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1、HEILONGJIANG MEDICINE AND PHARMACY Feb2014,Vo137 No1 33 4 讨论 本研究发现静息状态下Hhcy组Vm及PI与对照组比 较有增大的趋势,搏动指数指数PI是TCD的重要参数,主 要评价动脉的顺应性和弹性,可反映被检测脑血管阻力的变 化PI值增高表明脑血管阻力增高,反之PI值降低则表明脑 血管阻力降低;本研究显示,Hhcy者PI值增高,Vm增快,其 中PI值增高与恰恰能够反映出Hhcy能够造成血管内皮细 胞损伤,动脉粥样硬化形成3 ,从而导致其动脉反应性及 弹性发生改变,脑血管阻力增高,另外Vm增快可能是由于 Hhey作用于脑血管内皮细胞,对其

2、动脉血管内皮有损伤导 致血管内皮细胞结构基础发生改变6,并且Hhcy对血管内 皮细胞存在毒害作用l7,这种损伤及毒害作用最终导致内皮 细胞胶原暴露,从而激活凝血内源性凝血系统导致血栓形 成L8,官腔狭窄,从而使血流速度增快。众所周知,影响脑血 流量的因素主要是动脉压、脑血管阻力。血液中的CO。是调 节脑血管血流状态的重要因素,CO 分压高低直接影响脑小 动脉管径的大小。屏气时,可使动脉血CO 分压增高,造成高 碳酸血症,从而促使脑血管扩张。当一些脑血管病常见危险 因素作用下,脑血管自动调节功能降低或丧失,对动脉血中 CO。分压变化敏感性降低,这种血流速度变化直接体现在脑 血流量的变化【9。因此

3、通过TCD测量屏气前后受检动脉血 流速度的变化,可以评价脑血管的反应能力。而Hhcy是脑血 管病常见危险因素之一,其可导致动脉粥样硬化,血管内皮 细胞损伤,其血管对NO等收缩因子反应性增强,但对CO: 等舒张血管因素反应性下降,这种大血管的反应性下降导致 血管自动调节能力受损、CVR降低。通过研究n叩发现CVR 降低后脑血管调节能力减弱,容易受脑血管灌注压力变化的 影响,这种调节潜能的降低,导致其发生缺血性脑卒中的危 险性显著提高,而且通过此次实验结论进一步在理论上证实 Hhcy为缺血性脑卒中的独立危险因素L1 。 参考文献: 1华志强,王滨,张剑平,等短暂性脑缺血发作的临床、MRI和 TCD

4、表现分析j黑龙江医药科学,2005,28(6) 6465 1-23徐晓燕,解云平,刘俊英,等TCD对早期颅内血管狭窄的诊断意 义J黑龙江医药科学,2010,33(3):6162 3Ling QInhibition of endothelial cell thromboresistance by homoeys teineJJ Nula,2000,130l373-376 4Midorikawa S,SanadaH,Hashimoto SEnhancement by homoeys teine afplasminogen aetivatorinhibitor-l gene expression a

5、nd score tion from ascular endothe8 andsmooth muscle eNsJBioehembio- phys Rescommun,2000。272(1):182185 5Brunelli T,Prisco DFedi S,et a1High prevalence of mild hyperho- mocysteinemia in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysmJ JVase Surg,2000,32(3):531553 6王兴祥,尚云鹏,朱军慧,等同型半胱氨酸对外周血内皮祖细胞 数量和功能的影响口中国病理生理

6、杂志,2005,21:12741278 7Hieronim JProtein homocysteinylation:possible mechanism under lyingpathologiealeonsequeneesofelevatedhomocysteinelevelsJFA SEBJ,1999,13t 2277-2283 8Chambers JC,Obeid OAPhysiological increments in plasma homo cysteine inducevascular endothelial dysfunction in normal human subject

7、sJArterioscler ThmmbVasc Biol,1999,19(1z):2922 2927 9PavicsL,Grunwald F,Barzo P,et a1Eval uation of cerebral vaso re activity by SPECT and transcranial Dopphrs onography using theacetaz ola mide testJNuklear Medizin,1994,33(5):239-243 10Lee JH,Kelly DF,Oertel M,et a1Carbon dioxide eaetivity,perssue

8、autoreguation,and metabolic suppression reactivity after head in jury:a transeranial Doppler study-JJ Nearosury,2001,95(2): 222232 11Kosokable T,0kumura K,SaBe T,et a1Relation of a common methylenetetrehydrofolate reductase mutation and plasma homo- cysteine with intimal hyperplasia after coronary s

9、tentingJCircu lation,2001,10(16):20482054 (收稿13期:2013一lOl5) 作者简介:张有余(1985)男,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,在读硕士研究生。 通讯作者:张晓梅(1969)女,黑龙江佳木斯人,硕士,主任医师,研究生导师。Email:673706999qqcorn。 The eval uation Of cerebr0vascul ar reactivity by TCD combined with breath hol ding test ZHANG Youyu,ZHANG Xiaomei,BAIran (First Affiliated Hospi

10、tal of Jiamusi University,Jiamusi l54003,China) Abstract:Objective:To evaluate hyperhomocysteinemia cerebral vascular reactivityMethods:There were 42 cases in Hyper homocysteinemia group(age 2365 years,24 males,and 18 females),50 cases of nor mal people(age 2068 years old,male 29,female 21)The diffe

11、rences of age and sex ratio in two groups have no statistically significanceWe asked the subjects to hold breath 25s after breath 51 0 minutesWe recorded average flow velocity Vm of MCA and pulsatility index PI respectively before and after breath hold, then we calculated the change value and change

12、 rateResul ts:The average blood flow velocity of Vm in Hyper homocysteinemia group increased faster than that in control group(尸00 1)Pulsatihty index and resistance index of RI are higher than those in control group(P005)Hyper homocysteinemia group average blood flow velocity of Vm was lower than th

13、at in the control groupThe difference was statistically significant (P001)Conclusion:The reactivity of Hyper homocysteinemia cerebral vascular reducedTCD examina tion can provide theoretical basis for homocysteine early prevention Key words:high homocysteine;cerebrovascular reactivity;transcranial doppler;breath holding test


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