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1、学院毕业生英语简历范文Job desription: dail ork mainl inludes the management of aounts reeivable, traking, bank reoniliations, bank transfer, aount, ithdrXXls. The management of invoies, invoies, online tax, aounting, aount book registration, preparation, a ash flo statement paroll aounting, materials managemen

2、t, pa ater and eletriit ost management, personnel information management, staff reruitment, staff arrangement, establishment, personnel files of the business liense, ertifiate of organization ode inspetion the replaement, et.Reason for leaving: personal reasonsEduation bakgroundUniversit one is grad

3、uated from: Guangzhou Huali College of Siene and TehnologDegree: ollege graduation date: 201X-06-01Major: seond professional aounting:Language abilitLanguage: English is the generalMandarin Level: exellent Cantonese level: exellentSelf assessmentCareful, livel and heerful, strong abilit to adapt, se

4、rious and responsible ork, illing to bear hardships and stand hard ork, and onstantl improve themselves, have good muniation skills, teamork spirit. Master aounting pratie abilit, familiar ith the moral la, familiar ith Mandarin, Cantonese, English must have heard that reading and riting skills, familiar ith ord proessing softare, eletroni Word table proessing softare Exel, presentation softare PoerPoint and other offie softare.



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