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1、2016 年六年级期中测评卷姓名: 班级: 总分:一、抄写下列句子.(10 分)We can email our friends.Peter always gets up at 7:00 a.m.二、从方框中找出与下列中文意思相符的单词或词组,并将其工整地抄写在四线三格内。(10 分)1、购物中心 2、小雪 3、红豆4、散步 5、一盒蛋糕三、选出不同类的单词。(10 分) ( )1、A.rainy B.windy C.homework( )2、A.good B.great C.centre( )3、A.always B.sometimes C.heavy( )4、A.bottle B.box

2、C.bike( )5、A.drawing B.enjoy C.painting( )6、A.spring B.snow C.summer( )7、A.juice B.moon C.milk( )8、A.heavy B.light C.cloudlight snow take a walk a box of cakesshopping centre red bean( )9、A.fast B.high C.bring( )10、A.peanuts B.candy C.chair四、单项选择。(20 分)( )1、I enjoy _ mooncakes.A.eat B.to eat C.eatin

3、g( )2、Katie always _ up at 7:00 a.m.A.gets B.get C.getting( )3、I can find out _ countries.A.about B.for C.at( )4、I ofen _ to school by bus.A.go B.goes C.going( )5、There will _ a heavy rain tomorrow.A.不填 B. be C. is( )6、I _ words and sentences in the holidays.A.learn B.learnt C.learning( )7、Its time

4、_ the weather forecast.A.to B.in C.for( )8、What _ you do during the holidays? A.did B.does C.do( )9、It will _ sunny and cool tomorrow.A.are B.is C.be( )10、I will bring a few _ of Coke.A.can B.cans C.box五、从方框中选择合适的词组或句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。(12 分)( )1、A:_ is this mooncake?A.I learnt writing. B.Glad to see y

5、ou too.C.Thank you. D.How much B:Its 5 yuan.( )2、A:Here you are.B:_( )3、A:Glad to see you.B:_( )4、A:What did you do during the holidays?B:_六、连词成句。(12 分) 1、tomorrow It sunny will be cool and.2、I my like computer.3、do you during What did holidays the?4、MidAutumn is The coming Festival.5、early always u

6、p Katie gets.6、will a bottle I of orange bring big juice. 七、读一读,选一选。( 14 分)( )1、Do you know the story of mooncake?( )2、What are we going to bring for the picnic?( )3、Your apple juice tastes very good!( )4、Lets meet at the gate of the amusement park.( )5、Whats the weather like on Sunday?( )6、What did

7、 you do during the holidays?( )7、How many cans of Coke did you bring?A OK. See you then.B I wrote a little storybook.C Ten cans.D We will bring a few bars of chocolate.E Yes, I know it a little.F Thank you.G It will be sunny.八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be sunny and warm. Mi

8、ke and I will go to the park. We will fly kites there. We can go there by bus. But Mike wants to go there by bike. Great, I have a new bike. Well go there by bike.( )1、Tomorrow is Friday. ( )2、Mike has a new bike.( )3、It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.( )4、Mike and I will fly kites on Saturday.( )5、We will go to the park by bus.



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