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1、Are volunteers doing more harm than good?,Issue.1010 June 19, 2013,Luxury accommodation distracts US from their studies,Are volunteers doing more harm than good?,Group Discussion,Talk with your group members about the following questions.Have you ever been a volunteer? If yes, what did you do?What d

2、id you benefit from your volunteer experience?Do you plan to take a gap year as a volunteer or do you want to start working immediately?,Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible.,Instruction,1.What do stuedent volunteers do during the gap year? 2.Why

3、does the writer say this is a win-win situation?,It sounds like a win-win situation in which students broaden their experience by helping others, while locals benefit from their financial support, knowledge and skills.,They dig wells in Africa, build schools in Thailand and save elephants in India.,

4、General Questions,3. What is the three-minute comedy sketch about?4. What is the biggest problem of the volunteers according to American Daniela Papi?,Its a satire about a young, British, upper-middle class man who tells his friend on the phone about his gap year in Tanzania, Peru and Myanmar. All o

5、f his experiences result in him “chundering everywhere” due to drinking heavily every day.,General Questions,Their biggest problem is that they suffer from a superiority complex.,5. What do most Western volunteers believe according to Daniela?6. Why did Papi say Volunteering is not about volunteers

6、fulfilling their dream of being a hero?,According to her, many Westerners believe that because they come from a wealthy country, they bestow their generosity and kindness to people in developing countries But often they know little about the local people and their culture, and lack the necessary ski

7、lls to help them.,General Questions,The travelers are not just missing out on learning the lessons that lead to more sustainable changes in themselves and in the world, but they are also often negatively impacting the people they are meant to be serving.”,Detailed Study,Read the passage closely and

8、find out the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Chinese.,Instruction,Every year, choose to take a gap year or a short-term volunteering trip abroad. They dig wells in Africa, build schools in Thailand and save elephants in India.,Volunteer v.自愿,志愿;n.志愿者,志愿并将,Detailed Study,她现在作为一名志愿者每

9、周3天在当地一所学校帮忙。,She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.,But in recent years, gap year volunteering has come under fire for becoming just a fashion trend.,Detailed Study,世界卫生组织面临一些欧洲政界人士的猛烈批评,后者指责它夸大了甲型H1N1流感的严重性。,The WHO is under fire by some European politicians who have acc

10、usede it of exaggerating the seriousness of influenza A(H1N1).,Gap year 间隔年Under fire 受到严厉批评,遭到攻击,It sounds like a win-win situation in which students broaden their experience by helping others, while locals benefit from their financial support, knowledge and skills.,Detailed Study,Broaden v. 使扩大;使变

11、宽Benefit v.受益于,使受益,我以为你想拓宽自己的视野。双方都从会谈中获益。,I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons.Both sides have benefited from the talks.,A video that went viral on YouTube in 2010 best captures the mindset of some gap year volunteers.,Detailed Study,这些镜头被正在基地外拍摄的电视台工作人员捕捉到了。但是作为一个很少喝酒的人,我很难完全理解这些狂热者的思想倾向。

12、,The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.2. Butassomeonewhorarelydrinks alcohol,Ihave troublefullyunderstandingthe mindset of these enthusiasts.,Go viral 像病毒般扩散Capture v. 俘虏,获得Mindset n.心态,倾向,习惯,Its a three-minute comedy sketch called Gap Yah, in whichgap year in Tanzania, Peru

13、 and Myanmar. “chundering everywhere” (slang for being sick or vomiting) due to drinking heavily every day.,Detailed Study,任何牛奶制品都会让他呕吐。,Any product made from cows milk made him vomit.,Sketch n. 素描,略图,梗概Tanzania 坦桑尼亚; Peru 秘鲁; Myanmar 缅甸Chunder(澳俚)呕吐; Vomit v. 呕吐,But many volunteers have the best of

14、 intentions when they embark on their gap year.,Detailed Study,Hes embarking on a new career as a writer.They embarked on a ship bound for Europe.,Embark on v. 从事,着手,上船或飞机,他正开始一个当作家的新生涯。他们登上了一艘去欧洲的船。,American Daniela Papi, founder of a non-profit organization that specializes in organizing gap year

15、tours, is that they suffer from a superiority complex.,Detailed Study,Anotherimportantreasonisthesepeoplehaveaningrainedsuperioritycomplex in them.,Specialize in 专门从事Superiority complex 优越感,还有很重要的一点,就是这些人有一种根深蒂固的优越感。,The travelers are not just missing out on learning the lessons that lead to more su

16、stainable changes negatively impacting the people they are meant to be serving.”,Detailed Study,The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical.They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.,Sustainable adj.可以承受的,足以支撑的Impact v/n. 冲击,撞击,影响,一个高效而可持续发展的交通系统的创建是非常重要的。他们说期望这次会议对国家的未来产生显著的影响。,Luxury accommodation distracts US students from their studies,



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