毕业设计 (天天)

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《毕业设计 (天天)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《毕业设计 (天天)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、天津职业技术师范大学Tianjin University of Technology and Education毕 业 设 计专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班级学号:学生姓名:指导教师:二一二年六月I天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计分离式车轮摆线针轮传动装置设计Urban rail vehicles cycloid gear design专业班级:机自 0802学生姓名:指导教师:学 院:2012 年 6 月II摘 要摆线针轮行星减速器作为重要的机械传动部件具有体积小、重量轻、传动效率高的特点。本设计在全面考虑多齿啮合、运转平稳、轮齿均载等运动学和动力学的要求,实现高承载能力、高传递效率

2、、高可靠性和优良动力学性能等指标,而且要便于制造、装配和检修,设计了该具有合理结构的摆线针轮行星传动装置。本设计建立了合理的动力分析数学模型,对摆线针轮传动中的摆线轮、转臂轴承、柱销及轴进行准确的受力分析,计算并校核主要件的强度及转臂轴承、各支承轴承的寿命,分析结果可以看到,各轴承性能指标均符合要求。关键词:摆线传动;摆线轮 IIIABSTRACTThe cycloidgear reducer is one of the most important transmission components of the pumping unit by its smaller volume,lighte

3、r weight and effective transmission. In order to realize four targets which include high transmission efficiency, high reliability and the excellent dynamics performance and guarantee credible lubricate ability, receive high efficiency of transmission, and make it easy for manufacture, assembly and

4、inspection, we thought over all the requests in the round and design the rational structure cycloidgear reducer.In this design,we built the exact force analysis mathematical model of the cycloidgear reducer, analyzed the forces born by the cycloid-gear, the bearings and the shaft, and produce the Ma

5、tlab language software analyze of the forces analysis. We analyzed the forces of parts in the cycloidgear reducer and calculated the intensity and the life of parts. From analyzed the results, we found the parts are our requests.Key Words:Planetcycloid Reducer; CycloidIV目 录1 绪论 .11.1 基本概念 .11.2 摆线针轮

6、传动的发展 .12 摆线针轮传动装置的设计计算 .52.1 计算传动比 .52.2 确定针轮半径 .52.3 确定短幅系数和偏心距 .52.3.1 估算摆线轮内孔直径 .52.3.2 计算转臂轴承上的动载荷 .62.3.3 选择圆柱滚子轴承 .62.4 确定针齿尺寸 .72.4.1 计算针齿套直径 .72.4.2 避免根切与尖角 .72.4.3 计算针齿系数 .72.4.4 确定针齿销直径 .72.5 验算针齿销的弯曲强度 .82.6 验算针齿与摆线轮的接触强度 .82.7 摆线轮结构尺寸计算 .82.7 确定柱销、柱销套、柱销孔的直径 .82.7.1 确定柱销直径 .82.7.2 确定直销套直径 .92.7.3 确定柱销孔直径 .102.7.4 验算柱销孔与柱销套的接触强度 .102.8 轴的设计 .82.8.1 输出轴的设计 .82.8.2 输入轴的设计 .9V2.9 箱体的设计 .82.10 其它零件的设计 .82.11 润滑与密封 .8结 论 .14参考文献 .15附录 1: 封面样例 .16致 谢 .



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