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1、2014年2月 第11卷第2期 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) oumal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences Feb2014 Vo111 No2 哈利波特与凤凰社中话语标记语well的 语用功能分析 李艳玲 (昌吉学院中语系,新疆昌吉831100) 摘 要:本文分析了小说哈利波特与凤凰社中话语标记语well的多种语用功能:信息短缺标记语、面子威胁 缓和语、话语分割标记语、信息修正标记语、情感标记语以及思考延迟标记语。 关键词:话语标记语:语用功能 一、引言 英国女作家罗琳创作的系列小说哈利波特是以

2、魔幻 内容为题材,共7部主要描写的是主人公哈利波特在霍格 沃茨魔法学校六年的学习生活及冒险故事。本文分析了其中一 部哈利波特与凤凰社中话语标记语well的六大语用功能。 二、话语标记语well的语用功能分析 哈利波特与凤凰社中话语标记语well的语用功能概 括如下:信息短缺标记语、面子威胁缓和语、话语分割标记 语、信息修正标记语、情感标记语以及思考延迟标记语。 (一)well作为信息短缺标记语 在会话中。当说话人提供的信息与听话人所期待的信息 不能构成最佳关联时。话语标记语well常用来表示说话人不 能或不愿提供给对方所需要的信息因此故意留下一定的信 息空缺,这种情况下话语标记语well是一种

3、信息短缺标记语。 例1:“Butwhy?”said Harry,astonishedHe knew that SeamusS mother was a witch and could not understand, therefore,why she should have come over so Dersleyish “Well,”he said in a measured voice,“I supposebecause of you” “Wh砒do you mean?”said Harry quickly His heart was beating rather fastHe felt

4、vaguely as though something was closing in on him “Well,”said Seamus again,still avoiding HarryS eye,“she erwell,it is not iust you,and it8 Dumbledore,too” (Rowling,2004:196) 西莫说他母亲不想让他回到霍格沃茨魔法学校哈利问 其原因,西莫不想提供真实信息,真正的原因是他母亲认为 哈利是个骗子。三个well在这里的功能是一样的。会话人西 莫想要提供一定的信息,但由于害怕真话伤人却不能提供对 方需要的信息,只能留下一定的信息空缺

5、。 (-)well作为面子威胁缓和语 在言语交际中,为了维护和谐的人际关系交际双方需 要做出种种努力以尽量遵守礼貌原则话语标记语weU就是 其中一种言语手段,它可以缓和面子威胁,调节人际关系。 例2:“and it wants all the houses to be friends?” said Harry,looking over at the Slytherin table,where Draco Malfoy was holding court“Fat chance” “Well,no,you shouldnt take that attitude,”said Nick re pmvi

6、ngly“Peaceful cooperation,thatS the keyWe ghosts, though we belong to separate houses,maintain links of friend shipIn spite of the competitiveness between Gryflindor and Slytherin,1 would never dream of seeking an argument with the bloody Baron”(Rowhng,2004:189) 在开学的聚会上,哈利认为这是霍格沃茨魔法学校学生 交朋友的好机会,但是尼克

7、的观点相反。尼克用well试图缓 解给对方面子造成的威胁。 (三)well作为话语分割标记语 1well可以用来转换话题 例3:“fine,fine,”said Mr Weasley,a little too heartily “Youer-havent seen Healer Smethwyck,have you?” “No,”said Mrs Weasley suspiciously,“Why?” “Nothing,nothing,”said Mr Weasley airily,starting to unwrap his pile of gifts“Well,everyone had a

8、 good day? What did you all get for Christmas?OhHarrytlIis is absolutely wonderful!”(Rowling,2004:447) 韦斯莱先生不想让妻子知道他换了绷带。所以他用话语 标记语well转换话题向大家问好,以便引起听话人的注意。 2well表示开始会话或继续会话 例4:Harry sat down and SO did Snapehis cold back eyes fixed unblindingly upon Harry,dislike etched in every line of his face “W

9、ell,Potter,you know why you are here,”he said “The Headmaster has asked me to teach you OcclumencyI can only hope that you prove more adept at it than at Potions”(Rowling,2004:468) 校长要斯内普教授教哈利大脑封闭术,斯内普教授使用 well表示开始与哈利会话。 例5:(Umbridge said)“I just wondered whether I could make the teensiest intermpti

10、on,Minerva?” “I dare say you11 find you can”said Professor McGo 113 nagall through tightly gritted teeth “1 was just wondering whether MrPotter has quite the temperament for an Auror?”said Professor Umbridge sweetly “Were you?”said Professor McGonagaH haughtily“Well, Potter,”she continued,as though

11、there had been no interruption, “ifyou are seriousinthis situation”(Rowling,2004:468) 麦格教授使用well来继续他的会话,同时希望听话人为 接下来的会话做好准备。 3well表示话轮转换 well作为话轮转换标记可以分为保持话轮、问题提示语 和结束话轮。 例6:“But why should I know whats going on?Why should anyone bother to tell me whats been happening?” “Harry,we wanted to tell you,

12、we really did一 “Cant ve wanted to that much,can you,or youd have sent me an owl,but Dumbledore made you swear一” “WeUhe did-” “Four weeks Ive been stuck in Priver Drivenicking papem out of bins to try and find out whats been going on一” Harry blames Hermione for not having told him what is happening,w

13、hile Hermione explained to him(Rowling,2004: 64) 哈利责备赫敏没有告诉他所发生的事情。而赫敏使用 well来保持话轮,一直在给他解释。 例7:“Yes。”said Neady Headless Nick quiedy,“1 walk and talk,yes” “So,you came back,didnt you?”said Harry urgently “People can come back,tight?As ghosThey dont have to disappear completelyWell?”he added impatien

14、tly,when Nick continued to say nothing(Rowling,2004:758) 哈利希望尼克能肯定人死后会回来。他使用well作为问 题提示,暗示会话人在等待回答或需要更多的信息,希望对方 给予答复。 例8:He look up at Grawp。who was BOW puHing back the pine with an expression of detached pleasure on his face;The roots were creaking as he tipped them away from the ground “Wel1I reck

15、on thats enough for one day”said Hagrid“We_e卜wego back now,shall we?”(Rowling, 2004:614) 海格说今天到此结束,我们回去吧,他使用well提示会 话结束。 (四)well作为信息修正标记 在言语交际中,说话人的错误用词、口误、听错对方的话 语或对某一信息产生了误解,或说话人提供的信息本身存在 问题等,说话人或听话人可能随时进行修正会话修正可视为 一种会话调节方式,作为一种语言手段。话语标记语well可 114 以插入话语中起到修正的功能。 例9:“You make me nervous,1 was doing

16、 all tight before then!”Cho told Harty ruefully “That was quite good,”Harry lied,but when she raised her eyebrows,he said, “well,no,it was lousy,but I know you can do it properly。1 was watching from over there” (Rowling,2004:350) 哈利教同学魔术,起初他在恭维张秋,但当他看到她的表 现他用话语标记语well来修正他之前的评价。 (五)well作为情感标记 交际中说话人需要表达自己的情感,或希望与对方在情 感上的产生共鸣通常使用话语标记语well来表达自己的心 情,如:生气、吃惊、感叹、讽刺等。 例10:“PotterIm goi



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