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1、 英语笔译实践作业材料旅游景点翻译赏析班级:英语三班组长:组员:大连老虎滩公园景点介绍英译的分析例一 大连老虎滩海洋公园被国家旅游局首批评为 AAAAA 级景区,中国旅游知名品牌,并通过了 ISO9001 质量管理体系和 ISO14001 环境管理体系的认证。老虎滩海洋公园是展示海洋文化,突出滨城特色,集观光、娱乐、科普、购物、文化于一体的现代化海洋主题公园。Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park is the first AAAAA level scenic named by the National Tourism Administration. It is the w

2、ell-known brand in China and passed the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environment management system certification. Tiger Beach Ocean Park demonstrates the marine culture and shows the feature of Dalian. It is a modern marine theme park that comprises sightseeing, entertainment, scie

3、nce, shopping and culture.例一选自老虎滩海洋公园的概况简介,为遵循目的论的连贯性法则,译者重新整合句子结构及成分,将“中国旅游知名品牌”与“并通过了 ISO9001 质量管理体系和 ISO14001 环境管理体系的认证”两部合为一个并列句,使译文简洁流畅,并且脱离了翻译痕迹。另外,“ISO9001 质量管理体系和 ISO14001 环境管理体系”是专有名词,译者在翻译此部分时忽略了此问题,因此应译为“ISO9001 Quality Management System and ISO14001 Environment Management System”,以便使外国游客

4、能够更清晰地理解此部分。例二海兽馆 占地面积 2900 平方米,建筑面积 3500 平方米,海兽馆分地下一层,地上二层。海兽馆现展养着 50 余只海洋动物,海狗、海豹、南美海狮、加州海狮、非洲海狮等,可谓海洋动物的乐园。它们虽然种类不同,来自不同的地域,但在这里却生活的和平而欢乐!Marine Mammal WorldMarine Mammal World has an area of 2,900 square meters and a construction area of 3,500 square meters. There are 2 floors, the upper and the

5、 underground. More than 50 marine animals are living here, including the fur seal, the harbor seal, the Southern sea lion, and the California sea lion. Though they are of different species and from different districts, all the animals are living together harmoniously and happily as a family.例二为老虎滩公园

6、内海兽馆的简介译文,译者在翻译此部分时,忽略了 “非洲海狮”和“可谓海洋动物的乐园”两部分短语。后者“可谓海洋动物的乐园”的省略不影响整个文章的意义,为了使译文简洁连贯可省译此句,体现了目的论中的连贯性法则。然而,译者对“非洲海狮”的省略则让人疑惑,此省略显然是不可取的,因为其违背了忠实性法则。译者可以对原文累赘的内容进行适量删减,但对于原文中的重要部分,则应遵循原文,进行细致适当的分析及翻译。例三鸟语林 位于虎滩湾的占地 1.8 万平方米,是我国最大的一处半自然状态的人工鸟笼。它以一根 43 米高的立柱为中心,依据山势确定 18 个固定点,将一张巨大的灰色聚乙烯网支起,笼体造型气势滂沱,将半

7、个山谷罩了起来,使人们进入其中,立即投入大自然的怀抱。居住在这里的孔雀、丹顶鹤、白天鹅等 80 多种鸟类、2000 余只珍禽活泼可爱、悠闲自得。Bird-Singing WoodsBird-Singing woods covers an area of 45,000 square meters, bird cage covers an area of 18,000 square meters, is one of the largest semi-natural state of artificial cage. It is centered by a 43-meter-high column

8、. 18 park vertexes are fixed on the basis of the mountain. A gray polyethylene net cage is put up by the vertexes. The net cage covers half of the valley, so that when people are in this park, will feel immediately be put into the embrace of nature. There are about 80 species and more than 2,000 blu

9、e, white peacocks, cranes, parrots, lark, thrush, egrets in the park.在鸟语林的译文中,译者将原文的句子成分重新分析整合,达到了连贯一致。但其中划线部分稍有欠缺,还需斟酌。由于景点介绍的英文文本面向的是外国游客,因此应体现目的性原则,译文必须讲求标准,无翻译痕迹。此句可改为“so people will feel immediately be put into the embrace of nature when they are in this park”。例四极地馆 第四部分是神秘的海底世界。这里您将在屯水量为世界最大的鲨

10、鱼展示池里观赏到几十个品种、三百余条鲨鱼,几千尾鱼类的展示。这里有 360 度的水中通道和水中观景大厅,置身其中,美妙之极!在海底世界东侧最大的一块玻璃高8 米,宽 6 米,厚 45 厘米,堪称世上一绝。在海洋生物观赏区,您将看到高脚蟹、叶海龙、水母、海马、鹦鹉螺、鳐鱼、石斑鱼、各种鲟类等各类珍贵的海洋生物。在触摸池,您可以切身地体会到用手触摸海洋生物的感觉。The fourth part is the mysterious underwater world. Here you will be in the worlds largest shark display pond to watch

11、the dozens of varieties, more than 300 sharks, thousands tail fish display. There is a 360-degree water channels and water viewing hall, outside of which are wonderful! The largest piece of glass in the underwater world of the east side of 8 meters high, six meters wide and 45 cm thick, called the w

12、orld a must. Marine life viewing, you will see the tall crab, Ye Hailong, jellyfish, seahorses, Nautilus, rays, grouper, a variety of sturgeon and other various types of precious marine life. In the touch pool, you can vital to understand the feeling of touching marine life.例四选取自极地馆第四部分场馆的介绍文本:海底世界。

13、此部分涉及到很多数字的翻译,译者将其处理得恰到好处。但划线部分则体现出了明显的翻译痕迹,出现了英文语法的错误。译者没有遵循连贯性法则,使得译文没有可读性,令人费解。此句可改为 “The largest piece of glass in the east side of the underwater world is 8 meters high, six meters wide and 45 cm thick, which is a must in the world.”例五珊瑚馆 珊瑚馆展示面积 3700 平方米,是以展示珊瑚礁生物群为主的综合类大型海洋生物馆,共展出珊瑚礁生物 200 余种

14、、5,000 多个。全馆分为珊瑚及珊瑚鱼精品区、水中万花筒、海底实验室、沉船探宝、科普走廊、潜水表演六大区域。在水下表演场里,有精彩的水中芭蕾、美人鱼表演、水下梦幻婚礼等表演节目。亲爱的游客走进这梦幻的海底世界吧,去享受那美妙自然的神奇馈赠。Coral HallThe Coral Hall has an exhibition area of 3, 700 square meters. It exhibits coral reef fauna, with over 5,000 marine life-forms of more than 200 species. The Hall has 6 s

15、ections, namely, Selected Coral and Coral Fishes, Underwater Kaleidoscope, Sea Lab, Seeking Treasures over a Sunken Ship, Animal Knowledge Gallery, and Diving Performance. In the aquatic performance arena, splendid programs such as water-ballet, sea-maid shows, and dreamlike underwater wedding shows

16、 are offered. Now lets go to the amazing water world!译者对珊瑚馆的翻译很准确,对数字以及六大区域的专有名词处理的非常恰当,将“珊瑚及珊瑚鱼精品区、水中万花筒、海底实验室、沉船探宝、科普走廊、潜水表演”译为“Selected Coral and Coral Fishes, Underwater Kaleidoscope, Sea Lab, Seeking Treasures over a Sunken Ship, Animal Knowledge Gallery, and Diving Performance”,可使外国游客对于此区域的内容及功能一目了然。



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