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1、高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文智能住宅小区安防系统的设计考生姓名: 佐皇梦 准考证号: 011807404636 专业层次: 本科 院 (系):机械与动力工程指导教师: 王兴平 职 称: 讲师 重庆科技学院二 OO 九年 月 日高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文智能住宅小区安防系统的设计考生姓名: 佐皇梦 准考证号: 011807404636 专业层次: 本科 指导教师: 王兴平 院 (系): 机械与动力工程 重庆科技学院二 OO 九年 月 日重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 中文摘要摘要随着近几年来智能化行业的飞速发展,安防系统已由原来特殊待业,专门应用逐渐普及到各行各业。随着社会的不断发展


3、物物体监测器,监测接近被保护对象的运动物体;对讲系统利用可视电话来辨别访客身份;巡更系统是在安保人员巡逻路线上设置发信器,以确认保安人员的巡视记录、时间等。并且安防系统要达到技术先进,经济实用,安全可靠,质量优良的要求。实现对住宅小区主要出入口及周界等重要区域的实时监控,达到维护社会治安和防止破坏的作用,及时地把一切可能发生的或即将发生的案件和险情的图像资料传送到监控中心,使监控中心的值班员可以把这些危害和隐患遏制在萌芽状态,杜绝财产损失、确保人员生命安全,对于构建安全、和谐的住宅小区具有十分重要的意义。关键词:智能化,住宅小区,安防系统,和谐重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 英文摘要

4、Intelligent Security System Design of Residential QuartersABSTRACTWith the rapid development of the industry in recent years, intelligent, from a special security system has been looking for jobs, the increasing popularity of specialized applications to all walks of life. With the continuous develop

5、ment of society, home security is the basis for people to live and work, but also build a harmonious society important part. In particular, are more scattered, relatively remote, the environment is relatively complex and residential area, the security situation is not optimistic, the traditional gua

6、rd duty and security patrol of public security management tools can not adapt to the new situation, residential security needs. Therefore, in order to meet the residential district user security and scientific and systematic management needs, and in order to right what happened at any time to conduc

7、t a comprehensive, timely understanding and grasp of the accident situation can quickly make the right judgments and gives a correct and fast command and processing. The establishment of an integrated security system, Howdy, from closed-circuit television monitoring systems, access control systems,

8、anti-theft alarm system, intercom system, patrol system, etc. Closed-circuit television surveillance system to monitor the use of TV cameras and other means to be protected object; access control system using cards, keys, electronic door locks and other devices controlled entrance doors; anti-theft

9、alarm system adopts the animal objects, monitor, monitor movement of an object close to the protected object; intercom systems use video phone to identify a visitor; patrol system is a set of security personnel patrolling the route letter device to confirm that the inspection records of security per

10、sonnel and time. And security systems to achieve technologically advanced, economical and practical, safe, reliable, excellent quality requirements. Keywords:Intelligent, residential quarters, security systems, and harmony重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 目录目 录摘要 .IABSTRACT.II1 绪论 .11.1 问题的提出及研究意义 .11.1.1 问题的提出 .11.1.2 研究的意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .11.3 本文研究的母的和研究内容 .21.3.1 本文研究的母的 .21.3.2 本文研究的主要内容 .22 智能住宅小区的安防系统 .32.1 安防系统的组成 .32.2 安防系统设计范围 .32.3 安防系统设计原则 .33 闭路电视监控系统 .53.1 系统概述 .53.1.1 系统功能 .53.1.2 系统组成 .53.2 摄像部分 .


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