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1、Lockout / Tagout:Control of Hazardous Energy锁定/挂牌:危险能源的控制,Definitions 定义,Authorized Employee 授权员工Locks out or tags out machines or equipment toperform servicing or maintenance锁定/挂牌机器或设备,进行维护或检修Affected Employee 受影响员工Operates or uses machines or equipment on which servicing or maintenance are being p

2、erformed under lockout or tagout 使用或操作被锁定/挂牌维护或检修的机器或设备Other Employee 其它员工Works in an area where energy control proceduresmay be used. 在可能实行能源控制区域工作,人员的责任,受影响人员和其他人员的责任了解锁定挂牌程序的重要性识别在你自己设备上的锁和标牌决不启动或使用挂有锁或标牌的设备,人员的责任,被授权人员的责任在维修保养工作中用带个人标签的锁和标牌阻隔能量源头在恰当的点挂锁和标牌确保钥匙在你的保管之下,Training Objectives 培训目标,Upo

3、n successful completion of training, employees should be able to培训结束后,学员应该能够:Describe the purpose of the standard and when it applies; 说明该标准的目的是什么?在什么情况下使用Recognize hazardous energy sources and list the type and magnitude of energy present in the workplace; and 识别危险能源并列举工作现场内能源的类型和大小;Explain the met

4、hods and means necessaryfor energy isolation and control 解释能源隔离和控制的方法和必要手段。,Agenda - 3 Parts议程3部分,Video 录象Site-Specific Info & Procedures 现场特定信息和程序Written Quiz 书面测验,What Would You Do? 你会做什么?,Your car needs work: 你的轿车需要检修Front End 前部Transmission 传动Brakes 刹车You dont want anyone to drive it until all t

5、he work is complete 在所有检修结束前,不想让任何人驾驶它。,How About This 这种情况怎么办?,Front End前部(锁定),Transmission传动(锁定),Brakes刹车(锁定),Types of Energy 能源类型,Electrical 电能Hydraulic 液力能Pneumatic 气动能Thermal/Cryogenic 热低温能Chemical 化学能Mechanical 机械能,Stored Energy潜 能,Springs 弹簧能Momentum fromflywheels or gears 飞轮或齿轮产生的动量Gravity f

6、orces 重力能Pressure in pipelines (gas or liquid) 管道内的压力(气体或液体),Valve Covers and Ball Valve Lockouts 阀盖或球阀锁定装置Circuit Breaker and Fuse Blockouts 断路器和保险丝Tags and Self-Locking Fasteners 标牌或自锁扣,Lockout/Tagout Devices锁定/挂牌装置,Locks 锁Hasps 铁扣Chains 铁链Wedges 闩体Plug Locks 塞堵,管道隔断方法(1),双阀门加放空法(2),插盲板法(3),Use of

7、 Tags标牌的使用,Hazardous Energy sources that are capable of being locked out shall be locked outTAGOUT IS NOT AN OPTION 可以锁定的能源都必须锁定 不能选择挂牌Tagout may only be used in cases where 挂牌可能只在以下情况下使用Isolation device is not capable of being locked out 隔离设备不能锁定Energy source is not hazardous 能源无危险When lockout is n

8、ot used, Management must demonstrate full employee protection by tagout 不用锁定时,领导必须向全体员工说明挂牌防护情况,Limitations of Tags挂牌的限制,Tags do not physically restrain energy controls 只有授权人员可以撤去标牌Only an authorized person may remove a tag (tags must never be bypassed, ignored, or defeated) 挂牌不能实质上限制能源控制 (标牌不得省去,无视

9、或丢弃)。To be effective, tags must be legible and understandable by ALL employees in the area 为了有效,标牌必须字迹清楚,利于区域内所有人理解。Tags must be made of materials that will withstand environmental conditions 标牌的用材必须经得起环境条件的影响。Tags may evoke a false sense of security 标牌可能引起安全上的麻烦。Tags must be securely attached so th

10、eyre not inadvertently or accidentally detached 标牌必须固牢,不要偶然或意外脱落。,Energy Isolation Plans 能源隔离计划,Must cover the following elements and actions:必须包括下列要素和措施:Preparation for Shutdown 为停车做准备Equipment Shutdown 设备关停Equipment Isolation 设备隔离Lockout or Tagout Device Application 锁定或挂牌应用Release or Safeguard of

11、Stored Energy 更换防护潜能Verification of Isolation (TRY) 隔离证明Release from Lockout or Tagout 解除锁定/挂牌Lockout or Tagout Device Removal 锁定/挂牌设备拆除,Special Procedures特别程序,Group Lockout/Tagout 锁定/挂牌Removal of Another Persons Lock or Tag 摘除他人的锁定/挂牌Shift and Personnel Changes 轮班或人员变化Contractors Procedures 承包商程序Inspection Program 检验程序Communication of Problems 问题的交流,



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