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1、删JJJ|lY1436969分类号:U D C:工学硕士学位论文密级:编号:网络安全威胁态势评估与分析技术研究硕士研究生 :指导老师 :学位级别 :学科、专业 :所在单位 :论文提交日期:论文答辩日期:学位授予单位:王凯琢王巍副教授工学硕士计算机应用技术计算机科学与技术学院2009年1月2009年3月哈尔滨工程大学哈尔滨丁稃大学硕十学位论文摘 要随着网络信息化进程的加快发展和网络技术的成熟,各种各样的机密信息己经大量的存在于网络之中。在网络中网络安全技术对于网络攻击主要是采取被动防御的手段,这些手段和方法面对千变力化的攻击方式显得力不从心。为了使网络安全的防御体系由静态转为动态,防御措施从被动



4、展望。关键词:威胁态势评估;指标体系;灰色关联分析法;模糊综合评估哈尔滨T稃大学硕十学伊论文AbstractWith the rapid development of the network informatization and thecontinuous improvement of the network technology,various types of confidentialinformation have existed in the InternetIn traditionS network security technique,the method to deal wit

5、h network attack is to adopt passive defense means whichseems not very capable to handle the network attacks which al e always changingIn order to make the network security defense system dynamic and change thedefense measure actively but not passively,this thesis,on the combination ofstandards and

6、present situation of network security evaluation,applies the systemengineering theory and method to recognizes,analyzes and evaluates thepossibility of the inherent or potential threat and risk indicators of the networkinformation security,discusses the steps and process of evaluation of the network

7、security threat,establishes a index system of he network security threat and givesa fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and relevant evaluation method fornetwork securityThis thesis analyzes the main content about network security threatevaluation including obtains a relatively reasonable threat in

8、dex system andestablishes a threat evaluation data model on the basis of the index systemThisthesis proposes a weight determination method which combines improved greycorrelation analysis and AHP for the system in which indices and targets arequantifiedThis method avoids that the objectivity of the

9、index weight affects thetargetsIt also avoids information lossIt eliminates artificial error to a maximumextent by improving AHPThe thesis emphatically brings forward a method to establish a model of thenetwork threat evaluationThis method is based on grey fuzzy weight matrixBythis matrix,the result

10、 of the network threat evaluation and a situation chart of thenetwork threat can be obtainedBy studying the network threat evaluation data哈尔滨T稗大学硕十学伊论文using grey relational analysis,we can get the sorting of every threat type,the sortof threat degree of every host and the corresponding curve graph o

11、f the threatstatusThe method penetrates every phase of me network trend perception,it isthe actual the operation object of the evaluation,prediction and the visualization,Whether it iS established reasonably or not affects the trend perception result to agreat extentTllis method through experiment p

12、roves the scientific evaluation ofthe network threat degree is an import link in network security and is the mainbasis for the active defense of the supervision systemIt is also one of the importfunctions of network security evaluation systemTherefore,it is quite necessary toestablish a credible and

13、 general indexevaluationsystem model of the network threatFinally,prove the validity of this method through experiment and present thedisadvantage of the method now and the prospect for the risk assessmentSdevelopmentKey words:Threat Situation Evaluation;Index system;Gray Relation Analysis;Fuzzy Com

14、prehensive Evaluation哈尔滨工程大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:本论文的所有工作,是在导师的指导下,由作者本人独立完成的。有关观点、方法、数据和文献的引用己在文中指出,并与参考文献相对应。除文中已注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发表的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均己在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作者(签字):留懈日期: 乞一7年了月扫哈尔滨工程大学学位论文授权使用声明本人完全了解学校保护知识产权的有关规定,即研究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权属于哈尔滨工程大学。哈尔滨工程大学有权保留并

15、向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件。本人允许哈尔滨工程大学将论文的部分或全部内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文,可以公布论文的全部内容。同时本人保证毕业后结合学位论文研究课题再撰写的论文一律注明作者第一署名单位为哈尔滨工程大学。涉密学位论文待解密后适用本声明。本论文(口在授予学位后即可 口在授予学位12个月后 口解密后)由哈尔滨工程大学送交有关部门进行保存、汇编等。作者(签字): 2铌舀日期: 铂07年3月?日导师(签字):氦归孑月汨哈尔滨T程大学硕十学伊论文第1章绪论11课题研究背景近年来计算机网络面临的威胁越来越多,仅是人为的攻击事件数量就呈



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