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1、硕士论文 基于吸收光谱技术的开放环境温度在线测量与变压力C02组分测量摘 要, I 11Y11111112111111011111111111160963帅。Y20可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱()LAS)技术对气体的测量具有受环境影响小、响应速度快、可靠性高和气体浓度温度同时测量等优点,成为发展最为迅速的气体在线测量技术。 ,本文首先详细阐述了TDLAS气体浓度温度测量基本原理、相关光谱参数与HITRAN数据库。介绍了TDLAS实验系统中的相关仪器设备,对分布反馈式可调谐半导体激光器调谐特性进行了实验分析。详细阐述了TDLAS技术谱线选择的原则,理论计算了光谱谱线线强随温度的变化规律,研究了不同温


3、02在线测量实验。实验研究了压力变化对谱线线宽及谱线间相互叠加的影响,与理论计算结果基本吻合。采用多线Lorentz拟合方法完成了不同压力工况下的C02浓度测量,进行了不同压力工况下的误差分析。关键词:可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱,温度灵敏度,时分复用,最小二乘法,温度梯度,开放环境硕士论文 基于吸收光谱技术的开放环境温度在线测量与变压力C02组分测量AbstractTunable diode laser absorption spectroseopy(TDLAS)technique on gas measurement haslittle impact by environment,fast r

4、esponse speed,hi曲reliability and the simultaneousmeasurement of gas temperature and concentration etc,which become the fastest growinggas in situ measurement techniqueFirst of all,in this dissertation the basic principles of TDLAS gas concentration andtemperature,relevant spectral parameters and HIT

5、RAN database ale described in detailThe relevant equipments of TDLAS experimental system are introduced,the tuningcharacteristics of distributed feed back model of tunable diode laser ale studied byexperimental analysisLines selection principles of TDLAS technology ale described detailedlyThe variat

6、ionrule of spectral line intensity with temperature is calculated theoretically,and the charactersof three kinds absorption spectroscopy profiles on different pressure and temperature areresearchedNoise signal in the measurement system influence on the measurement ofspectroscopy absorption is analyz

7、edTemperature field model with temperature gradient isestablished and the boundary effect on concentration and temperature measuremem ofcentral invariable temperature area is researched by using of multiple lines measurememmethodsTemperature in situ measuring system of semiconductor laser is set upA

8、ccording to thetemperature measuremems of pipe type furnace center invariable temperature zone,theeffects oftemperature on the four spectral line intensities and linewidths ale studied,and thecontrast and analysis of temperature measurement results of mutiple spectral lines pairs areachievedUsing ti

9、me division multiplexing technology by means of scanning multiplecharacteristic lines,the temperature in situ measurements of pipe type furnace centerinvariable temperature zone in an open environment are performed,and nonlinearequations are builtBy using leastsquares algorithm,the temperature resul

10、ts of invariabletemperature zone on different conditions ale obtained,comparisons of which andthermocouple measuremems are analyzed,the maximum measuremem error is 524K,Aimed at gas measurement in hi:曲pressure environment, C02 concentrationmeasuremem experimental system is designed and built,and C02

11、 in situ measurementexperiment in the pressure range of 1-4atm is actualizedThe effects of pressure variationson spectral linewidth and spectral lines mutual superposition are experimentally jesearched,I硕士论文and the results are basically consistent with the theoretical calculation resultsUsing themul

12、tiple lines Lorentz firing methods to finish C02 concentration measurement under,different conditions,error analysis under different pressure conditions is carried onKey words:TDLAS,Temperature sensitivity,Time-division multiplexing,Least-squaresalgorithm,Temperature gradient,Open environment硕士论文 基于

13、吸收光谱技术的开放环境温度在线测量与变压力C02组分测量,。摘Abstract目 录。目 录1i论11课题背景及意义。112 TDLAS技术特点及应用领域。2121 TDLAS技术的发展2122 1I)LAS测量特点3123)LAS典型应用领域413国内外研究现状67 14本文的主要内容j82 TDLAS技术测量原理921 TDLAS测量背景922 TDLAS测量基本原理:。lO221直接吸收测量技术1 O222波长调制技术1623时分复用技术1 724 mTR AN数据库:1 925本章小结203实验设备组成2l31激光器2l311激光器原理、分类21312激光半导体的调谐特性测试“2232激光器电流温度控制器。:2533信号发生器:。2534光电探测器:2635波长计2736采集系统2837本章小结28V目录 硕士论文4 14Ijlm波段H20温度组分测量数值模拟_29。41谱线选择o一29411谱线选择原则。29412



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