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1、牛津小学英语 5A期末测试题 1一、根据句子意思,选择适当的单词填空。1. Now,Mike and his father are watching TV in the_ (bathroom/ sitting-room).2. There is a blackboard on the wall. Its a _ (rectangle / triangle).3. I want to wash my face. Do you have a _ (towel / blanket)? 4. Mother is very tired today. Lets help her do _ (homewor

2、k / housework).5. Today is _ (Sunday / Monday). We dont have school today.6. We have a lot of homework. Im _ (busy / free) this evening.7. Where are my shoes? They are _( under / on ) the bed.8. We are very happy. Lets _( song / sing ) and dance together.9. Jack and Ben like playing football in the

3、_ (classroom / playground).10. Tom and his parents often _( fly / play ) kites in the park on Saturday.二、写出下列词组或句子的汉语或英语。 (10 分)1. 寻找 6. after school 2. 和 一起玩 7. fly a kite 3. 一本英语书 8. each other 4. 在晚上 9. run after 5. 三朵花 10. Happy New Year! 三、 根据句子意思,选择正确答案。(12 分)( ) 1. Shes _ a storybook in the l

4、ibrary. A. reading B. looking C. drawing( ) 2. Tom _ a toy car. Toms parents _ two cars. A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have ( ) 3. Are there _ flowers in the garden? Yes, there are. A. a B. any C. some ( ) 4. The book isnt on the desk now. So Tom is looking _ it in the school bag. A. at B. for

5、C. after( ) 5. Is there an umbrella _the door?A. between B. under C. behind( ) 6. Can you write it in English?_A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.( ) 7. _ is Helen singing? Shes singing in the music room.A. What B. Where. C. Who ( ) 8. Shall we go and play there? _.A. Good idea. B. Not at

6、all C. Youre welcome ( ) 9. _. There are twenty-one.A. Are there any students in the classroom ? B. Who are they in the classroom ?C. How many students are there in the classroom?( ) 10. We cant draw stars. Can you show_ how to do it?A. them B. us C. you ( ) 11. What _ you _? We need a tin of chicke

7、n.A. do; have B. are; doing C. do; need( ) 12. Mike and his friends are _ how to make a card.A. learning B. drawing C. playing四、从栏中找出与栏匹配的答语,将序号写在题前括号内。 ( ) 1. Do you like skating? A. They live near our school.( ) 2. What do you have? B. Its a rectangle.( ) 3. How many books are there? C. There are

8、eight.( ) 4. What time is it now? D. No, I cant.( ) 5. What shape is it? E. I have some chocolates.( ) 6. Whats he doing? F. Hes playing the violin.( ) 7. Can you sing the song? G. Its eleven yuan.( ) 8. Where do they live? H. Yes, there is.( ) 9. How much is the pen? I. Its twelve oclock.( )10. Is

9、there a garden in your school? J. Yes, I do.五、根据中文将下列句子补充完整,每空一词。1 .鱼在哪儿?在盘子上呢!Where is the ? Its the plate.2. 我会唱歌,但我的妹妹会跳舞。I can but my sister can 3. 我喜欢鸭子,也喜欢马。I like and I like too.4. 请给我们画个太阳和月亮。Please draw a and a for us. 六、看图完成对话。1. A: _ are Helen and Mike?B: They are in the music _.A: What i

10、s Helen doing?B: She is _ the piano.A: _ Mike _ the piano? B: No, he cant. But he can _. 2. A: What _ Tom _?B: He has a _.A: What _ is it?B: Its a diamond.七、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Mary is my friend. Her family live in Beijing. She has a brother. His name is Jack. They go to the same school in Beijing. On Sat

11、urdays, they dont go to school. Mary and Jack do their homework in the morning. In the afternoon, they go to play with their friends. Their parents are teachers. They teach English. They like Chinese food very much, but Mary doesnt. She likes hamburgers. In the evening, their parents read some newsp

12、apers and books. But Jack and Mary dont. They often watch TV.( ) 1. Mary lives in .A. Nanjing B. Beijing C. Shanghai( ) 2. Marys brothers name is .A. Tom B. David C. Jack ( ) 3. Are Mary and Jack in the same school? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C.I dont know.( ) 4. Marys parents teach .A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese( ) 5. Jack and Mary often on Saturday evenings.A. play chess B. watch TV C. read books


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