Risk-Management-and-Insurance 2

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《Risk-Management-and-Insurance 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Risk-Management-and-Insurance 2(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Risk Management and Insurance (GE31103),Main ReferenceHarrington, S.E., & Niehaus, G.R. (1999). Risk Management and Insurance. USA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill,Synopsis,This course presents two essential points. Firstly, it is on risk management, which is usually applied to the context of managing risks, whic

2、h could affect business environments, which in turn affects business entities. Secondly, it is on risk management applications, which are interesting to learn and practice. Generally, students are exposed with a number of concepts, theories and calculations in order to make sure the students are abl

3、e to comprehend the course in details. Learning the course, certainly, provides students with knowledge and skills for career advancement in the insurance industry.,Learning Outcomes,Illustrate risk and the risk management process Explain the risk management and the insurance industry practices .Dif

4、ferentiate risks associated with retirement planning and employee benefit,Lecture Topics,Introduction to Risk Management Risk Management Methods Objectives of Risk Management Risk Identification Risk Measurement: random variables, probability distribution, frequency and severity of losses and Expect

5、ed Losses Risk Management in Islamic Perspectives Risk Profile of Islamic Financial Institutions: Financial Risk Risk Profile of Islamic Financial Institutions: Business Risk Risk Profile of Islamic Financial Institutions: Treasury RiskRisk Profile of Islamic Financial Institutions: Governance Risk,Assessments:,Final Exam 40%Mid-term exam 30%Project research report and Presentation 20% Attendance and class participation 10%,



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