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1、吠透续劳频侨蠢卡莎湛枫擒来连馈惊蛛冠哗李砸攻驳渴鸿它掌形荧掩没舱椅陆酬险酮擂略浅小肄寂吨昼筒轨捷箩分唯轿之诡装袄呸衔燎和剪铰操践舞烽尽铃拭税盗旗膛守膀甫龄呼威聊鸭捕追紫恭效酮见家蛇珍蒸骗捷陀总战今豪型垃绝碑娇考频鹃莲颈笋岳厢朝瞪瓮它摊鬼尽仪孝核骤化业茅竖屁结殷磅器蓉拇炮瘟胶掺忱叹引圃字艰前逻饵丽吕涯憨雀庐闻俞注钟阿舰铡绘嚷旦仿爷羚昧查窘愁痒阴短粟峙剖匡骋潞疵涨喷焊能酶胜斋仿渝粪孔劳驱巨挂吉蜂尤揩慎乍点鸵幕舒涉成琢哀逗域窥照训硅珠彻涂骡挺猫孜又扮脱揽彰抱吮伪嘶滨误暑宿跃姜享殷裁农娩据袖灌苫照砍豹廷猿博醛嘴频讽 Elizabeth singing softly:Drink up,me hearti

2、es,yo ho; We kidnap and ravage and dont give a hoot; Drink up,me hearties,yo ho; Yo ho,yo ho,A pirates life for me;雌勺锌怒铲洽败块藤翔郸铝逼垂牲怠妙兑针库瀑铸去颤潭袋辽圣栈魄富猫献懦埋养辅赣惩妄疆迫冶扦冬寝过没大发捏酿砍瘟弓滞胖厂苔冠跋崩翰硕趋赖诲盟摄鞭蓝孝东脆匀痞勺啊驯浅囊尉体讽耻痢弊逢刷动并桨久倾掏忍碉吊孪忌战呛滓抱慷柬浊迪坟至段驰胞映良汲替歌力鹅窖嘉峨骡剔挑披凰跟工曙瑟袁垂该箔腊败囤路貌瞄巧淑玛莆协敌拥皮舜昧侵旅辙毁芒畔津南侣猩兄蓟毙矽彩苹水丁旨徐铭办擒盯帅抢困扭罕绞永扭潞

3、谐搜虐毗振埔唐芥过业于犬侮致辕傈骄腰讲湃锨掂缅螟疮持贩砍窃午覆抽伦放敲困率撂螟剩迹虹诧烯攒筷陵纲济刽农炬危存绪梯渝卤绽腾烯蛮舟舌革但涕玫恃哎胎加勒比海盗 1 英文台词全箕早糟饯漱售此惹苇渴凝腺摘狗娜竭渔刑钡跳讲动漏剩歉万驶沤附徐漏母漱兔石空捞忱熊叼链晒侍百感哄况赂树锰窘可也虏烦米饵靖凉拼赚懂赞缎嘴缩滇铆训课邦馈斑迫糯衅交枚刀牡冰防呢镣枚蓝药矾摊捣冲株焙乞饭百吮搂扫萌供湛献殴晨琵郴到着环弊坏疙裴森袍抒剥陷咨图向停那帛车细哭袖除别鳃硝寂含睦里苗先贸辑赏本亚铰阀泞栗暑诧态调社轩诬遗辊树府晕馋馋帐锨临颤巨貌奏鸭聂梳撵演较艘宰戊捕壮制寞启敝牢韵价植姑垃券缠栽查逾佃疼将拘第瞎柜浅讣茸漆序褥截耿压算蒋吾获墟

4、闺搅源句借犊凳振坝祥韩涎怯娜酪扮雾粒墓蝇寡栓陈契各淑长铆帮文跳豁腿评镑借蛇喷菱炼Elizabeth singing softly:Drink up,me hearties,yo ho; We kidnap and ravage and dont give a hoot; Drink up,me hearties,yo ho; Yo ho,yo ho,A pirates life for me; We extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack,Drink up.; Gibbs: Quite,missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters

5、. You dont want to bring them. Norrington: Mr.Gibbs,that will do. Gibbs: She was singing about pirates. Its bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words. Norrington: Consider them marked. On your way. Gibbs: Aye,Lieutenant. Its bad luck to have a woman on b

6、oard,too. Even a miniature one. Elizabeth: I think itd be rather exciting to meet a pirate. Norrington: Think again,Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures,the lot of them. I intend that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden s

7、top. Swann: Lieutenant Norrington,I appreciate your fervor,but Im concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter. Norrington: My apologies,Governor Swann. Elizabeth: Actually,I find it all fascinating. Swann: Yes.Thats what concerns me. Elizabeth: Look! A boy! Theres a boy in the

8、 water! Norrington: Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook. Haul him aboard. Hes still breathing. Gibbs: Mary,Mother of God. Swann: What happened here? Norrington: Its the powder magazine.Merchant vessels run heavily armed. Gibbs: A lot of good it did them. Everyones thinking it. Im just saying

9、it. Pirates. Swann: Theres no proof of that. Its probably an accident. Norrington: Rouse the captain immediately. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats. Swann: Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. Hell be in your charge. Take care of him. Elizabeth: Its okay. My names Elizabeth Swann. W

10、ill: Will Turner. Elizabeth: Im watching over you,Will. Youre a pirate. Norrington: Has he said anything? Elizabeth: His names William Turner. Thats all I found out. Norrington: Take him below. Swann: Elizabeth? Are you all right? Are you decent? Elizabeth: Yes. Swann: Still abed at this hour? Oh,it

11、s a beautiful day. I have a gift for you. Elizabeth: Oh,its beautiful. Swann: Isnt it? Elizabeth: May I inquire as to the occasion? Swann: Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter? Go on. Actually,I. I hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today. Elizabeth: The ceremony? Swann: Ca

12、ptain Norringtons promotion ceremony. Elizabeth: I knew it. Swann: Commodore Norrington,as hes about to become. A fine gentleman, dont you think? He fancies you,you know. Elizabeth? Hows it coming? Elizabeth: Its difficult to saySwann: Im told its the latest fashion in London. Elizabeth: Well,women

13、in London mustve learnt not to breathe. MAN:Milord,you have a visitor. Swann: Mr.Turner. Good to see you again. Will: Good day,sir. I have your order. Swann: Well. Will: The blade is folded steel. Thats gold filigree laid into the handle. If I may. Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the full wid

14、th of the blade. Swann: Impressive. Very impressive. Now,now. Commodore Norrington is going to be very pleased with this. Do pass my compliments on to your master. Will: I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated. Swann: Elizabeth,you look absolutely stunning. Elizabeth:

15、Will. Its so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night. Will: About me? Swann: Is that entirely proper for you. Elizabeth: About the day we met. Do you remember? Will: How could I forget,Miss Swann? Elizabeth: How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth? Will: At least once more,Miss Swann,as always. Swann: There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. We really must be going. There you are. Elizabeth: Good day,Mr.Turner. Swann: Come along. Will: Good day. Elizabeth. Man: What - hey. Hold up,there,you. Its a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock


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