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1、机夹式深孔刀具设计摘 要:深孔加工作为二战以后发展起来的一种新型加工工艺,在国民经济发展中发挥着越来越巨大的作用。然而,由于我国深孔加工技术起步较晚,发展不容乐观。本文研究了深孔加工原理。并针对难加工材料钛合金设计了适合加工中小直径深孔的刀具。本文重点在于分析深孔加工过程尤其是深孔钻削过程的工艺特点。初步地对深孔加工工艺特点进行分析。同时立足于石油石化行业,针对当前行业内对钛合金材料的深孔产品的需求,选择难加工材料钛合金作为加工对象。本文介绍分析了目前国内外深孔刀具现状,指出了焊接式深孔钻的缺点。针对焊接式深孔钻的缺点提出了机夹式深孔钻结构。并选择具有代表性的尺寸进行结构设计。提出了适合小直径

2、深孔加工的紧凑型刀具和适合中等直径加工的普通型刀具。针对目前国内深孔机床造价昂贵,装备周期长的问题。本文提出并初步尝试了把普通车床改造为深孔机床的改造设计方案。关键字:深孔刀具;内排屑深孔钻;深孔镗刀;钛合金;机夹式Design of Clip-on Deep Hole Machine ToolAbstract:Deep-hole drilling processing, as a new processing technology developed after World War II , is playing an increasingly significant role in nat

3、ional economic development. However, due to late start of deep hole processing technology, the development of it is not optimistic. In this paper, deep hole principle. And designed processing middle and small diameter hole tools , which was for the titanium alloy which difficult to process materials

4、 . of the tool. This article focuses on analysis of deep hole drilling process, especially the process of drilling. Preliminary processing of the hole were analyzed. At the same time based on the petroleum and petrochemical industry, select the titanium alloy as the processing objects. This article

5、describes and analyzes the current status deep hole machining process in domestic and foreign , and pointed out the shortcomings of welding deep hole drilling. Deep hole drilling for the shortcomings of welding made clip-on deep hole drilling machine structure. And select the size of typical structu

6、ral to design. Put forward the compact tool for the small-diameter deep holes and the general type of medium-diameter machining. For the present problems of Deep hole machine tool like expensive and equipment in long period. This paper initially tried to transform and design to transformate the ordi

7、nary lathe machine to a deep deep hole machining.Key word;Deep-hole Tools,Chip-in Deep-hole drilling,Deep Hole Boring Tool,titanium alloy ,Machine-clip toolsI目 录1 绪论 .11.1 本课题研究的目的与意义 .11.2 国内外发展与现状 .21.2.1 深孔钻削技术的发展 .21.2.2 国内外现状 .31.3 深孔加工简介 .41.3.1 深孔的定义 .41.3.2 深孔加工的分类 .51.3.3 深孔加工的特点 .62 钛合金深孔钻

8、削技术研究 .72.1 深孔钻的结构及切削角度 .72.1.1 深孔钻的结构 .72.1.2 深孔钻标注角度参考系 .72.1.3 深孔钻的标注角度 .82.2 深孔刀具的受力分析 .92.2.1 力学模型的建立 .92.2.2 切削力计算 .112.3 钛合金加工特性研究 .122.3.1 钛合金理化性质 .122.3.2 钛合金的加工特点及深孔钻削中的问题 .142.4 刀具选择研究 .152.4.1 刀具材料应具备的性能 .152.4.2 硬质合金刀具简介 .172.4.3 刀齿材料选择 .182.4.4 刀齿产品初步选择 .193 机夹式深孔钻设计 .203.1 工况分析及刀具结构选择 .203.2 刀具几何参数设计 .223.2.1 刀齿角度设计 .



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