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1、Unit 2 What should I do?,Ways to Give Advice,You shouldYou couldWhy notWhy dont youYoud better,+ do,Section A1.不让.进入2.想要某人做某事3.呆在家里4.有足够的钱5.足够的忙6.和某人争吵,stay at home,词 组,keep out,want sb to do sth,busy enough,argue with sb,have enough money,7.给他写信8.给某人打电话9.一张的票 问题的答案 门上的钥匙10.需要做某事,write him a letter,

2、call sb up,a ticket to ,the answer to the question,the key to the door,need to do sth,need doing sth,11.有一个主意12.要求某人做某事 要求某人别做某事13.给某人买某物,buy sth for sb,have an idea,ask sb to do sth,ask sb not to do sth,Section B1.穿一样的衣服2.留同样的头发3.找出,发现4.受欢迎的5.邀请某人做某事6.和我一样的年纪,词 组,wear the same clothes,have the same

3、 haircut,find out,be popular,invite sb to do sth,the same age as me,7.与某人相处的好 8.和某人打架或吵架9.给我一些建议 10.一份兼职工作11.学会做某事20.直到才,get on well with sb,have a fight with sb,= fight with sb,give me some advice,a part-time job,learn to do sth,Reading1.直到.才.2.该是.的时间了3.快速吃早餐4.尽力做某事6.和我一样的年纪,词 组,not.until.,=Its tim

4、e to do sth.,Its time for,have a quick breakfast,=have breakfast quickly,try to do sth,5. 一方面. 另一方面 . 6. A与B比较7.各种各样的8.派遣、安排某人做某事,on the one handon the other hand,compare A with B,all kinds of,send sb to do sth,1.怎么啦?,辨 析,Whats wrong? Whats the matter?Whats the trouble?,2. maybe may be,用于句首 Maybe yo

5、u are right.,用于句中 It may be true.,3. leave 离开,落下 You left your homework at home.,leave for 动身去某地,4. 花费,sb pay+钱+for sth 某人为某物花了钱,sb spend on sth 某人花了在某事上,I paid 10RMB for this book.,sb spend (in) doing sth某人花了做,I spent 10RMB on this book.,I spent an hour in washing clothes.,It takes/took sb +时间 to d

6、o sth. 花了某人时间做某事,sth cost sb +钱 某物花了某人钱,This book cost me 10RMB.,It takes me an hour to go to school.,take sb to +地点 把某人带到某地,My father took me to Shanghai yesterday.,7. find it + 形容词+ to do sth 发现做某事,Its time for sth = Its time to do sth,5. 该是的时间了,Its time for homework.=Its time to do homework.,6. i

7、t 作形式主语的结构,Its +形容词+for sb+to do sth,Its important for us to study hard.,I find it necessary to wash teeth every day.,10. My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。 out of style “过时的,落伍的” 反义:in style,argue with 与某人争吵 = have an argument with sb.,8.,I dont want to argue with him. 我不想和他吵架。,9.borrow与lend的区别,

8、borrow借入 borrow sth from sblend 借出 lend sth to sb,11. call up表示“打电话”可以与名词、代词连用。连接代词时,把代词放在call与up之间。 Please call me up. Dont forget to call up your uncle.,12. except,besidesexcept作介词,意为“除之外”,指不包含某人或某物,着重强调除去的部分,后常跟名词或代词。例如: Everyone is here except Lily and Lucy.除了莉莉和露西之外,所有的人都在这儿。 We all went except

9、 Tom. 除了汤姆,我们都去了。besides 意为“除之外,还有”,指包含除去的部分。例如: I have two dictionaries besides this one.除了这本字典,我还有两本。,翻译下列句子,1 我父母想要我每天晚上都呆在家里。My parents want me _ _ at home every night. 2 我和最好的朋友吵架了。 I _ _ my best friend. 3 我不想在电话上谈论它。I dont want to talk _ it _ _ _. 4 也许他应该说他对不起。_ he _ say hes sorry.5 我需要钱来付夏令营的

10、费用。I need _ _ some money to _ _ summer camp.,to stay,argued with,about,on the phone,Maybe,should,to get,pay for,6. 你可以向你的哥哥借钱。 You could_ some money _ your brother. 7.我的朋友与我穿同样的衣服而且跟我发型也一样。 My friend wears _ _ clothes and has _ _ haircut _ I do. 8.我不想争吵,让我们忘掉它吧。 I _ want to _, lets _ it. 9.我们相处很好,但她

11、总是借我的东西。 We _ _ _, but she always _ my things. 10.我心里很烦而且不知道做什么。 Im very _ and dont know _ _ _.,borrow,from,the same,the same,as,dont,argue,forget,get on well,borrows,upset,what to do,单项选择,1.He doesnt have any money,_.either B. too C. also D. but2. My friend _ the same clothes. wear B. wears C. many

12、 D. a lot.3. Could you give me _ advice?some B. any C. an D. a4.My friend is angry with me. What should I _ to him?say B. speak C. argue D. talk5. He could do nothing except _ TV.watch B. watches C. watching D. will watch,6. I need to get some money to _ the summer camp.pay on B. pay in C. pay with

13、D. pay for.7. When I arrived home, I remembered that I _ my key in the classroom.forget B. forgot C. leave D. left8.Our teacher often tells us_ to the old politely.speak B. speaking C. to speak D. speak in 9. I really dont know _.A. What should I do B. what to do C. what does,课堂知识训练单词拼写:1 . Lucy and

14、 Lily often a_ with each other.2 .He has no money. I dont have, e_.3. My parents get a t_ for me to teach me English.4. -How much did you p_ for the book? - Ten yuan.5. We s_ look after old people.二. 单项选择:You shouldnt _ here. The baby _. A. play, sleeping B.to play, is sleeping C. plays, sleeps D .p

15、lay, is sleeping2. I need _ some money for my family. What should I do? A. to get B. gets C. getting D .got3 .Yesterday I argued _ Li Lei _ the thing. A. with, about B. to ,about C. about, with D. to, at4. Li Ming gave a ticket _ a film. A. of B. to C. about D. with5.When you lose your way, you should ask the policeman _help. A. for B. to C. with D. of6.My best friend gives me _ than before. A. Fewer advicesB. less advice C. more advices D .some advice“lets talk _ the weather .” “OK”. A. to B. with C. about D. on,


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