2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)(学位论文-工学)

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2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)(学位论文-工学)_第1页
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《2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)(学位论文-工学)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)(学位论文-工学)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 1 of 10 2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 2 of 10 一、调研说明中商情报网全新发布的2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版) 主要依据国家统计局、国家发改委、商务部、中国海关、国务院发展研究中心、行业协会、工商、税务、海关、国内外相关刊物的基础信息以及行业研究单位等公布和提供的大量资料,结合深入的市场调研资料,由中商情报网的资深专家和研究人员的分析。首先,报告对本行业的特征及国内外市场

2、环境进行描述,其次,对本行业的上下游产业链,市场供需状况及竞争格局等进行了细致的详尽剖析,接着报告中列出数家该行业的重点企业,并分析相关经营财务数据。最后,对该行业未来的发展前景,投资风险及投资策略给出科学的建议。本报告是行业生产、贸易、经销等企业在激烈的市场竞争中洞察市场先机,根据市场需求及时调整经营策略,为战略投资者选择恰当的投资时机和公司领导层做战略规划提供了准确的市场情报信息及科学的决策依据。报告名称 2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)出版日期报告格式 PDF 电子版或纸介版交付方式 Email 发送或 EMS 快递中文价格 印刷版元 电子版元 中文印刷版+电子版 元订

3、购热线 400-666-1917 二、报告目录【报告名称】:2008 年中国 污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)China Sewage Treatment Industry RePORT,2008【关 键 词】:污水处理 城市污水处理 污水处理技术 市 场 研究报告【完成时间】:2008 年 6 月【交付方式】:特快专递、E-mail【报告页数】:70 页【报告图表】:63 个【报告价格】:英文纸介版(USD)$1900 英文电子版(USD)$2000中文纸介版:RMB7000 元; 电子版:RMB 7500 元Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Pa

4、ge 3 of 10 【报告编码】:SChina sewage treatment industry is in a stage of rapid development and has huge market potential. By the end of 2007, Chinas sewage treatment capacity has reached 80 million tons per day, and urban sewage treatment rate has hit 58%. According to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2

5、010), it is estimated that Chinas sewage treatment capacity will reach 10,000 tons per day and urban sewage treatment rate will rise to 70% in 2010. 2008 年中国污水处理行业市场调查报告(英文版)下载.docContents 1. China Sewage Treatment Industry Development1.1 Brief Introduction1.1.1 Definition of Sewage Treatment Indust

6、ry1.1.2 Status in National Economy1.2 Current Situation1.2.1 Scale 1.2.2 Equipment1.2.3 Technology2. Exterior Environment of China Sewage Treatment Industry in 20082.1 Macroeconomics Environment2.1.1 Relativity betwenn the Industry and Macro Economy 2.1.2 Impact of Macroeconomy on Sewage Treatment I

7、ndustry in 20082.2 Policy Environment 2.2.1 Influence of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan 2.2.2 South-to-North Water Diversion Project3. Supply and Demand of Water-supply Industry3.1 Demand of Sewage Treatment Capacity3.1.1 Current DemandCustomer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 4 of 10 3.1.2 Forecast o

8、f Future Demand3.2 Supply of Sewage Treatment Capacity3.2.1 Total Supply3.2.2 Structure of Supply3.2.3 Fctors Affecting Total Supply3.2.4 Forecast of Future Supply4. China Sewage Treatment Industry Competition4.1 Development Stage4.2 Domestic Development Mode 4.2.1 Collectivization Pattern4.2.2 Sepa

9、ration Mode of Construction and Management 4.2.3 BOT and TOT Mode4.2.4 Multi-channel Financing 4.2.5 Shareholding Listed Company 4.3 Future Competition Trend of China Sewage Treatment Companies4.3.1 State-owned Companies4.3.2 Private Companies5. Key Companies5.1 Shenzhen Water Group Co., Ltd5.1.1 Pr

10、ofile5.1.2 Shareholders Structure5.1.3 Sewage Treatment Business5.2 Beijing City Drainage Group5.2.1 Profile5.2.2 Sewage Treatment Business5.2.3 Main Swage Treatment Plants5.3 Harbin Drainage Group5.3.1 Profile5.3.2 Sewage Treatment Business5.4 Beijing Sound Group5.4.1 Profile5.5 Tianjin Capital Env

11、ironmental Protection Group Co., Ltd5.5.1 Profile5.5.2 Operation Status, 2007Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 5 of 10 5.5.3 Financial Status5.5.4 Sewage Treatment Business5.6 Beijing Capital Co., Ltd5.6.1 Profile5.6.2 Operation Status, 20075.6.3 Sewage Treatment Business5.7 Shanghai Chengt

12、ou Holding Co., Ltd.(Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co.)5.7.1 Profile5.7.2 Operation Status, 20075.7.3 Financial Status5.7.4 Sewage Treatment Business5.8 Nanhai Development Co., Ltd5.8.1 Profile5.8.2 Operation Status, 20075.8.3 Financial Status5.8.4 Sewage Treatment Business5.9 Eguard Resources Develo

13、pment Co., Ltd5.9.1 Profile5.9.2 Operation Status, 20075.9.3 Financial Status5.9.4 Sewage Treatment Business5.10 Wuhan Sanzhen Industry Holding Co., Ltd5.10.1 Profile5.10.2 Operation Status, 20075.10.3 Financial Status5.10.4 Sewage Treatment Business6. Suggestions on Investment in and Credit for Sew

14、age Treatment Industry6.1 Investment Opportunities6.1.1 Investment Opportunity Brought by Building Enviroment Protectioan Society6.1.2 Investment Opportunity Brought by Liberalization of Market Entry6.1.3 Investment Opportunity Brought by Rises in Sewage Treatment Fee and Sewage Charges 6.2 Investme

15、nt RisksCustomer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 6 of 10 6.2.1 Regional Economic Developemnt and Credit of Companies6.2.2 Willingness of Government Support 6.2.3 Project Plan6.3 Suggestions for Investors6.3.1 Key Investment Direction 6.3.2 Key Investment Region6.3.3 Anti-risk Measures6.4 Suggestio

16、ns for Bank Credit6.4.1 Risks Judgement 6.4.2 Opportunity Selection 6.4.3 Selection of Credit Mode7. Conclusion7.1 Conclusion of Industry7.2 Conclusion of Regions7.3 Conclusion of Enterprises7.4 Conclusion of Investment Opportunities and RisksProportion of Surface Water Quality by Classification, 200



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