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1、第12期 候良泽:无为大堤加固工程建设管理工作思考 l07 Consideration on construction management on Wuwei embankment reinforcement of Yangtze River HOU Liangze (The Ynngtze River Authorit) fJAnhui Province,Wuh“241000China) Abstract: Wuwei embankment reinforcement of the Yangtze River is the infrastructure directly invesled b

2、y Ministry of Water Resources of China Fhe projet underwent for 23 years from 1 983 to 2005 rhe hmg peri c【anti complexity ot constru c。lion and nlanagefllenl are rare among the water conservancy infrastru(luresIn tile tonsiluction,Ihe construction managenlent and quality ontr()1 wcre put in the fir

3、st plate aIl the wayanti strit-t internal control system and powerful external supervision WetPondutted reaIlyWe summarize the construction management work I)f Wuwei embankment reinforcement of the Yangtze River and introduce the nianagemenl methods aud effetts,the adopted quality control measures a

4、nd pill forward improvement suggestions Key words: embankment;embankment reinforcement;eonslrtlction management;Wuwei embankment,niain emhankment of Yangtze Rive (上接第89页) Analysis of new technology for monitoring peripheral joint seepage of Shuibuya concrete faced rockfi11 dam XU Xiaodong,YAN Qiao,w

5、u Changbin (College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China) Abstract: In order to find out the seepage point of concrete rockfill dana,the high sensitive temperature sensor can he embed ded at different depths inside rocksoil media of retaining

6、worksWhen seepage flow passes the transducerthe heat transfer in tensity in earth will ehange,thus,through studying the normal earth temperature anti referring water temperature,we can deter mine whether there is seepageinduced temperature variation at the monitoring point nr not and the seepage poi

7、nt can be found nutThe range for nlonituring peripheral joints seepage of Shuibuya concrete faced rockfill dam is】200 ni,which is divided into 1 0 Inoniloring units,and 5080 fiber grating temperature sensor are embedded in each unil with an interval uf I53 mThe seepage condition of Shnibuya concrete

8、 faced rockfill dam beftlre and after impoundment was monitored rhe monitoring results show that there is no obvious temperature variation,which agrees with the practical situationThis method is an innovation for traditional monitoringand can be referred by similar projects Key words:high concrete f

9、aced roekfill dam;peripheral joint;seepage monitoring;fiber grating flow monitoring system 简讯 社会媒体高度关注长江流域汛情 近一段时间,长江流域的汛情灾情引起流域群众和社会媒 体高度关注,新华社、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、中国日 报、凤凰卫视等媒体先后来长江水利委员会采访。长江委高度 重视防汛抗洪宣传工作,将长江流域汛情及有关应对措施在第 一时间向社会发布,营造了良好的舆论氛围。 6月中下旬以来,长江流域发生2次明显的集中强降雨过 程。受强降雨影响,长江干流、部分主要支流及洞庭湖和鄱阳 湖水系等发

10、生超警或超保洪水,长江流域lO省市受灾严重。 长江委高度重视、积极应对,加强预测预报,坚持滚动会商,精 细调度水库,积极指导抢险,努力做好各项防汛工作。 汛情发生后,全社会十分关注汛情及防汛应对措施,新华 社、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、中国日报、凤凰卫视等l3 家媒体近30人次采访长江委,媒体采访后及时发表文字、视 频、广播等新闻。新华社发表长江防汛形势严峻干流多处水 位超警戒、长江水文局监测显示降雨间歇两湖水系逐步进入 退水期、长江防总针对两湖流域汛情启动防汛级响应、 长江防汛抗旱总指挥部结束长江防汛级应急响应、关注 汛情:长江中下游干流水位缓涨等,中央人民广播电台播出 三峡首次泄洪未加重下游防汛负担,中国日报英文版发表 长江防汛进入“关键期”,中国新闻社发表三峡水库逐步减 少下泄流量缓解长江防汛压力、长江干流下游及鄱阳湖水位 双超警防汛形势严峻、长江防总办滚动会商当前两湖汛情, 中华工商时报发表长江防汛应急响应升至级,湖北日报发 表长江防总再发紧急通知:做好迎战强降雨准备,楚天都市 报发表长江委称今年可能出现“98”式洪水防汛形势仍严峻 等,部分报道被中央人民政府门户网站、人民网、新华网、中国 新闻网、中国水利网、新浪、搜狐、网易、火凤网、荆楚网、东方网 等转载。 、 (长江)


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