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1、- 1 -2014 高考英语单项选择抓分练习(10)及答案第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. - Who do you think will deliver _ speech on the peoples life at the Congress? - Xi , _ newly-elected chairman of China.A. a, 不填 B. the, the C. a, the D. the, 不填22. - Why do you look so worried ?- My MacB

2、ook Pro broke down and my paper _ unfinished ever since.A. left B. was left C. has been left D. has left23. Much to his joy, the old man may be able to get a hardship _ from the government, which covers his expense.A. insurance B. allowance C. competence D. circumstance 24. Tom wrote several novels

3、in his twenties, none of _ published.A. them B. it C. which D. that 25. _ can gain access to the public library in our city no matter who they are.A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody26. - I heard a student killed his mother cruelly.- So did I. It has _ a serious problem about the education

4、 system in China.A. taken up B. made up C. pulled up D. brought up 27. - Could you help me find some information on the net?-Im occupied now. _, Ill do it later.A. Someway B. Yet C. Still D. Somewhat28.The board considered it urgent that those files _ right away.A. be printed B. will be printed - 2

5、-C. must be printed D. had to be printed 29. No student _ go out of school for snacks during the break without the teachers permission.A. will B. must C. shall D. may30. _merely on what the average is , and youll remain average.A. Focused B. Focus yourself C. If you are focused D. Focusing31. Its be

6、cause he is in a hopeless situation, _we will keep a very close eye on, _ helooks depressed., .A. where, that B. when, which C. that, why D which, that32. One should stick to _one has begun.A. what B. where C. whatever D. no matter what33. The young man, who had rushed into the fire to save the old

7、man, _ rewarding. A. reserved B. deserved C. preserved D. deserted34. _your poor record in school , we think you should study harder.A. In charge of B. In case of C. In spite of D. In view of 35. - Im in preparation for the examination and only sleep four hours a day for a fortnight.- _. It is not p

8、reparation and worse still it will be bad for your health and study.A. You neednt have that B. Thats taking it a bit farC. I wouldnt say no D. I cant agree more2135、BCBAC DCACB DCBDB- 3 -16._! What are you doing?Oh, Im just trying to feed the rabbit with some beef, Dad.A. Good Heavens B. Nonsense C.

9、 You bet D. Guess what17.Stevens exam results put him _ the top ten students in his grade.A. among B. between C. in D. at18.Mum, why do you keep staring at me? Have I done anything wrong?You look stupid! The way you are dressed is _ annoys me most.A. which B. where C. how D. what19.Was it in October

10、, 2010, if I may ask, _ the new Shanghai-Hangzhou Express Railway was put into use?A. which B. when C. that D. how20.Nancy ran a grocery store at New Cross for three years _ she decided to move into a better place nearby.A. once B. since C. before D. after21-You look tired after _ search for the mis

11、sing boy-Yes, I prefer to head for _ bed as soon as possibleAa; the Bthe; the Cthe; D; 22They paid fifty percent of _ they were able to earn to the stateAthat Bwhich Cwhat Dwhom23-I hope you enjoyed the film last night-How on earth do you know I went to a film? I _youAwont tell Bdidnt tell Chavent t

12、old Dhadnt told24-Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus?-I tried to, but _ I could, it started movingAuntil Bwhen Cbefore Dafter25Not far from the club, there was a garden, _ owner seated in it, playing chess with a friendAwhose Bits Chis Dwhich - 4 -26The old couple have been married for 40

13、 years and never once _ with each otherAthey had quarreled Bthey have quarreled Chave they quarreled Dhad they quarreled 27We all think that the plan you suggest _ the work is very practicalAcompleting Bcompleted Cto complete Dshould complete28I am sure that youll love our best-seller, _ you can rea

14、d some good novels in simple EnglishA which Bwho Cthat Dwhere29-Sorry, I am late-Thats okayYou are here and thats what _Adoes Bworks Cstays Dcounts30Police are searching for an escaped criminal who is reported to _ since he broke away from the prisonAhave been missing Bhave lost Cbe missing Dget lost 参考答案 16-20 AADCC 21-25 CCBCB 26-30 CCDDA16. Although they meet with difficulties, I hear that they


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