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1、山东烟台经济技术开发区高级中学 唐福珍,For Senior 1,15-16学年第43期总第 639期,Huawei fights back (P2),I. Warming up,How much do you know about Huawei?Do any of your friends or relatives own a Huawei smartphone?,Background information,Gartner (高德纳): 全球最具权威的IT研究与顾问咨询公司,成立于1979年,总部设在美国康涅狄克州斯坦福。 其研究范围覆盖全部IT产业,协助客户进行市场分析、技术 选择、项目

2、论证、投资决策。patent: 专利,专利权,1. Read the passage and decide what its main idea is.,II. Skimming,Huawei Technologies Co Ltd has filed lawsuits against South Koreas Samsung Electronics Co Ltd for patent infringement.,2. Has there been a result in the lawsuit?,No.,III. Scanning,1. Why did Huawei file a lawsu

3、it against South Koreas Samsung Electronics Co Ltd?2. Why has the tech company given its patents great importance? 3. What has allowed Huawei to own so many patents?4. What is a cross-licensing agreement?,Read the passage and answer the following questions.,Because it says Samsung is guilty of not r

4、especting 11 patents related to fourth-generation (4G) wireless standards, as well as other smartphone functions.,1. Why did Huawei file a lawsuit against South Koreas Samsung Electronics Co Ltd?,III. Scanning,Because holding patents can greatly increase the amount of money a company earns.,III. Sca

5、nning,2. Why has the tech company given its patents great importance?,3. What has allowed Huawei to own so many patents?,Huawei spent a big sum of money on research and development last year, and it has done so over the past 10 years. The amount of money it has invested in innovation has allowed Hua

6、wei to own a lot of patents.,4. What is a cross-licensing agreement?,III. Scanning,It is a contract (合同) between two or more parties that means each party gives rights to its intellectual property to the other party or parties.,1. This is the first time a Chinese manufacturer (厂商) has taken on one o

7、f the worlds largest smartphone companies.,IV. Sentence structure,本句中,This /That /It is the first time that sb. has done-. 注意从句中应用现在完成时。如:ItisthefirsttimethatMrSmithhasvisitedChina.这是史密斯先生第一次到中国来游览。 take on: 承担,1. Huawei says that Samsung is guilty of not respecting 11 patents related to fourth-gene

8、ration (4G) wireless (无线的) standards, as well as other smartphone functions.,V. Vocabulary,be guilty of: 犯罪的 related to: 相当于which are related to - 跟-有关,2. We look forward to finding a better way out, together with Samsung.”,V. Vocabulary,look forward to: 盼望,渴望,to为介词 I am looking forward to receiving

9、 your early reply.,VI. Discussion,What do you think of Huaweis attitude toward the lawsuit?,Politicians change voices (P5),烟台开发区高级中学 季绍妮,For Senior 1,15-16学年第43期总第 639期,Warming up,Do you notice changes in your voice when you speak to different people?,Fast reading,What is the main idea of the passag

10、e?,US presidential candidates changed their voices depending on who they were speaking to.,Read the passage and answer the questions:1.Why do politicians change their voices, according to Rosario?2.What settings did the researchers look at?3.Why did politicians keep their voices in low and medium fr

11、equencies?4. What will the researchers look at next?,Careful reading,Why do politicians change their voices, according to Rosario?2. What settings did the researchers look at?,To charm an audience.,Political rallies (集会), discussions with other political figures and talk show interviews.,3. Why did

12、politicians keep their voices in low and medium frequencies?4. What will the researchers look at next?,To show power.,Whether politicians in other countries share similar patterns, and vocal patterns in nonhuman primates.,Fill in the blanks,1.This is especially true in American politics, as scientis

13、ts have found that four US presidential candidates (候选人) changed their voices _(取决于他们在跟谁说话).2. When _(speak) to large crowds, the politicians used a wide range (范围) of pitches. 3. “They are talking to an audience of extremely different types of people, so its like theyre trying to meet each groups _

14、(expect) of a charismatic leader.”,depending on who they were speaking to.,speaking,expectations,山东烟台经济技术开发区高级中学 唐福珍,For Senior 1,15-16学年第43期总第 639期,Doing daily deeds (P6),I. Warming up,1. Do you often do good deeds?2. How do you feel after you do a good deed? 3. Have you ever made a plan to do good

15、 deeds?,Read the passage and decide what the passage is mainly about.,II. Skimming,The author tries her best to do good deeds daily to make a difference.,III. Scanning,Read the passage and answer the following questions:1. Why was the author not surprised by how easy it was to lend a hand? 2. What d

16、oes the sentence “Im short on time and careful with spending” mean?3. Does the author think it costs much in time, money and energy to make a real difference?4. Does the author think that simple deeds can make a difference?,She has achieved her goal of doing a good deed every day for 50 days straight.,1. Why was the author not surprised by how easy it was to lend a hand?,



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