2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 14 Careers Language points Lesson 1 Your Choice课件 北师大版必修5

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1、Objective,To use the expressions correctly,take charge of set an exampleconsult sb. about sth. at all timescome to ones aid in charge of quarrel with give aid tobe dressed in in the name of as a result help with,1. take charge of 控制(局面、人群),The secretary took charge of the company in the absence of t

2、he manager.,be in charge of 负责、掌管,Mr. Smith is in charge of this project.,这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差。,The department was badly organized until she took charge of it.,会计科那个女科长是个十足的母夜叉!,The womanin charge ofthe accounts department is an absolute dragon!,Practice,2. consult 请教,查阅,I will have toconsultthe plane

3、 time table first. 我得先查阅飞机时刻表。 He went to town toconsulthis doctor. 他进城去看医生。,consult sb about sth 就某事向某人咨询,We consult a banker about our money.我们向银行家询问我们的资金情况。,consult with sb 商讨,He needed toconsultwitha lawyer. 他需要找个律师咨询一下。,I expected to be consulted about major issues.,在你决定之前征求一下你父亲的意见。,Consult wi

4、th your father before you decide.,Practice,我认为重大是事情必须找我商量。,Let the word fly,charge 作动词(1)收费,开价charge sb for sth (2)指控;控告charge sb with sth,charge 作名词(1)费用,价钱 free of charge 免费(2)指控;控告(3)照管;掌管 in charge of / take charge of 负责;掌管,1.我们送货不收费。We wont _ you _ delivery.2. 在10英里范围之内,您的订货将免费送货上门。Your order w

5、ill be delivered _ _ _ within a ten-mile limit.3. 他们把孩子留给邻居照料一周。They left their neighbors _ _ _ the children for a week.,Fill in the blanks,Charge,for,charge,free,of,in,charge,of,4. 十月份煤气价格将上涨。Gas _ will rise in July.5. 她被指控犯有谋杀罪。The _ _ with murder.6.他被警察传讯后无罪释放。After being questioned by the police

6、, she was released without _.7 父亲去世后他掌管了农场。He _ _ _ the farm after his fathers death.,charges,charge,with,charge,took,charge,of,Game Time,Make up sentences with your partners with the phrases above. Then speak them out to us. Lets see which group is the most productive.,注; 另附word文档,点此链接,I 用方框内所给短语的正

7、确形式填空(每个短语只能用一次)。,take charge of set an example at all times check for quarrel with give aid tobe dressed in in the name of as a result help with,1. He will talk with you _ thecompany next week.2. Every time the boss is on business, Tom_ the firm.3. The lady _ white from head tofoot, looking like a

8、bride.4. The manager arrives at the office early _ to his team.5. Every man can be cheated sometimes, butnone _.,in the name of,takes charge of,is dressed in,to set an example,at all times,6. Those volunteers aim is to _the victims suffering from drought.7. Doctors and nurses treating AIDS patients

9、should regularly _ the AIDS virus.8. He didnt work hard. _, he failed his exam.9. It is rude for you to _ your wifeand it can only make the thing worse.10. An expert, with some assistants, was sent_ the work the other day,give aid to,be checked for,as a result,quarrel with,to help with,II 根据所给汉语及英语提

10、示补全句子,每空一词。,So,far,called,on,the,day,before,1. 迄今为止,我们的校园已发生了很大的变化。 _ _, great changes have taken place on our campus.2. 昨天有个人来拜访过你。 A certain person _ _ you yesterday.3. 苏珊说前一天她去那里了。 Susan said that she had gone there _ _ _.,4. 你别无选择,只能等待。You have no choice but _ _.5. 俗话说,“人各有所长。”As the saying goes

11、, “_ _ _ _.”6. 请个子高的孩子站到后面,以便大家都能看见。The taller children stand at the back _ _ _ _ see.,to,wait,Everybodys,good,at,something,so,everyone,can,that,7. 在某些国家,富的越富,穷的越穷。In some countries, _ _ getricher and _ _ get poorer.8. 他在一位邻居的帮助下设法把火扑灭了。_ _ _ _ a neighbor, he managed to put out the fire.9. 怀特问我以前是否出过国。White asked me _ _ _ _ _ abroad before.,the,rich,the,poor,With,the,help,of,whether,I,had,ever,been,



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