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1、英文写作及准备的几个技巧小弟不才,迄今才撰写了三篇英文文章,但写作过程中也积累了一点经验,不敢敝帚自珍,今天也斗胆向各位虫友贡献一下。我这几篇文章,不论内容如何,但每次审稿人对于语言的评价都是还不错的,ell ritten,总结起来不外有三个小窍门:一是平时多积累。我在日常读文献的时候,如果发现很好的句子句式,都会记录在一个文档里面,如下面的一段话,就是我在一篇文章的摘要中发现的:This paper desribes the onept of sensor netorks hih has been made viable b the onvergene of miroeletro-mehan

2、ial sstems tehnolog, ireless muniations and digital eletronis. First, the sensing tasks and the potential sensor netorks appliations are explored, and a revie of fators influening the design of sensor netorks is provided. Then, the muniation arhiteture for sensor netorks is outlined, and the algorit

3、hms and protools developed for eah laer in the literature are explored. Open researh issues for the realization of sensor netorks are also disussed.文章用词忌重复,中文如此,英文亦然。特别是动词的使用,如在一段话中出现了几个相同的动词,感觉文章就跌价不少,而如果用了几个意思相近而又贴切的词,自然就会增色几分。如上文中的desribe,explore,provide,outline和 disuss,就使得文章有了文采,值得学习和收藏。坚持收集例句,素

4、材多了,自然自己的造句的时候就有底子了。此外,还要注意,在收集例句的过程,随着例句的增多,也需要对例句进行整理和分类,方便学习和检索。二是注意行文中 Transition ords的使用。Transition ords 就是在行文过程中,连接意义相关句子的词,如Therefore,thus,in partiular 等等。使用这些词,会使得文章连贯性好,逻辑性强,读起来一气呵成,自然会给审稿人好印象。下面是一个关于 Transition ords的一个总结,供各位虫友参考:Transitions Stud SheetTransitions for time:before, afterard,

5、after, next, then, as soon as, later, until, hen, finall, last, meanhile, during, at times, sometimes, oftentimesExample: WWII broke out in Europe in39.During this time the United States remained neutral.It asnt until41, after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, that the United States entered the ar.After it

6、s entr, it as onl a matter of time before the Allies defeated German and the Axis poers.Transitions for plae:in the bakground, in the distane, beond, behind, above, belo, in front of, elsehere, in the middle, to the left, to the rightExample:M favorite painting is Bottiellis Birth of Venus.In the mi

7、ddle of the painting stands Venus, the Roman goddess of love, standing on a seashell.She floats majestiall above the beautiful ater belo her.To her left a figure representing ind blos fierelouds of ind in her diretion.To her right a figure behind her attempts to over her ith a blanket and protet her

8、.It is a trul breath-taking piee of art.Transitions for examples:for example, for instane, as an example, like, speifiall, onsider as an illustration, that is, suh as, similar, similarlExample:Oftentimes people ho stud from histor fail to learn from the mistakes of the past.For example, during WWII

9、Hitler deided to invade Russia just before intertime.This deision as the same deision Napoleon made over a hundred ears earlier, and Hitlers arm met a similar fate.Had he learned from his histor, Hitler might have avoided making this ostl mistake and the oute for the ar might have been different.For

10、 instane, if Hitler had deided to invade England b sea rather than Russia b land, he might ell have on the ar.Transitions for emphasis:hiefl, equall, indeed, even more important, in partiular, most important, ithout a doubt, indubitabl, unquestionabl, definitelExample:Without a doubt, Chinese food i

11、s one of m favorite uisines.Although I find Japanese and Thai food equall deliious at times, Chinese food is definitel m favorite Asian uisine.In partiular I enjo the spi Szehuan of ooking monl found in Chinese food.Transitions for restatement:in short, that is, in effet, in other ordsExample:When I

12、 asked m girlfriend to marr me she said, in effet, that she ouldnt be read for marriage until after she pleted her PhD program.At first I as rushed, that is, I felt like she said no beause she didnt love me anmore.Hoever, after she explained her reasons to me I felt better and agreed ith her.In othe

13、r ords, I ame XX feeling better than I had antiipated.Transitions for parison:similarl, likeise, also, the same as, different than, opposite, unlike, insteadExample:When m older brother as deiding here to go to ollege he spoke to m father about here he should go.Not surprisingl he ent to the same sh

14、ool m father did, MIT.When it as time for me to hoose a ollege I did the exat opposite.I didnt ask m father here I should go, and as a result, I didnt also go to MIT like he and m brother did.Instead I ent to UCLA.Transitions for onession:although, of ourse, admittedl, true, doubtless, granted that,

15、 no doubt, indubitabl, ithout a doubt, definitel, ertainlExample:Some people might be surprised to learn that the to most suessful NBA teams of all-time are the Boston Celtis and the Los Angeles Lakers.Although neither of these teams is ver good right no, the are the to teams ith the most hampions i

16、n NBA histor.The Celtis definitel had the best streak of these to teams; inning eight hampionships in a ro at one point.Admittedl there is alas the hane that some future team ould break this reord, but this seems unlikel.Of ourse no one an predit the future ith an ertaint.Transitions for onsequene:thus, so, then, it follos, as a result, therefore, hene, onsequentl, aordingl, beauseExample:Im sorr, but I ant let ou turn in our homeork late beause it ouldnt be fair t


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