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1、6A Unit 6 Holidays一、教学要求1、四会掌握单词和词组:Childrens Day, New Years Day, also, Christmas, people, had, went2、四会掌握句型: Whens ? Its in What do people usually do at ? They Did you last ? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.3、三会单词和词组:Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, May Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, 4、三会日常交际用语: Christmas is comi

2、ng.My favourite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favourite holiday?5、了解字母组合 oo 在单词中的读音。6、会诵读歌谣 Its Spring Festival again!二、单元教材分析本单元主要围绕“谈论节日里所做的事”这个话题展开各项活动。这是一个学生很感兴趣的话题。为了让学生在课堂上“有话想讲,有话可讲” ,老师可以在课前布置学生搜集有关东西方节日风俗的资料。在此过程中,老师要提出具体要求,如收集的途径、发言的时间、人数等。Unit 6 (第 1 课时)一、教学内容B Look read and learn / C

3、Look and say / E Read and write二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 New years day, Childrens Day。2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组 Spring Festival, delicious, dress up, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Easter, May Day, dragon Boat Festival.3、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。4、对中西方节日习俗有初步的了解。三、教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 New years day, Childrens Day.2、能正

4、确地听、说、读单词及词组 Spring Festival, delicious, dress up, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Easter, May Day, dragon Boat Festival。四、教学难点1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 New years day, Childrens Day。2、引导学生正确地理解过去时,并学会用过去时描述过去发生的事。五、教学准备1、教具准备1)关于节日的照片、图片。2)关于节日的各种实物,如圣诞帽、复活节蛋、万圣节面具等。3)关于节日的代表音乐,如英语圣诞歌曲:White Christmas, Holly

5、 Night 等。4)关于本课时的多媒体课件。5)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1 What date is it today? What day is it today? 2 What did you do last Sunday? 3 How many months are there in a year? What are they?Lets sing a song. “The month” (边唱边跳)Step 2 Presentation and practice1 From the song we kno

6、w many holidays.A (课件出示元旦的图)What holiday is it? Its New Year Day.Who knows when New Year Day is? Its on the 1st of January. What do you usually do on New Year Day?(板书) Whens .? Its What do you usually do ?B Practice in pairs (课件出示四个节日,用以上句型操练)Halloween May Day Childrens Day National Day2 Look at the

7、 screen( 显示 Easter eggs)A What are these? Easter eggs.What holidays is it? Easter. ( 出示 Easter 单词 )Whens Easter? Its in March or April.What do you usually do at Easter?Can you make an Easter egg?Did you make an Easter egg last year?(板书)Did you last? B ( 老师介绍 ) Easter is a very important holiday in W

8、estern. They usually sing Easter song. Now listen and try to follow. Clap your hands.3 What holiday do we eat moon cakes? Middle-Autumn Festival.Whens Middle-Autumn Festival? Its in September or October.What do people usually do at Middle-Autumn Festival?Did you eat moon cakes last Middle-Autumn Fes

9、tival?4(出示 rice dumplings 图)What are these? Rice dumplings.When do we eat rice dumplings? Dragon Boat Festival.Whens Dragon Boat Festival? What do people usually do at Dragon Boat Festival?Did you watch dragon boat races last years? 5 ( 出示春节春联图 )What holiday is coming? Spring Festival.What do people

10、 usually do at Spring Festival? Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?6 齐读 B 部分单词Step 3 Look and say教师示范一个后,学生操练,形式可多样。Step 4 Consolidation1 Read part E, then write the names of the holiday.2 Answer these questionsWhat holiday do you like? I like _.Whens ? Its What do people usual

11、ly do? They usually Did you last ? 2 向同学介绍你喜欢的节日 ( I like _. Its . People usually . Last year I .七、作业设计1 听读九个节日。2 编写一个自己喜爱的节日的对话。3 上网查阅有关中外传统节日的资料。八、板书设计Unit 6 Holidays ( B/C )A: Whens .? B: Its A: What do you usually do ? B: They A: Did you last ? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.九、教后记Unit 6 (第 2 课时)一、

12、教学内容A Listen, read and say二、教学目标1 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写 also, Christmas, people, had, went2 能听懂、会说、会读 单词 relative, dress up, favouritedidnt=did not, delicious, a moon cake3 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Christmas is coming. My favourite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favourite holiday?4 理解课文内容并熟读课文。三、教学重点1 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写

13、also, Christmas, people, had, went2 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Christmas is coming. My favourite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favourite holiday?3、通过情景对话,着重训练听说技能,进一步提高会话能力。四、教学难点1 四会掌握单词 also, Christmas, people, had, went2 初步掌握并运用日常交际用语 Christmas is coming. My favourite holiday is Halloween. Whats your fav

14、ourite holiday?五、教学准备1 教具准备1) “金太阳”课文配套课件2)录音机和磁带2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1 What date is it today? What date was it yesterday? What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?2 Whens your birthday? What would like as a birthday present?Would you like a as a birthday present? 3

15、When is New Years Day? What do people usually do on/at ? Did you last?What holiday comes after New Years Day?Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 Lets continue to learn Unit 6 “Holiday”.Whats your favourite holiday? Who can tell me?My fauourite holiday is . 2 Mr Green is talking to his students about holidays.What are their favourite holidays? Lets listen. A 听课文第一段录音,完成填空It is December. is coming. The and the are



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