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1、小学英语老师面试自我介绍(英文版)第一篇:英语老师面试自我介绍 general introdutioni am a third ear master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong universit, p. r. hina. ith tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am riting to appl for aeptane into our ph.d. graduate program.eduation bakgroundin95, i entered the nanjing

2、 universit of siene tehnolog - idel onsidered one of the hina s best engineering shools. during the folloing undergraduate stud, m XXdemi reords kept distinguished among the hole department. i as granted first lass prize ever semester, and m overall gparanked no.1 among students. in99, i got the pri

3、vilege to enter the graduate program aived of the admission test. i seleted the shanghai jiao tong universit to ontinue m stud for its best reputation on binatorial optimization and netork sheduling here m researh interest lies.at the period of m graduate stud, m overall gparanked top 5% in the depa

4、rtment. in the seond semester, i beame teaher assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl. this ear, i on the aer sholarship as the one and onl andidate in m department, hih is the ultimate aolade for distinguished students endoed b m universit. presentl, i am preparing m graduation

5、 thesis and tring for the honor of exellent graduation thesis.researh experiene and XXdemi ativithen a sophomore, i joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. in97, i partiipated in simulation tool development for the sheduling sstem in prof. ang s

6、 lab. ith the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportation sheduling sstem. it is no idel used b different researh groups in nust. in98, i assumed and fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for nanjing seage treatment plant. this as m first pratie to onvert a labor

7、ator idea to a merial produt.in99, i joined the distinguished professor u-geng xis researh group aiming at netork flo problem solving and heuristi algorithm researh. soon i as engaged in the fudan gene database design. m dut as to pik up the useful information among different kinds of gene mathing f

8、ormat. through the parison and analsis for man heuristi algorithms, i introdued an improved evolutionar algorithm - multi-population geneti algorithm. b dividing a hole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm an effetivel prevent ga from loal onvergene and promote various ev

9、olutionar orientations. it proved more effiientl than sga in experiments, too. in the seond semester, i joined the orkshop-sheduling researh in shanghai heav dut tre plant. the sheduling as designed for the rubber-making proess that overed not onl disrete but also ontinuous irumstanes. to make a bal

10、ane point beteen optimization qualit and time ost, i proposed a dnami laered sheduling method based on hbrid petri nets. the pratial appliation shoed that the average makespan as shortened b a large sale. i also publiized to papers in ore journals ith this idea. reentl, i am doing researh in the pos

11、ite predit of the eletrial poer sstem assisted ith the tehnolog of data mining for bao steel. i tr to bine the deision tree ith reeding optimization to provide a ne solution for the posite preditive problem. this projet is no under onstrution.besides, in jul 201X, i got the opportunit to give a letu

12、re in english in asia ontrol onferene hih is one of the top-level onferenes among the orld in the area of ontrol and automation. in m senior ear, i met prof. xiao-song lin, a visiting professor of mathematis from universit of alifornia-riverside, i learned graph theor from him for m netork researh.

13、these experienes all rapidl expanded m knoledge of english and the understanding of estern ulture.i hope to stud in depthin retrospet, i find mself standing on a solid basis in both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the ph.d. program. m future researh interests inlude: netork sheduling pr

14、oblem, heuristi algorithm researh and b shoing that ou are interested in both the job and the organization. this means ou need to do some researh about the business beforehand.strengths and ahievementsin our self-introdution ou ill inlude some examples of our strengths and ahievements hih relate dir

15、etl to the requirements of the ne job. this must also demonstrate our personal qualities that ou appl hen ou are doing the job beause the tpe of person ou are is often far more important then just having the abilit to do a job.the a ou outline our self-introdution, in partiular the a ou speak, tells

16、 the intervieer hether ou are onfident in our abilities so ou must rehearse it ell, but dont tr to be hat ou are learl not - oull onl be found out at a later date. get a friend to listen to our self-introdution ith a ritial ear, beause if it sounds false it ill set the alarm bells ringing ith the intervieer ho ill detet that it is not the real ou and destro the rapport ou ere building up. pratie speaking faster or more slol, louder or quietl and tr to var it throughout.hen ou


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