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1、,增减法(Amplification & Pruning ),文字增补是商务英语翻译中的重要技巧之一。英语的语言习惯是只要不引起误解便应尽量避免哆嗦。但如果汉译时未进行一定的文字增补,拘泥于原文形式,机械地对译,反而会影响语义的理解和译文的文体风格。, 增词法:1) 增补同义词 2) 增补范畴词 3) 增补产品名称, 减词法,In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.

2、,晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。,2. Our product is indeed cheap and fine.,我们的产品物美价廉。,3. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.,读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。,热身练习,(一)增补同义词,The innovation of products is one of the reform measures of the SOEs because it can decrease loss, co

3、st and budget.,产品的革新是国企改革措施之一,因为它可以减少损失、降低成本并削减预算。如果直译成:“产品的革新是国企改革措施之一,因为它可以减少损失、成本和预算。”那么,句中的“减少”和“成本”的搭配就不妥当,所以有必要增补相应的汉语词汇。,增词法,词义英语有一词多义的特点,同一个词可以同时与若干个词进行搭配,相互修饰、制约,语言仍自然流畅。但汉语在词的搭配方面相对严谨,同一个词通常不能同时与多个词搭配。根据汉语词的搭配习惯和英语词汇的一词多义的特点,我们应采用文字增补的技巧,这样才能使译文既准确达意,又照顾到汉语的语言习惯。,Investor confidence is cru

4、cial to the success of our economic system.,Both the buyer and the seller are busy at negotiations of business, contract and draft.,投资者的信心对于经济体系的成功运行至关重要。,买卖双方正忙于交易磋商,合约谈判和汇票议付。,如果直译为:“买卖双方正忙于交易,合约和汇票的磋商。”那么,“磋商”和“合约”及“汇票”的搭配也不准确,因此,需要译者根据汉语的搭配习惯做出增补。,(二)增补范畴词,如果直译就是:影响市场对商品需求的变化有内因和外因两方面。但若添加范畴词“情况

5、”、“方面”等来修饰相应的抽象名词,changes和 factors 更加具体、明确,符合汉语的修辞需要。,增词法,在英译汉过程中考虑到汉语的表达习惯,经常增加的范畴词有:方法、措施、情况、情绪、状态、现象、方面、问题、关系、工作等。例如:The changes of requirements for the commodities in the market are affected by the internal and external factors.,影响市场对商品需求的变化情况有内因和外因两方面的因素。,The tension in the Middle East has attr

6、acted much attention.,The terms of the contract must be clear, definite, certain and complete.,中东的紧张局势已引起了全世界的广泛关注。,合同条款必须书写清楚、意思明确、语气肯定、内容完备。,Unless these issues are addressed as a matter of urgency, the consequent de-motivation of staff will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the performance of

7、 the company.,除非这些问题作为当务之急得到及时解决,否则员工中随之出现的消极怠工情绪无疑将对公司的整个运营业绩产生负面影响。,混乱局面 饱和状态 废物回收利用 准备工作 管理部门 冗员,多余信息 补救措施 解决方案 修改方案 有利地位 落后状态,.,confusion saturation recycling preparation management redundancy remedies solution modification advantage backwardness,社会为竞争法则付出的代价,犹如它为便宜的舒适家用商品和高档消费品的代价一样巨大。,comfort

8、和 luxury 都是抽象名词,但在构成复数后,词义就具体化了。否则该句就会产生这样的误译:社会的竞争法则付出的代价犹如它为便宜的舒适和奢侈付出的代价一样巨大。,(三)增补产品名称,增词法,词义对于英文中缺失的产品名称,翻译时有时要根据具体情况增补出来。如:The price which society pays for the law of competition, like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries, is also great.,原文中Toyota,Hitachi,Xerox都为世界知名品牌,在翻译时要按汉语的习惯

9、用法把他们的产品名称补充完整,才能使译文具体明了。,5辆丰田牌汽车,20台日立拍电视机和30台施乐牌复印机早已备妥待运,但因你放信用证延迟到达,货物不能按期装运。,The five Toyota, twenty Hitachi and thirty Xerox have long been ready for shipment, but shipment cannot be effected because of the late arrival of your L/C.,减词法,冬天来了,春天还会远吗?这些文献很有价值。,英减词是指将原文中需要、而译文中又不需要的词语省去。减省的词语应是那些

10、在译文中保留下来反而使行文累赘噜嗦、且不合汉语语言表达习惯的词语。减词一般用于以下两种情况:一是从语法角度进行减省;二是从修饰角度进行减省,但总体效果无非是在更透彻地理解原文基础上更流畅地表达出来。,If winter comes, can spring be far behind? These references are valuable.,A teacher should have patience in his work.,The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factor

11、y.,I framed the words in my mind, “Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you?”,(省略冠词),当老师的应当有耐心。,(省略冠词),产品出厂前应该进行抽样检查。,(省略介词和名词),我心里在嘀咕:“对不起,我有什么举止行为冒犯你了吗?”,With the weather so stuffy, ten to one itll rain presently.,天这样闷,很可能就要下雨了。,University applicants who had worked at a job would receive

12、 preference over those who had not.,(省略介词),报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。,增减法 之 练 习 (1),1. A book, tight shut , 15 but a block of paper. 2. Success is often just an idea away. 3. English language learners should often watch the English programs of CCTV in order to raise their listening comprehension abilities.

13、4. The price offered by John is much cheaper than that of Mark. 5. Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers. 6. You were, you are, and you remain to be the consumers of our products.,增减法 之 练 习 (2),7. The inflation distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift an

14、d crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. 8. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. 9. You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing. 10. In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. Wh

15、ite persisted in his research.,增减法 之 练 习 (3),11. Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength. 12. Planning and market forces are both means of regulating economic activities. 13. Let us know the detailed information on your market. 14. On condition that you sign this receipt, Ill pay t

16、he money.,Thank You for Your Attention!,用成/谚语翻译1. To fight to the last man2. To break the record3. Under ones nose 4. Armed to the teeth5. Packed like sardines 6. Sour grapes,7. A die-hard8. A gentlemans agreement9. An olive branch 10. The Trojan horse11. The heel of Achilles 12. The sword of Damocles,13. The open-door policy 14. The most-favored-nation clause15. The position-of-strength policy16. Shuttle diplomacy 17. The cold war18. The hot war19. A cat has nine lives 20. Blood is thicker than water,



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