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1、求职当老师求职信第一篇:英语老师求职英文求职信 dear leaders of the shool:hello!i am the english department, northeast normal universit foreign language institute for students in grade 97, ill graduate in jul 201X, i am interested in the eduational front to pla their on light and heat.the influene of the famil, forming a h

2、ard-orking spirit of m man ears of honing ast m strong-illed harater, shool eduation that i have qualified for the future eduation of m professional and ultural qualities.universit for four ears, i matured, normal humanities XXdemi atmosphere ultivated m moral harater, develop a unique set of learni

3、ng m a, i alas strit ith himself, everthing strit demands on themselves, so i have a number of aspets have a leap of progress.in the stud, i kno that learning is the bounden dut of the students, if ou do not stud hard ork ill not be qualified for future hallenges. in addition to his on efforts to st

4、ud english, but also ativel expand the knoledge in the various stages of examination, the results have been good all through the shool, has reeived third-lass sholarship, in addition, in order to meet the ever-hanging ne needs of the times, oupled ith their on interest, during the first ear to parti

5、ipate in the department of puter training, master the basi operations, sophomore, junior during the minor in puter siene, jilin universit of tehnolog and graduated ith honors .at ork, i have initiall shon their ork in oordinating the talents of students. begin as a freshman, i have been sleeping lon

6、g as the post of ounselor ativel ooperate ith the department prepare students to ork.dediated onnetion, in the northeast normal universit high shool intern, i have been onsulted idel to teahers, serious ork, on the praise of teahers and students have ahieved exellent results. three ears, i have not

7、stopped tutor, i taught students of all ages, from hih benefit, on the one hand, i understand the pshologial development of students and different learning requirements, on the other hand, for junior high and high some initial grasp of the textbooks, hih the future of eduation, there ill be a great

8、help.in the ultural field of sports, to partiipate ativel in phsial exerise, three ears, sports has been exellent performane, a former member of the lass of the sport. not onl that, i have a keen interest in dane, and self-stud for man ears, ativel partiipated in ultural ativities in shools, moreove

9、r, i as good at painting, a poster for the lass, blakboard nespaper.in moral terms, to eduation, i am passionate about, ell XXre that ten trees, takes a hundred ears , the suess or failure of eduation in relation to a ountr and a nation s suess or failure, i ould like to do in the ause of eduation a

10、 humble. and i believe the shool as the shool motto in one sentene: do eduators, not just jiaoshu jiang. therefore, eduation in the future, i ill ontinue to ork to that end.rigorous and realisti in our shool s of teahing attrative to me, i hope that i an bee a member of our shool, and i ill ork toar

11、ds development of eduation in our shool, i believe, i ill bee a qualified teaher . finall, ask our shool to give me a hane to prove himself.i ish our shool business as flourishing, to go further.第二篇:求职 5 老师罗永浩另类求职信新东方传奇 老师罗永浩(求职信和语录)罗永浩,男,吉林省延吉市人。高二时主动退学。退学后坚持自学,具有深厚的人文功底。201X 年自荐于新东方学校,凭借独特的授课风格,迅速

12、成为新东方的“品牌教师”之一。罗永浩摆过地摊,卖过旧书,“倒”过走私车,做过期货,卖过电脑散件后来他想移民,自学英语,参加了两次 gre考试,听人说新东方学校不错,就来北京上新东方的英语班。心想,我也能教。201X 年12月,他给校长俞敏洪写了一封不客气的求职信:俞校长您好:我先对照一下新东方最新的招聘要求:1.有很强的英语水平,英语发音标准。我得承认比王强老师的发音差一点。很多发音恐怖的人也可以是新东方的品牌教师,我不知道为什么要要求这一条,尽管我没这方面的问题。大学本科或以上学历,英语专业者优先。真不喜欢这么势利的条件,这本来应该是实力、马力之流的学校的要求。3.有过考toefl、gre

13、的经验。gre我考过两次。4.有教学经验者,尤其是教过以上科目者优先。教过后来被国家明令禁止的传销课半年。5.口齿伶俐,中文表达能力强,普通话标准。岂止伶俐,简直凌厉,普通话十分标准,除了对卷舌音不太在意。具备较强的幽默感,上课能生动活泼。我会让他们开心。7.具备较强的人生和科学知识,上课能旁征博引。除了陈圣元,我在新东方上过课的老师都和文盲差不多,当然他们还小。8.具备现代思想和鼓动能力,能引导学员为前途奋斗。新东方的学员是最合作,最容易被鼓动的,因为他们来上课的最大目的就是接受鼓动,这个没有问题。9.年龄 40以下。28岁。罗永浩语录1.剽悍的人生不需要解释!人生总有几次踩到大便的时候。3

14、.以前上课时老师们都说女孩子要自立。哦,忘了,你们是考gre的,考 gre的女生是什么?猛女!4.好了,笑话讲完了,刚才趴着的同学可以继续睡了。5.gre是什么?就是让中国人体验美国人愚蠢程度的考试。在美国的研究生院里中国学生从来不参加课堂讨论,以至于教授都以为他们什么都不会。可是一考试就是第一。一考试就第一,那美国教授不就崩溃了吗?他根本理解不了,于是感叹道:“啊,神秘的东方!”7.风。冷风。冷风吹。古龙这样写是为了赚稿费。8. 你数学不好,还可以去当英国首相嘛,不行也可以去当作家嘛,还可以去英国作诗嘛,当然以上的都需要签证。那不行你可以在国内当作家嘛,最次你也可以当个老师嘛,如果你连课都讲不了,你也可以去当个校长吧。第三篇:应聘求职简历范文求职信求职信尊敬的女士先生:您好!非常。



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