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1、,Metaphor about Arms and Legs,1.Arms and legs 2.Hands 3.Heels and Feet,1.Arms and legs,To twist someones arm,My son has been twisting my arm to let him take my car out on a date ever since he got his drivers license. This weekend, I finally let him take it. And now its in the body shop for athousand

2、 dallars of repairs: he had an accident on the way to pick up his girlfriend.,With open arms,My family received me with open arms when I came back from my trip to California.,Up in arms,All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent.,I keep trying to get fri

3、endly with that lovely blonde who sits next to me in biology class. But she keeps me at arms length.,To charge someone an arm and a leg,Dont go to that fancy new restaurant. The food isnt very good and they charge you an arm and a leg for it!,Give someone a leg up,助某人一臂之力,The competition to win a pl

4、ace on good farms can be intense and any extra skills will give you a leg up on the rest.,2.Hands,Quite a number of phrases formed form the word hand are very similar to their Chinese counterparts. Here are some obvious examples: a fresh hand (新手), short of hands (人手短缺)hand in hand (手拉手) wash ones h

5、ands of something (洗手不干了)know like the back of ones hand(了如指掌),But do not always take this for granted. Study these examples and you will understand.He lives from hand to mouth (He has just enough money to live on). We gave them a big hand (We gave them lots of applause).A Japanese wife was formerly

6、 expected to wait on her husband hand and foot(无微不至地伺候),3.Heels and feet,be head over heels in love with深深爱上,to kick up ones heels 寻欢作乐,My mother and dad are over sixty, but they still like to go out once in a while to have dinner and do a little dancing and kick up their heels.,bringto heel(迫使某人)就范

7、/屈服The rebels have been brought to heel.,to throw oneself at someones feet拜倒在某人的石榴裙下 to be swept off ones feet感到非常兴奋而不由自主地变得飘飘然起来,Dick was so crazy about Jane that he threw himself at her feet. Jane was swept off her feet and theyre getting married next Tuesday.,let the grass grow under ones feet浪费时间Right now the house is a real bargain. Dont let the grass grow under your feet - sign the agreement today before somebody grabs it.,Thank you !,


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