instead i got a vie of the roof of the phsis building. i also had a vie of one orner of the roof of urbauer hall, hih seemed to be a fa

6、vorite perh for various speies of birds ho alternatel on perhing rights for several eeks at a time. and i had a nie vie of the phsis ourtard, noteorth as a good plae for athing people run their dogs. its amazing ho fasinating these vies beame the longer i orked on m dissertation. but m favorite vie

7、as of a nearb oak tree. from m fourth-floor vantage point i had a rather intimate vie of the tree and the various birds and squirrels that inhabit it. oasionall a bird ould land on m indo sill, hih usuall had the effet of startling both of us.i take ith me the memor of to oung professors ho passed X

8、X hile i as a graduate student. anne johnstone, the onl female professor from hom i took a ourse in the engineering shool, and bob durr, a politial siene professor and a member of m dissertation mittee, both lost brave battles ith aner. i remember them fondl.名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿i take ith me the memor of fa

9、iling the first exam in one of the first engineering ourses i took as an undergraduate. i remember thinking the ourse as just too hard for me and that i ould never be able to pass it. so i ent to talk to the professor, read to drop the lass. and he told me not to give up, he told me i ould sueed in

10、his lass. for reasons that seemed pletel ludirous at the time, he said he had faith in me. and after that m grades in the lass slol improved, and i ended the semester ith an a on the final exam. i remember ho motivational it as to kno that someone believed in me.i take ith me memories of the mideste

11、rn friendliness that so surprised me hen i arrived in st. louis 8 ears ago. sine moving to ne jerse, i am sad to sa, nobod has asked me here i ent to high shool.i take ith me the memor of the short-lived puter siene graduate student soial mittee lunhes. the idea as that groups of s grad students ere

12、 supposed to take turns ooking a monthl lunh. but after one grad student prepared a pot of hiken that poisoned almost the entire s grad student population and one unluk fault member in one fell soop, there asnt muh enthusiasm for having more lunhes. 演讲稿 毕业典礼发言稿 名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿i take ith me

13、the memor of a more suessful graduate student effort, the establishment of the assoiation of graduate engineering students, knon as ages. started b a handful of engineering graduate students beause e needed a a to elet representatives to a ampus-ide graduate student government, ages soon gre into an

14、 organization that no sponsors a ide variet of ativities and has been instrumental in addressing a number of engineering graduate student onerns.名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿i take ith me the memor of an engineering and poli department that one had flourishing programs for full-time undergraduate, masters, and dotor

15、al students.i take ith me memories of the 1992 u.s. presidential debate. eager to get involved in all the exitement i volunteered to help herever needed. i remember spending several das in the makeshift debate hq giving out-of-ton reporters diretions to the athleti plex. i remember being thrilled to

16、 get assigned the job of olleting film from the photographers in the debate hall during the debate. and i remember the disappointment of draing the shortest stra among the student volunteers and being the one ho had to take the film out of the debate hall and don to the dark room five minutes into the debate - ith no hane to re-enter the debate hall after i left.



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