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1、深圳市宝安中学 袁小林,for Senior 1,12-13学年第35期总第514期,Getting the space you need (P4),I. Pre-reading,When do you feel uneasy?,When someone stands too close to you?When someone talks too loudly?When someone stares at you?,I. Pre-reading Discussion,Why do those things make you uncomfortable?What makes you feel i

2、rritated?,II. Fast Reading,1.What does “personal space” actually mean?It means not only an imaginary space around the body, but one around all the senses. 2. How do people feel when they meet withan unwelcome sound, smell or stare?They feel that their space is being violated. 3. What do studies of a

3、irlines show? The studies show that people have a strong desire to have space to themselves.,Answer these questions after reading,III. Reading and answering,1. What examples were given to show that people like to protect their personal space ?On buses, people hold newspapers in front of their faces

4、to separate themselves from strangers . In the library, corner seats and the chairs diagonally opposite are usually taken first.2. Why do students pile up books in a library? It is also a way for them to protect their personal space.,Reading and answering,3. Are preferences for personal space the sa

5、me everywhere in the world?No, preferences for personal space differ from culture to culture.4. Why do Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures?America has a culture that prizes independence and privacy.5. Where do people tend to be more comfortable standing clo

6、se to each other? In Latin American countries.,VI. Language study,下列句子包含什么从句?But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable? why 引导一个宾语从句2. Its all about personal space, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but one around all the senses. which 引导 一个非限制性定语从句3.T

7、his is probably why a man on a packed bus shouting into his mobile phone or why 引导一个表语从句,VI. Language study,4.Whether people have become more protective of their personal space in recent times is hard to say. whether 引导一个主语从句5.Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire to have spa

8、ce to themselves that 引导 一个宾语从句6respondents said that if they had to pay for certain benefits, that引导一个宾语从句,VI. Language study,7. Commuters who hold newspapers in front of their faces to read also separate themselves from strangers. who 引导一个定语从句8. You will notice that one of the corner seats will us

9、ually be taken first that 引导 一个宾语从句9.Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures. that引导一个宾语从句,IV. Difficult sentences,1. Its all about personal space, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but one around all the senses

10、. 这完全是个人空间问题,它不仅指身体周围想象的空间,而且指周围的各种感觉。Not onlybut (also) 关联词组;不仅而且她不仅喜欢唱歌而且喜欢跳舞。She is fond not only of singing but also of dancing.,2.This is probably why a man on a packed bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman sitting right next to you putting on strong perfume makes you feel irritated.这就是

11、为什么在拥挤公汽上一个男人大声讲手机或者坐你旁边女人抹着很浓香水都使你生气.句中shouting 和sitting 短语都是-ing分词作定语;相当who shouts和 who sitsputting on strong perfume ing分词作宾补你看见那个微笑的女孩在向你挥手吗?Do you see the girl smiling and waving her hand at you?,3. Respondents said that if they had to pay for certain benefits, they would rather have larger sea

12、ts than extra food.调查者说如果他们付费买某种好处,他们宁愿要大点的座位而不要额外的食物。Would ratherthan 宁愿要 也不要他宁愿呆在家里也不想外出玩。Hed rather stay at home than go out to play.4.Preferences for personal space differ from culture to culture.对个人空间的偏好各种文化各有不同。The weather usually differs from place to place.,Further discussion,Do you like to

13、stand closer to or farther away from people when talking with them?,深圳市宝安中学 袁小林,for Senior 1,12-13学年第35期总第514期,Sweets arent so helpful (P5),I. Pre-reading Free talk,What do you like to do when you are in a bad mood?Talk to someone?Play sports?Have something to eat?,2. Will eating help with your bad

14、mood?,I. Fast reading,What is the main idea of the passage?,Eating junk food wont help with your bad mood.,II. Reading and discussion,1. What will eating junk food do for bad moods?It may actually make moods worse, especially among women who care about their looks 2. What will eating junk food do fo

15、r good moods ?It will have no effect on good moods.,Answer questions after reading,3. What does junk food usually contain ?It usually contains sugar and fat. 4. Why does eating junk food make your mood worse?Eating junk food will result in a sugar crash.Our moods are determined by a steady supply of

16、 energy from blood glucose to our brains. So the sugar crash will make our moods become worse.5. What makes people need to eat?One drive is hunger. The other is emotions.,5. In the 2010 study, what kind of people ate more chocolate?People who were depressed ate more chocolate.6. In the 2012 study, what happened to people who ate more junk food?The more junk food they ate, the more likely they were to be depressed.,



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