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1、220kV 变电站电气主控制系统二次回路设计I摘 要本论文介绍了文关 220kV 降压变电站电气部分初步设计,从设计任务上来看,共分为七大步骤。即,1、电气控制方式选择及确定。2、互感器回路设计。3、主断路器控制及信号回路设计。4、变电站继电保护配置设计。5、进行本变电站高压配电装置的规划设计。6、进行本变电站继电保护设计。7、变电站自动装置配置设计等七大步骤,本论文结合电气的有关规程进行设计。本次设计是我们在校期间进行的最后一个非常重要的综合性实践教学环节,也是我们学生全面运用所学基础理论、专业知识对实际问题进行设计(或研究)的综合性训练,同时还是我们将来走向工作岗位而奠定的基本实践。通过本

2、次设计可以增强我们运用所学知识解释实际问题的能力和创新能力,以便更好地适应工作的需要。其设计内容结合相关的参考文献进行编写,由于水平有限,难免会有错误疏漏之处,请参阅老师多给予批评指正。关键词: 变电站,电气主接线,电气设备,防雷保护等。沈阳工程学院毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractThis paper introduced the buck, Commissioner of 220 kV electric substation of the preliminary design, design tasks from the point of view, is divided into se

3、ven steps. That is, 1, choice of the main transformer substation of the models, capacity and number of Taiwan. 2, the design of the electrical substation main connection of the basic form. 3, a short-circuit current calculation. 4, a major electrical equipment choice. 5, the high-voltage power distr

4、ibution substation planning and design of the devices. 6, the substation protection and automatic devices of the planning and design. 7, Lightning Protection of the substation planning and design, such as seven steps, this paper with the electrical design on a point of order. The design is in school

5、 during the last a very important part of a comprehensive practice teaching, but also full use of our students have learned basic theories, professional knowledge to practical problems to design (or research) integrated training, is also our futureJobs and to lay the basic practice. Through this des

6、ign can be enhanced by the knowledge we use to explain the actual capacity and ability to innovate in order to better meet the needs of their work. The design elements associated with the reference to the preparation, the limited level, it is inevitable there will be errors of omission, please refer

7、 to the teacher to give more criticism correction. Keyword: substations, the main electrical wiring and electrical equipment, mine protection.220kV 变电站电气主控制系统二次回路设计目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II第一部分 引言 .11.1 变电站概况 .11.2 二次回路的作用 .21.3 二次回路的分类和组成 .21.3.1 控制回路 .21.3.2 信号回路 .31.3.3 测量回路 .31.3.4 调节回路 .31.3.5 继电保护操作型自动装置回路 .31.3.6 操作电源系统 .31.4 对二次回路的基本要求 .31.4.1 对控制回路的基本要求 .41.4.2 对测量回路的基本要求 .51.5 二次回路的发展简史及展望 .51.5.1 就地分散控制 .51.5.2 电气集中控制 .61.5.3 单元控制 .61.5.4 综合控制 .6第二部分 正文 .71 断路器控制回路 .71.1 变电站断路器控制方式 .71.1.1 变电站断路器控制方式 .



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