Why Education is Essential中英文演讲稿对照

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1、Why Education is Essential中英文演讲稿对照honorable judges, dear friends: do you know aba? do you know jiu zhai? aba is very famous for jiu zhai and huang long. im suo yangjin, a tibet girl from markang aba tibet and qiang autonomous prefectur. wele to markang my hometown! its a great honour to make a talk

2、here; my topic is why education is essential? there is a nation in the world. after the second world war, the government paid its great attention to the education. so, the national economy has developed a lot. in a short time, its science and technology, culture and education have been ahead of the

3、other countries in the world. which country is it? do you know? right, its japan. as we know, while japan was invading the other countries, it greatly suffered from the war itself in the second world war. but, japan did not sink as people thought; it quickly went out of the difficulties caused by th

4、e war. why did japan develop so quickly? whats the secret? right, thats education. so, we say, education is really important to a nation. now, ill tell you a real story. once, there was a married couple, they were pleased to have a son. but unfortunately, the child was retarded. while he was growing

5、 up gradually, the defect was more and more clear. but the couple did not lose heart, they decided to teach the child to play the piano. they believed where there is a will, there is a way. day after day, year after year, after more than ten years, the child could play some well-known melodies fluen

6、tly. perhaps, some one will say, can he really play the piano? i cant believe that. then, let me tell you another story about fang zhongyong. in ancient china, there was a boy named fang zhongyong, who never read any books. one day, he suddenly asked his father for books. his father was very surpris

7、ed and borrowed some from the neighbours.after reading, zhongyong writed a poem about respecting parents and getting on well with the neighbours and so on. from then on, as soon as he saw something, he could write a poem about it. the people in his village were all surprised. gradually, he was well-

8、known and often invited to write some poems for money. his father thought thats very profitable, so he took zhongyong here and there to earn money and zhong yong didnt go on with his study. as we all know, at last, zhongyong became as simple as the others. he couldnt write poems any more.we have to

9、admire the couple for their will, confidence and courage, while we also feel sorry for zhongyong. at this time, there is a problem: for a person, which is more important, gift or training? training, i think, is more important. and as one of the most important courses in training, education cannot be

10、 neglected.the purpose of education is to make people get knowledge and have abilities. as we know, nowadays, our time is a knowledge time, an it time, and it is also a time that is full of petitions. in the rapid developing society, our knowledge, our character, our value, our ideas, our behaviour

11、and so on should all fit in with the needs of the society. and all these depend on education. of course its impossible to fit ourselves on the society from birth. we need to learn and practise step by step. as the ancient people said, we know nearly nothing from birth. who hasnt got any doubts yet?

12、one of the ways to resolve the doubts is to ask the teachers. just as we know, everyone has great potential, but one cant bee useful without being educated. i believe all of us know the story about the wolf-child. he had the same character just as the other persons when he was born. but he wasnt edu

13、cated as a normal person, so he couldnt show his natural characters. he was almost like an animal. thus it can be seen that education can make us develop our abilities and make our life wonderful. we all remember forever, in 1840, the most insulting and miserable page in chinese history began with t

14、he opium war. at that time, we lost our rights, our lands the history tells us, if we are backward, well be insulted. and it also taught us a lesson that we should pay great attention to our education. education is the project of vital and lasting importance. science and education can strengthen a n

15、ation. after liberation, especially after the reform, we have achieved great successes in the aspect of politics, economy, culture and so on, which depend on the development of education. from all of the facts above, we can see, education is essential. if all of us know well about this, if all of us

16、 act it out, our future will be more beautiful. thank you all! 译文:为什么教育是必不可少的 索阳金 尊敬的各位评委、亲爱的各位朋友:你们好! 你们知道阿坝吗? 到过美丽的九寨沟吗?我叫索阳金,就是一个来自阿坝藏族羌族自治州的藏族女孩,欢迎在座各位来我的家乡阿坝,来我的家乡九寨,领略奇异的民族风情。 今天,很荣幸能够站在这儿,我演讲的题目是:为什么教育是必不可少的。 曾有这样一个国家,二战结束后,其政府极力提倡教育,从而使它的国民经济得到大大提高。在很短的时间内,国家的科学技术、文化教育都已迈入世界领先地位。这个国家就是日本。众所周知,二战中,当日本野蛮侵略其它国家时,也给它自己带来了深深的创伤,但是日本并不像人们想象的那样沉沦下去,而是很快走出了二战带来的困境。为什么日本能够发展得如此迅猛,有什么秘诀吗?有,那就是教育。由此可见,教育是十分重要的。现在,让我们一起来听一个小故事吧!从前有一对夫妇生了一个孩子,但



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