Unit2 You are late today教学设计(新世纪版)二年级下册教案

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《Unit2 You are late today教学设计(新世纪版)二年级下册教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit2 You are late today教学设计(新世纪版)二年级下册教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(新世纪版)二年级英语下册教案Unit 2 You are late today一、教育目标:1.教育学生上学不要迟到。2.引导学生养成守时的好习惯。二、知识目标:基础目标:1.能正确表达数字:twenty、thirty、forty 、fifty,并用数词表达时间。2.会根据提供的图片用句型“What time is it?”询问时间。3.能理解 Sports Club 中的“ Get on the bus. Get off the bus.”的含义,根据指令做动作;也能根据指令用相应的英语表达。4.能认读和书写字母 c、d ,并感知它们在单词中的发音。5.能正确朗读谜语“What am I?

2、”发展目标: 1.会根据 Grand Theatre 中的内容学会在特定情景中用“Come and have something. Take something” 这样的句型来表达。2.能由 Wonderland 中的基数词拓展到 sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 等基数词。能力目标: 1.能用正确的方法询问时间及描述时间。 2.学会用学过的英语来描绘物品,并能自己编一些谜语让同学猜。三、情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1.情感态度:懂得珍惜时间,养成守时的好习惯。2.学习策略:培养小学生有合作学习的态度和方法,有效利用教学游戏和活动培养学生合作学习的意识。3.文化目标

3、:在西方文化中,一个人是不是守时意味着这个人是不是一位有诚信的人。四、教学资源:Students book 2B P7P12Cassette 2B Unit 2Students workbook 2B P7P12Word and picture cards 2B Unit 2Teaching Transparencies 2B Unit 2五、教学过程:(三课时)第一课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationRevisionGuess what it is. Show a watch or a clock.Draw a c

4、lock or a watch. Introduce: This is my Its Listen to the song: A Riddle通过有趣的猜谜活动并结合“Disneyland”中的内容引入到今天的新课。While task procedures Task 1Count the minutes on the clock. Learn the new words: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninetyTask 2Activity: Do you know the time?Look at the cl

5、ocks on page 8 of Exercise Book.(2)Show your own clock or watch and ask, “What time is it?”Question: 1. What time is it? 2. Its nine/ nine ten.Read the words.(Exercise book page 9)引入:通过学生们熟悉的话题引入到新课。2. 有机地把操练和应用结合起来,学会用 Its 来表达时间。Post-task activities Task 1Look at the pictures in Farmland and make a

6、 short Read after the tape. 把游戏活动渗入到教学中,与新学句型整合起来,dialogue:A: Excuse me. What time is it?B: Its A: Thank you. /Thanks./ Thank you very much.B: Thats all right. /Its my pleasure.Activity:Look at the pictures on page 10 of Exercise Book. Say and act. What time is it? What do you do?增加语言训练的趣味性,同时也训练学生的

7、反应能力。第二课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationRevision1. Count from one to fifty.2. Write a new riddle together.3. A new riddle from the teacher: I am red and white. I am soft. I have two hands and two legs. But I cant walk. What am I? ( A school uniform)Learn the riddle in Disneyl

8、andReview the pictures on page 10.与“Disneyland”中谜语相结合复习单词、句型。While task procedures Task 1Discuss the following questions:What time is it?What does Sandy do?Wheres Sandys uniform?Whats for Sandys breakfast?Task 2Listen to the story in Grand Theatre.Read after the tape.(Grand 1 通过听一听、说一说活动帮助学生了解课文内容。2

9、 通过做一做进Make a timetable for one day at school (in groups).Task3Act out the dialogue.Theatre) 一步帮助学生理解课文。3 通过小组合作掌握语篇内容。Post-task activities Write down some useful phrases:get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons, have lunch, go home, do homework, watch TV, go to bed, put on the school unif

10、orm 2.Game3. ActivityMake them in order, according to the time arrangement. 通过对短句的排列组合能帮助学生进一步熟悉课文内容。第三课时Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-upRevisionIntroduce your timetable in English. Example: Its I 1 Recite the text together.2 Act out the new dialogue在上一节课的基础进一步训练学生运用

11、语言的能力,强化记忆。While task procedures Task 1Look at the picture in Sports Club. Questions: Whats in the picture? Whos in the picture? Which bus?Activity: The school busTask 2Show a car and teach the phrases: get in and get out ofTask31.Read the letters: ABC, CBA, AABBCCDAbc, cba, aabbccdLearn the phrases

12、: Get on / off the bus.Review the letters: Aa & Bb and learn the 1 让学生听懂Sports Club 中的英语口令,并能做出与口令相适应的动作。2 进一步拓展学习新的词汇。3 在小组合作中,培养学生创造能2.Make your own rhymes: C for D for letters: Cc Dd 力。Post-task activities Task 1Do the exercises on page 12 of Exercise BookDo the exercises on page 8 of Exercise BookGameActivityRead after the tape.通过不同类型的练习巩固、复习这一单元的学习内容。


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