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1、关于身体各部位的英语短句汇总1 / 3关于【hand】 的地道口语短句:1. Need a hand? 要帮忙吗?2. I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。3. Get your hands off me! 把手拿开。4. Ive got to hand it to him. 不佩服不行。5. Hes my right-hand man. 他是我的得力助手。6. Things are getting out of hand. 事情要失控了。7. Give me a hand. 帮我个忙。关于【leg】的地道口语短句:1. Lets shake a leg. 快点儿!2. My

2、 legs fell asleep. 我腿麻了。3. Are you pulling my leg?你开玩笑的吧?4. The coat cost me an arm and a leg. 那件外套花了我一大笔钱。5. We had a leg up on the competition. 我们在比赛中占上风。6. I got a cramp in my leg. 我腿抽筋了。关于【head】 的地道口语短句:1. Wake up, sleepy head! 瞌睡虫醒醒!2. Dont lose your head. 别乐昏了头。3. She turns heads everywhere sh

3、e goes. 她到哪回头率都特高。4. He has got his head in the clouds. 他一直心不在焉的。5. Dont let your heart rule your head. 不要感情用事。6. Heads up! 小心! 关于【ear】的地道口语短句:关于身体各部位的英语短句汇总2 / 31. You talked my ear off. 你唠叨得我耳朵起茧了。2. Lets play it by ear. 到时看情况吧。3. My advice to her just went in one ear and out the other. 她把我的建议当耳边风

4、。4. Im up to my ears in work. 工作忙死了。5. Ill keep an ear to the ground. 我会多加注意。关于【eye】的地道口语短句:1. Ill keep an eye on her. 我会留意她的。2. Its quite an eye-opener. 真让我大开眼界。3. I have a good eye for character. 我看人比较准。4. You need to keep your eyes on the ball. 你得把精力放在正事上。5. I decided to turn a blind eye. 我决定睁只眼闭

5、只眼了。关于【foot】 的地道口语短句:1. I just put my foot in my mouth. 我刚才说错话了。2. You need to put your foot down. 你必须坚定立场。3. They got off on the wrong foot. 他们第一次见就没给彼此留下好印象。4. Youre on my foot. 你踩到我了。5. The shoe is on the other foot. 形势已经完成不同了。关于【brain 】的地道口语短句:1. Id like to pick your brain. 我想向你请教下。2. She was the brains behind this. 这都是她想出的主意。3. My brain is not working. 我不是很明白。4. I racked my brain for hours. 我绞尽脑汁想了几个小时。5. Do you like brain teasers? 你喜欢玩脑筋急转弯吗?关于身体各部位的英语短句汇总3 / 3



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