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1、1 Module 5 Vocabulary1.advantage n. 有利条件;优点【典型例句】 He has the advantage of a good education.他具有受过良好教育的优点。This locomotive has many advantages.这台机车有许多优点。Studying English has many advantages.学习英语有许多好处。【相关链接】 gain (get/ have) an advantage over sb. 胜过某人weigh advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊take advantage

2、 of sb./sth. 趁机;利用;欺骗(或愚弄)某人例如:Peter took advantage of his visit to Paris to improve his French.彼得利用访问巴黎之机提高法语。This failure may be turned to our advantage.也许可以把这次失败变成对我们有利的事情。选择(1)He _her kindness and borrows her bike too much.A.gains advantage overB.takes advantage ofC.has the advantage ofD.turns t

3、he advantage of2提示:takes advantage of her kindness“利用她的好心肠”。答案:B(2)_Johns ignorance, the dealer sold him a worthless car.A.Takes advantage ofB.Using the advantage ofC.Taking advantage ofD.With the advantage of答案:C2. score vt. vi. n. 【课文原句】Yao Ming scored before the first minute had passed. (Page 44)

4、【点拨】score 在这里作动词,表示“(在比赛或测验中)得分”,在该句中是不及物动词,它还可作及物动词。如:He scored 98/ low/ high/ well on the test. 【拓展】 score 作动词时,有很多意思,请看:He has scored a great success with that new play. (获得成功)Will you score for us,please ? (记分) score 还可以作名词, 表示 “比赛得分;分数;二十”。如:They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3.The boy got

5、 a score of 120 in the IQ test.A score of computers were offered at the meeting. 3注意:当 score 作“二十”讲时,复数不变。如:three score and ten 七十Two people were killed and scores were injured. Scores of people took part in the parade. 许多3.guarantee n.C (制品等的) 保证;保证书vt. 保证;约定【课文原句】Success for Li Ning was guaranteed

6、, and it came quickly. (Page 42)【点拨】guarantee 在课文中作动词,表示“保证,担保;使很可能发生”,后面可以接名词、不定式或从句。如:His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting.Can you guarantee me a job when I get there? We guaranteed to arrive here on time tomorrow.I can guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result. 【拓展】

7、guarantee 作动词还可以表示“保修” ,后面多跟名词。如:The radio is guaranteed for twelve months., guarantee 还可作名词,表示“保修(期) ;保证;保证人” 等。如:The watch has a six months guarantee.This car has a six-month guarantee for all repairs.It was still under guarantee.它还在保修期内。I give my guarantee that he will do it well.If I can borrow

8、$ 1000 from the bank, will you be my guarantee? Wealth is no guarantee of happiness. 财富并非幸福的保证。4【相关链接】 辨析 guarantee 与 assure:guarantee: 指对事物的品质或人的行为及履行义务、义务等承担责任ensure: 侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。assure: 侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,但不如 ensure 普通。assure 可后接 sb. of sth.,意思是:使确信.在句式 I (can) assure you 中, 与主要句

9、子并列或当插入语用,意思是“保证,确实 ”。例如:I can assure you that he is sincere.我可以向你保证他是诚恳的。I assure you Ill be back at three.我向你担保我三点一定回到这儿。I can assure you of his sincerity.我可以向你保证他的诚恳。I was unable to assure her of my feelings.我没能使她明白我的感情。This novel is very interesting,I assure you.这部小说确实有趣。翻译句子(1)他给予我工作的保证。_(2)我确信

10、他安然无恙。_5答案:(1)He gave me a guarantee to provide a job.(2)I assured myself of his safety.完成句子(3)他提供自己的房子作为担保。He put up his house as a _.(4)这只手表保用五年。This watch is _for five years.(5)我无法使她相信我没做那件事。I was unable to _her that I didnt do that.答案:(3)guarantee(4)guaranteed(5)assure选择(6)He _ himself that all

11、the doors and windows were locked.A.sured B.assuredC.guaranted D.insured提示:句意:他确定所有门窗都上了锁。答案:B64.increase n.增大;增多;扩充;增长v.增加;增多;扩大【课文原句】The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase (Page 42)【点拨】on the increase ( = is increasing) 表示“在增加;在上升”。这句话的意思是“有钱消费的年轻人的数量在不断增加”【典型例句】 The te

12、chnical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase.两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。There has been an increase in prices.物价上涨了。My weight showed an increase of 5 pounds in a month.我一个月胖了五磅。His fear increased at every step.每向前走一步,他的恐惧就增加一分。The number of students has inc

13、reased since last year.去年以来学生的人数增加了。【知识小结】 on the increase 正在增长an/the increase in(of)(方面的)增长 an increase in numbers 增加数量on the rise 在增长 ,在崛起,在上升on the decline 在衰退,在下降on the decrease 在减少7on the go 活跃;忙个不停选择(1)Cinema attendances are distinctly _the increase.A.of C.on D.with提示:be on the increase 正

14、在增长。句意:电影观众在明显地增加。答案:C(2)There is _in population _the earth every year.A.increasing;onB.a increase; increase;for increase;on提示:increase in“在某一方面有所增长”;on the earth 为固定短语。句意:地球上的人口在急骤增加。答案:D5. rise to ones feet 【课文原句】 the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer. (Page 49)【点拨】rise to ones

15、 feet 意为“站起身来,跳起来” 。如:8Mike rose to his feet and ran towards the window. 【拓展】由 feet 构成的短语还有: on ones feet “站着,站起来;痊愈 ”。如:Ive been on my feet all day.It is nice to see you on your feet again. keep ones feet “站稳脚跟;不跌倒”。如:He found it difficult to keep his feet on the slippery surface. under ones feet“碍手碍脚”。如:The children are under my feet all day. set foot in/on“进入或参观(某地) ;到达” 。如:He is the first man to set foot on the moon.6.protest v./n. 反对;抗议;抱怨;郑重声明;言明【课文原



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