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1、第 1 页共 2 页 第 2 页共 2 页 学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: .密.封.线.内.禁.止.答.装订 .装订 .装订 .装订 .澄迈思源学校 2016-2017 年第一学期九年级英语第一次月考试题(考试时间 90 分钟 全卷满分 120 分)题目 I-IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 总分分数评卷人第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分 20 分)听句子选图画(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画。每个句子读一遍。A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _听句子选答语(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)根据你所听到

2、的句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。( )6. A.Its doesnt matter. B.Yes, please. C.Here you are.( )7. A.Thank you. B.With pleasure. C.You are welcome.( )8. A.Never mind. B.Good idea. C.See you.( )9. A.Sorry, I wont. B.Ill do it. C.So do I.( )10.A.Ok, Im coming. B.Glad to hear that. C.Im so lucky.对话理解。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)听下

3、面一段对话,完成第 11 至 12 小题。( )11.What will the two speakers do tomorrow?A. Go hiking. B. Go shopping. C. Go fishing.( )12.Where will the speakers meet?A. At Jimmys home. B. Outside the school gate. C. In front of Nancys home.听下面一段对话,完成第 13 至 15 小题。( )13.Who gave Susan a talk?A.Bill. B.Her head teacher. C.

4、Her headmasterl.( )14.What sport will Susan take part in?A.The long jump.B.The 400 meters running race.C.The 100 meters running race.( )15.Why did Bill take part in the sports?A.Because he didnt like sports. B. Because his right leg was badly hurt.C.Because he wanted to look after the clothes.短文理解。(

5、每小题 1 分,共 5 分)根据你所听到的短文内容,选出最佳选项。短文读两遍( )16.Mrs.Brown lives in. A.Washington D.C. B.London. C.New York. ( )17.Mrs. Brown has a lovely as a pet.A.dog. B.cat. C.mouse. ( )18.There are mice in the cats mouth.A.two. B. three. C.four. ( )19.Before anyone stops Amy, it puts the mice . A.in the boxes. B.io

6、nto the chairs. C.into the plates ( )20.From the story, we know there is a close friendship between. A.Mr. Brown and Amy. B.Mrs. Brown and Amy. C.Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown.第二部分 笔试(共六大题,满分 100 分)I单项选择(共 25 题,每题 1 分,共 25 分)A)单词辨音,选出划线字母读音与其它不同的选项。( )21.A.grammar B.partner C.farm( )22.A.chemistry B.stom

7、ach C.chair( )23.A.increase B.repeat C.deaf( )24.A.business B.punish C.luck( )25.A.ability B.wisely C.tieB) 选择填空 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (15 分)( )26.Dont be afraid of new words.You can in the dictionary. A.look at them B.look for them C.look them up ( )27.He was surprised to that his new teach

8、er was one of his neighbors. A.discover B.create C.look ( )28.Mr.Smith speaks very loudlyall the people can hear him clearly. A.when B.so that C.because ( )29.Whether Ill go to Beijing the result of the examination. A.looks after B.depends on C.turns on( )30.is a good idea to bring your camera if yo

9、u want to take photos of the autumn leaves. A.This B.It C.That( )31. you study, grades youll get. A.Hard,good B.The harder,the better C.Harder,better ( )32. How do you study for a test? studying with friends. A.By B.With C.On 第 3 页共 4 页 第 4 页共 4 页.密.封.线.内禁.止.答.题.( )33. This dress was last years styl

10、e.I think it still looks perfectit has gone out. A.so that B.as if C.even if ( )34.Peter,do you practice basketball every day? A.play B.playing C.to play ( )35. Could you help me water the flowers,Mike? Sure.Ill do it at once. A.It seems that youre right B.Its a piece of cake C.It takes time ( )36.w

11、onderful Yang Lipings dance is! A.What B.What a C.How ( )37.Maths is as interesting as English,I think.English is more interesting than maths. A.I think so B.I dont think so C.I hope so ( )38. Your _ English is very good. Thank you.A.speak B.speaking C. spoken ( )39.Maria was _ sad that she didnt wa

12、nt to eat anything.A.so B.such C.too( )40.I want to go shopping this afternoon.I wonder _ you can go with me.A.when B.that C.if 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。Every year several people _41_or injured(受伤)in road accidents.There are rules to _42_ the roads safe, bu

13、t _43_ people do not always obey(遵守) the rules. They are _44_ . If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be _45_ . How can we make the roads safe? Remember this rule: Traffic must keep to the right. Cars and buses and bikes must all keep to the right side of the road. Before _46_ the road, stop and look _47_.Then, if you a



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