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1、 外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册 Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? 教学案例 王打卦中小 李绪宪教学内容外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册 Module 4 Unit 1教材分析和教学对象分析教材分析:本单元主要语言功能是询问别人在做什么,从而展开教学及会话活动。本课是本单元的其中一个重点,主要是询问一个群体在做什么(What are they doing?) ,并作出回答(They are doing)。这一题材非常生活化,是学生感兴趣的话题之一,它能使学生能学以致用。教学对象分析:小学四年级学生在此之前学过了 milk, get up,

2、Look at these pictures 等内容,所以我设计的课中有很多的复习,以旧带新,降低难度。学生在经过前一个模块的学习后已经会问 What is he/she doing?并作出回答 He/She is doing所以我让学生在复习中学习,不让其感到难。教学设计理念本课根据四年级小学生活泼好动、爱玩游戏等特点,借助多媒体课件、图片和交际性语言精心创设有关询问的语境,组织游戏进行操练,把教学变得生动、形象、活泼、极具感染力,以引起和维持学生的有意注意,促进学生主动感知、理解和运用重点词汇及句子。教学目标知识与技能语言知识目标:会说本单元的单词和相关句子。 Lets, get on,

3、lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, hungry. What are they doing? They are doing something.语言技能目标:会运用本单元的重点句型“What are they doing?”“They are doing”过程与方法根据语言习得规律和低年级小学生的心理特点和认知规律,本课首先通过复习上个模块的知识,以旧带新。接着运用情景教学法将本课新内容在不断的复习中呈现给学生。课文呈现运用问题引导学生进行听力训练,然后进

4、行模仿性操练,运用 flash 抽学生的数字,谁中奖被抽到就要根据课文进行对话练习。每次抽两人。接着,用游戏让生进行巩固操练。游戏阶段运用 flash,使其充满趣味性。到扩展环节,创设情境,让生一边看喜羊羊与灰太狼图片,一边做对话。最后运用 chant 将课文背下,给学生布置背诵作业,将这一方法让生自己实践体会。情感、态度、价值学会观察日常生活中的点滴。例如创设情境,观察公园里的人物、事物。在扩展性操练中的 Guessing Game 中,指引学生观察生活中的人物。教学重点、难点重点:(1)学习并掌握单词学词语 Lets get on lots of interesting thing loo

5、k at people park lake row boat men chess drink hungry(2)句型:What are they doing? They are doing sth.难点:学生学会使用 What are they doing? They are doing sth.教学方法情景教学法:利用多媒体帮助学生直观理解,利用图片展开口语对话,设置真实情景引出新内容。游戏教学法:运用游戏让学生进行巩固性操练和扩展性操练,增加操练的趣味。教学准备多媒体课件,单词卡片教学过程教学过程:Step 1: Warming up(热身)T: Read the passage that

6、 we have learnt in the last module.(复习上个 Unit 的知识,温故知新。)Step 2: Presentation(呈现) 1、词句呈现(1)T:Let s get on the bus. Do you know “Lets”? For example, lets run, lets sing and lets dance.让我们一起跑步,一起唱歌,一起跳舞。( 板书 Lets,并教读这一短语和上述句子。)(2)T: Oh, the bus is coming, lets get on the bus.(由此让生理解 get on 的意思。)教读 get

7、on the bus(用 get up 换词为 get on,以旧带新,降低难度。 )(3)T:Now, lets get on the bus and go to the park. Do you know “park”?教 park 这一单词。(4)T:In the park, we can see lots of interesting things. 教“lots of”.(创设情境,进入一个整体的情景学习相关的词句。 )(5)T:In the park, we can see monkeys, snakes, they are interesting things. (教 inter

8、esting things) Lets see some interesting things in the park.(6)出示课件。T: Guess. What are they doing?他们在做什么?Ss:划船。T:They are rowing a dragon boat.教 row, boat 和 row a boat 以及复习 dragon。( 运用 TPR 进行教学。)(7)出示课件:Look at the people. (教 look at, people. TPR,结合图片教学)T: I am look at you. We are people.T:Guess. Wh

9、at are they doing?Ss:打太极。T:They are doing Taijiquan.(文中这一句没有新词,所以用这一句来巩固所教的新句型,可使难度降低。)T:你在做什么?我们可以说“What are you doing?”那他们在做什么?怎样说?(以旧带新)教 What are they doing?这一句型。(8)出示课件:T:Look at the men under the tree. Guess. What are they doing?Ss:下棋。T:Yes. They are playing chess.教 men, chess 和 playing chessT

10、: (结合图片)This is a man, and they are men. (出示幻灯片) Who can match?出示课件:Look at these girls. How many girls?(巩固刚刚教的单复数。 )出示图片:Who can match?(questions: Look at _girl. Look at _girls.)(9)T:Guess. What are they doing?Ss: Drinking.T:They are drinking soybean milk.教 drinking(TPR), soybean milk(milk 在 Book2

11、Module 4 学过,复习呈现,不重点学。)2、 课文呈现T:Listen to the radio and answer questions. At the first time, you just listen. At the second time, you answer questions.(1)Look at the people in the park.They are doing _.(2) Look at the people on the lake.Theyre rowing a _.(3)Look at the man under the tree.They are _.

12、(4)Look at these girls.They are drinking_.Step 3: Practice(模仿性操练活动)1、Game : Role play and lucky numbers.(让生在玩中学习语言,记住语言)T:I will choose some of your numbers. You will play the dialougue if you are chosen.(播放幻灯片,被抽中的学生根据幻灯片的图与句来两两操练。 )Step 4: Consolidation(巩固活动)Guessing Game(让生在玩中运用语言)1、出示课件,快速复习一些有关

13、动作的词playing with a basketball, writing a letter, watching TV, taking pictures, talking to friends 等。2、T:Let s play a guessing game. I want four students to come here and help me. Who can? (学生上来以后)One student guess, and three students do the actions according to the PPT. The others ask “What are they

14、 doing?”这一遍是为了给学生做示范,所以在玩的过程中师会提示。3、在这四个学生的帮助下,师做完了示范,此后开始玩游戏。Step 5: Extension (扩展活动)Look and sayT: Do you like Xi Yangyang yu Hui Tailang? Here are two pictures about it. In each pictuer, there are sheep and wolfs. Choose two of them to make a dialougue. Let me show you an example.Example: A: Wow!

15、 Look at them. What are they doing? B: They are doing lots of things. Xi Yangyang is saying “Hello” to Mei Yangyang. But Mei Yangyang is crying.T: Now work in pairs, then Ill choose some of you to make dialuogues.(喜羊羊与灰太狼是现阶段最受小学生欢迎的动画片,选其作为扩展性操练的情景,小学生表达的欲望会非常强烈的。)Step 6: Summery and homework(课堂总结和

16、作业布置)1、 Say the chant指导背诵。学生先看图,在师的指导下用歌谣的形式进行背诵。最后用幻灯片播出四幅图,让学生尝试用歌谣的形式将课文背下来。 (学习策略:用 chant 来辅助记忆,教学生可以用这样的方法进行背诵课文。将课文用歌谣的形式背诵,既易背,又有趣。 )T:Can you say the chant according to the pictures?( 指导背诵)2、布置作业Recite the dialougue.(课后作业是为了巩固课堂上学生所学的内容,如果课堂上学生已经达到了学习的目标,课后就应该不用做作业了。但学生要运用语言,就要先记住所学的内容,为了确保这一点,我让学生用歌谣背课文,既轻松,又可以记住语言。 )板书设计五、板书设计课堂教学预测在情景教学中,因为涉及到较多的复习,


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