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1、1 练习 1农 历 的 正 月 初 一 是 春 节 , 即 农 历 的 新 年 。 据 说 春 节 是 由 冬 天 的 祭 拜 活 动( Sacrifice )发展而来的。在远古社会,冬祭是人们的一种习俗。在所有的节日当中,春节对我们来说是最重要的。在春节到来的前几天,我们便把房子打扫得干干净净并装饰一新( spring-clean:大扫除) 。老人们说必须干干净净过春节,这样来年才会幸福、交好运。根据中国的传统,中国人年年过春节,家家都要贴春联( Spring Festival couplet ) ,以表达对新年的祝愿。 ( 167 字)中西方节日文化渊源 p106107 It is sai

2、d that the Spring Festival evolved from Winter Sacrifice, a custom practiced by the people in the primitive society Several days before the Spring Festival, we spring-clean our houses and decorate them . so that the New Year will bring happiness and good luck. According to Chinese traditions, every

3、year the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, every family hangs up Spring Festival couplets, conveying one s best wishes for the year. 单词与词组:evolve from custom primitive decorate celebration convey 句型:It is said that so that According to sth. , 注释:合并。原文两个句子,在译文中变成了一个句子。注意翻译成英文时 so that 目的状

4、语从句中主语和谓语的选择。原文意思其实是“新年会(给人们 )带来幸福和好运”翻译是主语是 New Year, 谓语是 will bring 。练习 2 农历正月十五是灯节( Lantern Festival) ,也叫元宵节。元宵节与春节紧紧相连。过去,人们大约用 20 天的时间为春节做准备。然而,元宵节却标志着春节喜庆的结束。元宵节过后,一切又恢复正常。灯节活动热闹( bustling)非凡,人们充满无比的喜悦。在灯节这天整个夜晚花灯充满整个街道,人们载歌载舞,形成了一个群众性的娱乐活动。2 长期以来,人们不断( continuously )制造各种精美、奇异的花灯以及各种爆竹和烟花来增添灯节

5、的热闹气氛。 ( 178 字)中西方节日文化渊源 p115117 It is closely related to the Spring Festival. However, the Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. And after the Lantern Festival, everything returns to normal. The Lantern Festival is bustling with activity. People are filled with incompa

6、rable joy. On that day, festive lanterns fill the whole street and people sing and dance throughout the whole night. This forms a mass recreational activity. For a long time, people have continuously produced various kinds of elegant and strange lanterns. Various kinds of firecrackers and fireworks

7、make the Yuanxiao Festival even more alive. 单词与词组:celebration incomparable recreational activity various kinds of firecrackers and fireworks 句型:Be closely related to Sb. spend forSth. return to normal 注释:分译。原文中一个句子,两个主语,即“灯节”和“人们” ,所以译文中被拆分成了两个句子。第一、替代。原文“灯节” ,用 that 来替代了。第二、分译。原文“形成了一个群众性的娱乐活动”在翻译时

8、另起了一句,并用 this 作为主语,指代前文“花灯”和“人们”的情况。分译。练习 3 当公历到了 6 月份,我们发觉一年的时间已经过去了一半。然而,农历( lunar calendar)五月份才刚刚开始,在中国,人们正准备欢度一个传统节日 端午节。几千年以来,端午节的标志是吃粽子( Zongzi )和划龙舟( dragon boat) 。在中国古代,人们认为龙是掌管水的神,而水对日常生活和农业生产至关重要。端午节那天,人们划龙船是为3 了用粽子款待水神,使他快乐。目的是期望神保佑人们一年四季风调雨顺。 ( 163 字)中西方节日文化渊源 p152, p154 As we enter the

9、month of June, we find ourselves already in the middle of the year. However, . In ancient China, people believed that the dragon was the god in charge of water, which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production. people raced dragon boats to entertain the god in charge of water an

10、d offered him Zongzi as a treat. The purpose was to please the god to ensure a year of favorable weather. 单词与词组:ancient in charge of agricultural production entertain treat ensure 句型:As 引导的时间状语从句Sth. be marked with 注释:译文用了由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是 water。练习 4 我们中国人在互致问候时,尤其在过去,倾向于问 “ 你吃了吗? ” 这就是为什么我们说

11、 中 国 文 化 是 以 饮 食 为 主 的 。 中 国 人 民 过 去 非 常 关 注 饮 食 , 因 为 饥 荒 在 中 国 烹 饪( cuisine)的发展过程中扮演着重要的角色。几千年来,中国文明一直与农业联系在一起,歉收是常有的事情。荒年之时,人民为了活下去,搜寻一切可以吃的( edible)东西。在经历了百年的磨难以后,今天中国人重新过上了稳定幸福的生活。人们可以在世界各地品尝到美味的中国食物。 ( 190字) We Chinese people tend to greet people, especially in the past, by asking “ Have you h

12、ad your meal? ” Thi s is why we say Chinese culture is “ food-oriented ” . . As a civilized agricultural country for thousands of years, During those famine years, people would try everything edible to stay alive. After one hundred years of suffering, Chinese people are now enjoying stability and go

13、od life. One can try tasty Chinese food all over the world. 单词与词组:greet oriented famine 4 agricultural suffer from harvest stability 句型:Sb. tend to do sth. Sb. used to be Sth. plays an important role in 注释:注意译文中 have you had your meal, 是通过 by 引出来,表示问候的方式。练习 5 中华饮食习俗源远流长,其礼节礼仪( etiquette)具有千年的历史,至今仍备

14、尊崇。宴会是社会重要的形式之一。它比一般的家宴和朋友聚餐更正式、更隆重一些。宴请者一般会提前 (in advance).一到两个星期通知应邀人。不管自己是否出席,应邀人都应尽早回复。赴宴要注意准时,迟到是非常没有礼貌的。登堂入室时,位高者先入。登堂后,要按长幼尊卑依次落座。多数情况下,只有当主人开始给主要客人夹菜,或简短地宣布可以开始时,才开始进餐。 ( 188字)中国文化导读 p17 Chinese eating habits have a long history. It is said that the etiquette of eating, which originated a th

15、ousand years ago, is still much valued and well preserved in China. Formal dinner, as a kind of social activities , is considered more formal than family dinners or friends meeting dinners. The invited guests should reply whether they accept the invitation or not. If they accept the offer, they are

16、expected to arrive on time. It is considered impolite to be late. the most honored guest is supposed to enter first. Once in the room they are supposed to sit in their proper place at the table. Seating arrangements are made according to power relations. People at formal dinners do not eat until th e host starts the meal by placing the food on his guest s plates with the serving ch



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