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1、6A Unit 7 一、教学要求1、四会单词和词组:answer, hers, his, mine, ours, yours, theirs, in front of.2、四会句型:Whose is it/ are they? Its / Theyre mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours.3、三会单词和词组: a calculator, a comb, a diary, a hairdryer, a mirror, a wallet, a seat, a skateboard, a watch, sunny, a teapot, sat, got, saw, nobody

2、, ask, police station, at the back of, get off.4、三会日常交际用语: This one is from Grandpa. Open it for me, please. Who are they from? Theyre from Grandpa and Grandma. Youre welcome.5、了解字母组合 oo 在单词中的另一种读音。6、会唱歌曲 My shirts black。二、单元教材分析本单元的主要话题是“谈论物品的归属” 。通过 Jim 一家在圣诞节互赠礼物这一情景引出主要的学习内容名词性物主代词。名词性物主代词可使语言表达

3、更加简练。学生在理解其意思上不会有太大障碍,但是在使用时却常常和形容词性物主代词混淆。教师在教学过程中可适当地用简明扼要的语言讲明两种物主代词的区别,创设生动活泼的情景,引导学生结合生活实际记忆和巩固,并在一定的情景下正确使用名词性物主代词。本单元的词汇是一些常见的生活用品,容易引起学生的学习兴趣,教师可以结合句型和自身特色,采用不同方法引导学生学习。另外还可以对学生的语言交际活动做一些策略性的指导,如什么礼物适合送给什么人,西方在送礼和受礼时有什么样的习俗等。Unit 7 (第一课时)一、 教学内容B Look, read and learn & C Look and say二、 教学目标1

4、、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 hers, his, mine, ours, yours, theirs.2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组 a calculator, a comb, a hairdryer, a mirror, a wallet, a skateboard, a watch, a teapot.3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Whoseis it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/his/hers/ours4、能根据图片提供的情景,正确地用名词性物主代词进行描述,并能在实际情境中运用。三、 教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 hers, his, mine

5、, ours, yours, theirs.2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Whoseis it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/his/hers/ours.四、 教学难点1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 hers, his, mine, ours, yours, theirs. 2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Whoseis it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/his/hers/ours.3、能根据图片提供的情景,正确地用名词性物主代词进行描述,并能在实际情境中运用。五、 教学准备1、教具准备1)关于本课中出现的手表、茶壶、计算器等实物。2)一张用于放

6、置物品的桌子。3)物主代词表(形容词性/名词性)4)关于本课时的多媒体课件。5)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ Revision从学生熟悉的物品和关于形容词性物主代词的对话入手,引出新课。T: Hello, Mary. Whats that on the desk?S: Its a ruler.T: Whose ruler is it?S: Its Toms.T: Its his ruler. Oh, I see.(学生用所学过的知识练习上述句型,展开对话) Step 2 Presentation and pratice1、词汇教学

7、(1)将学生所带的手表、皮夹、计算器、滑板、梳子、镜子、电吹风等物品放在一张空桌子上T: Hello, boys and girls. Lets suppose your birthday is coming soon, or your parents, friends birthdays are coming soon. Which present do you want best? Lets choose and say “I want ”.S1:(上台选择物品 ) My fathers birthday is on Its coming soon. I want a teapot, be

8、cause my father likes drinking tea.教师呈现 teapot 并带读生词,学生学习单词。S2: Look, its a calculator. I like it. It can help me with my Maths.教师呈现 calculator 并带读生词,学生学习单词。S3: Oh, its a beautiful mirror. I like it. Ill give it to my Mum.同法教授其它单词,提醒学生注意单词中元音的发音和名词复数形式的读音,为下面的句型教学作好准备。(2) “B Look, read and learn” 学生

9、听录音,模仿跟读单词。2、句型教学(教师接着上面的话题)T: Look at these presents. Theyre all from our classmates. Lets guess “Whose present(s) is it/are they?”学生进行猜物主的游戏 , 教师示范T: Whose calculator is it? S: Its Toms. T: Oh, its his. 教师逐一呈现名词性物主代词 mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.学生学习名词性物主代词并操练此句型。(教师示范)T: Whose combs are t

10、hey? S: Theyre Helens and Marys.T: Oh, theyre theirs. 学生操练上述句型并巩固名词性物主代词。3、Summary(多媒体呈现 )呈现物主代词表(形容词性/名词性) ,阐述它们的区别This is my book. This book is mine.学生进行口头造句:That is her pencil. That pencil is hers.Step 3 Look and say多媒体呈现 Part C,学生小组讨论并交流Step 4 Consolidation 学生自编对话并表演,例如:A: Hello, whats that on t

11、he desk?B: Its a calculator.A: Is it yours?B: No, its not mine. Its my classmate Marys. Its hers. A: How nice!B: Yes, its a birthday present from her dad.A: Oh, I see.七、 作业设计1、 朗读并抄写 B、C 部分单词和句型。2、 抄写物主代词表(形容词性/名词性) 。3、 默写本课要求四会的单词和句型。4、 围绕本课所学的名词性物主代词,以本课最后一个环节为例,小组自 编对话(书面形式) ,并于下节课表演。八、 板书设计Unit

12、7 At Christmas (B&C)课件A: Whose is it/are they?B: Its /Theyre mine. mine yours his hers ours yours theirs九、 教后记Unit 7 (第二课时)一、 教学内容A Listen, read and say二、教学目标1、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型:This one is from Grandpa.Open it for me, please.Who are they from?Theyre from Grandpa and Grandma.Youre welcome.2、能正确地

13、理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话3、能运用本课所学语言进行拓展,谈论物品的归属等。三、教学重点1、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型:This one is from Grandpa.Open it for me, please.Who are they from?Theyre from Grandpa and Grandma.Youre welcome.2、学生能分清各件礼物分别由“谁送给谁”,明白课文大意。四、教学难点1、学生能分清各件礼物分别由“谁送给谁”,明白课文大意。2、能运用本课所学语言进行拓展,谈论物品的归属等。五、教学准备1、教具准备1)书包两只2)单词、句型

14、卡片。3)课文中出现的人物彩色头像和圣诞礼物的图片(事先贴在黑板上)4)设计并制作多媒体课件。5)录音机和磁带。2、学生将长辈或朋友赠送的礼物带来3、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Revision/ Free talk1、学生小组汇报上节课布置的作业,即自编对话A: Hello, Linda. I cant find my bag.B: Im sorry. Where was it just now?A: I put it on that desk. But it isnt there now.B: Lets look for it.(两人寻找书包)B: Hi, Lily

15、. Is this blue bag yours?A: No, its not mine. Its Jacks. Its his. Mine is red.B: Look! Its over there, in the desk.A: Oh, yes, thats mine. Thank you, Linda.(2-3 组上台汇报表演)2、教师接上个单元的话题问大家T: Do you know Christmas?Ss: Yes.T: Whens Christmas?S: Its on the 25th of December.T: What do people usually do on C

16、hristmas Day?S1: They usually have parties.S2: They give presents to their families.T: Yes. Look at this watch .(教师指着自己的手表)Its a Christmas present from my Mum. I like it very much. I think you have a lot of presents, too. Can you show them to me, please? Put them on the desk.Ss: OK.T: Oh, what a lovely toy car! Whos


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