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1、 ! 蓦 薯一囊。ll 誊 一 Wang also answered questions raised by the students “Through the front windows,we can see the Earth and many other stars,but up till now,we havent seen any UFOs,”Wang says “We are beyond the Earths atmosphere and due to the lack of obstructing atmosphere the stars we see are much bri

2、ghter,but they do not twinkle,”she says “Meanwhile,due to the absence of the atmosphere with its light scattering feature,the sky we see is not blue but is deep darkAnd also I can tell you a wonderful phenomenon:we can see sunrises 1 6 times a day as we circle the Earth every 90 minuteS”she adds i宇航

3、 员:风采。 聂海胜:十年内两度“上天” 聂海胜,1964年9月出生,湖北省襄阳市人,少将军衔。高中毕业时通过空军招飞,于空军 长春飞行学院(今空军航空大学)入伍;1998年1月成为我国第一批航天员。 2005年6月。聂海胜与战友费俊龙成功执行了“神舟六号”载人航天飞行任务。在太空工 作的115小时32分钟,他和费俊龙“零失误”完成了所有预定程序和操作规程,并且首次进入 轨道舱进行空间科学实验,首次完成了我国真正意义上有人参与的空间飞行试验。任务完成 后,聂海胜被授予“英雄航天员”的荣誉称号。 2013年4月,聂海胜入选“天宫一号”与“神舟十号”载A-E行任务飞行乘组,并担任“神 十”飞行任务

4、的指令长,这也是他在十年内第二次“飞天”。 Astronaut Nie Haisheng is of Han nationality and a member of the Communist Party of China(CPC)He holds a masterS degree and was born in September 1 964 in Hubei ProvinceHe was recruited by the PeopleS Liberation Army(PLA)in June 1 983 and joined the CPC in December 1 986Current

5、ly,he is a Major General and a Premium Astronaut of the PLA Nie served as a navigation director of a PLA Air Force division and a firstclass pilot of the Air Force with 1,480 flight hoursHe was selected to become one of Chinas first batch of astronauts in January 1998 In October 2005,Nie Haisheng,to

6、gether with another astronaut Fei Junlong, experienced his first space flight,and successfully carried out the ShenzhouVI space missionIn April 2013,Nie was selected to be a prime crew member of the ShenzhouX manned spacecraft mission 张晓光:十五年追梦,终飞上蓝天 张晓光,满族,1966年5月出生,辽宁省锦州市人,大校军衔。1985年671入伍;1998年1月,

7、 与杨利伟、聂海胜等一起成为我国首批航天员。 嚣 Un ,ertty; ceL | rio 幂 誊 霉囊 鞭缎 瓣 一闲 俸一 瓣瓣 00 。 0。 j 张晓光曾任空军某师某团某飞行大队 员。遗憾的是,从“神舟五号”到“神舟九号” 圆梦太空。赢得了属于自己的成功。 2013年4月,张晓光入选“天宫一号”与 十号,飞行任务中,张晓光还担任了太空课堂的摄影师,用镜头记录下了这堂生动的太空科 学课。 Astronaut Zhang Xiaoguang is a native of Jinzhou City of northeast Chinas Liaoning ProvinceB0rn in Ma

8、v 1966,Zhang is of the Manehu ethnic group(满族) Zhang ioined the Chinese army in June 1985 and became a member of the Communist Partv 0f China(CPC)in August 1988In January 1998,Zhang was trained as one of China s first batch of astronauts and n0w is a member of the astronaut brigade of the People s L

9、iberation Army(eLA)He now holds the rank of a senior colone1 Before he was trained as an astronaut,Zhang was a senior pilot and has a record of 1,000 hours of safe flyingHaving passed comprehensive tests for astronauts which consisted of hasic the0ries, endurance and space engineering, in April 2013

10、, Zhang was enlisted as a creW member of the Shenzhou-X manned spacecraft mission 王亚平:中国首位“太空教师” 王亚平,1980年1月出生,山东省烟台人,少校军衔。17岁时,王亚平参加空军招飞,成为 中国第七批女飞行员。2009年5月,王亚平通过中国第二批航天员选拔,成为中国首批女航天 员的一员。 王亚平曾任空军航空兵某师某团某飞行大队副大队长,安全飞45-1600小时,被评为空军 二级飞行员 2013年4月王亚平入选“天宫一号与“神舟十号”载人飞行任务飞行乘组,也是其中唯 一的女性 在此次“神十飞行任务中,王亚

11、平还担任太空课堂的讲师,在太空中给同学们带 来了 堂生动的太空科学课。 The female astronaut Wang raping is a native of Yantai City in east Chinas Shandong Province Born in 1980, Wang is of Han nationality and holds a bachelors degree Wang was recruited to the Peoples Liberation Army in 1 997 and became a member 0f the C0mmunist Partv

12、 of China(CPC)in May,2000Currently,she is a major In 201 0Wang became a member of the second batch of Chinese astronauts and was selected t0 the crew 0f the ShenzhouX manned spacecraft mission in April 2013 Wang has become Chinas first astronaut to give lectures to middle and elementary s hnn1 students while in orbit t Unit | 缱 瓤n ce! z弘魏n斡n 。H 蝴


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